
Twilight of the Imperium

For ten thousand years, Imperium had stood on the brink of destruction, crippled by the Emperor favorite son Horus, its bloated corpse ridden with maggots infesting, gorging on its wounds...

The final battle of Humanity against the darkness is at hand, the plague in it's darkest nights have been scattered, Dawn have come for the Imperium... For the first time...

The cycle have been broken...

Many players on this galactic stage have now gathered on this grimdark stage... To play their part for one last time.

Loyalist, Traitors, Heretics and Xenos converged for the last time...

Chaos deamon spawn have converged into Materium en massed to wreck a final laugh of a Gambit...

Traitor Angron that is possessed have been sighted near the star sector near the T'au former space leaving a trail of blood as a clue...

Orks Waagh have directed towards the T'au sector that is lead by Ghazkull Thrakka...

Tyrannids have been swarming by the tendrils into the location, that many of the sectors they were supposedly in left empty in it's wake...

The Eldars that is lead by Eldrad have foretold the end times have arrived... And the Isha being a faction goddess and Khaine have been revived for the final push, Cegorach and his Solitaires and his Harlequins tropes have been more active as of late. And now supported the Imperium with no hesitation...

And the Tyrannids are flooding like a endless tide seen no other by the Imperium observers.

The Necron watched the sidelines with intent as they waited for the Silent King to give orders.

As a Necron World Engine was activated and was headed towards the Eye of Terror and all imperium fleets was to make way for the weapon that closed the nightmare forever.

The Imperium for the first time in their history, managed to find reprieved against the horrors that clashed upon them for so long... Have graced them a news that their wished their forefathers would hear this...

The Emperor had decended and the Primarchs have returned... The Vast legions of Astartes now clashed with the traitors and Xenos alive in that ruined system.

Memories reemerge, brotherhood and bonds broken, grudges and mistrust ages past, reforged through this conflict and heroes are made every second in this conflict. Accounts of blood settled on this distant system so far from Terra...

The Indominatus Crusade made a Significant progress and the Corrupted fleet have now been incapacitated.

But a New Crusade is On the Horizon.

Twilight Crusade...

The T'au Home system is guarded by vast fleets of Copies of the Imperium Vast Grand Crusade Navy now expanding outwards and Doppelganger Legions of Astartes and Titans entrenched themselves on captured systems below... Protected by shielding that prevent orbital bombardment... And Chaos Androids to bolster the defenses... With the Caches Alexander left in the space unearthed and now used against the Imperium...

It was a grinder and all of the actor in this stage know it. That losses is higher than imperium acceptable losses. But if they leave this tumor... Who else would defy them...

On the Ruins of the T'au Homeworld is a break or miss... A Final victory... Or a Eternal damnation.

(Macragge Honor)

Roboute Guilliman, now Regent of Terra have order the push towards the targeted system, whatever assets he have in his arsenal have brought to bear against the outsider that wished to ruined all they have created...

He was not alone... In his mind, the memory of his foster mother brought him hope... And his brothers reunited once more... He turned to look at the Bucephalus that was slowly moving alongside with his ship, it that held the man that make it possible...

Vast fleets appeared next to his ship every minute of every hour... Scores of Untold Imperium Guard regiments joined up to finish their last task... The Silent King Gave a Small fleet of his royal guards as a gesture of good will.

And the Eldars now brought their might full bear against the Outsider... Their illusive Cosairs now entered the void and some are bold and crazy enough to travel in the warp for short distances now that Slaanesh is defeated... Stemming tides of Orks in other Segmentum for the Imperium...

This is a Gambit that Revelation have made ages ago and now Roboute get to embark the Twilight Crusade... Hopefully the Final crusade.

As he resolved to fixed the Imperium and make it stable enough without his oversight...

As the Imperium fleet arrived into the T'au sector.

They faced a battle royal against the Outsider forces, Tyranids, Orks and Chaos alike.

Burnt out husk of different sizes drifted into the void... Tyrannids fleed clashed against the Outsider fleets while attacking the Orks...

This make Orks very pleased as this is the biggest Waaagh and they have a lotta scrappin and lootz to sell for teef, More and more Greenskins are flooding into this system for the "propa fighting" and for once it managed to give less pressure on the sectors that is affected by the green taint.

Roboute is not hinder by the amount of Xenos and traitor flooding into the system.

"Open fire and eliminate them till there's nothing left." As soon as his words left his lips...

Billions of missiles, Torpedoes, Heavy Lancers, Macrocannons lit up the void, turning the vast empty space into a glowing flame in space...

The path opened before them as there was not even a wreck of the Orks, Traitors or a sample of Tyrannid biomass ships in the distance...

And those that remains was picked off by the Fighters and Mechas that killed off the stragglers...

Roboute knew it was just temporary as the void would filled in once more by the unending amount of Orks and Tyranids... The armada swept past the battlefield with a aura of defiance.

The Journey to the Center of Tau former Capital system is much more difficult, Raiding Parties of the Copy Astartes raided the Supply lines.

Raven guard, and Alpha legions were tasked to defend it as they have the same strategy. But Corvus Conrad, Alpharius and Omegon was managed to dispell the fakes as they did not have a Primarch to lead...

And being attacked by all sides...

And every siege of the planets to be retaken have been vicious and costly...

The fleets are separated into 4 fleets to handle a four pronged assault. As there may be one will reach its destination while the three is sent to handle the enemies...

Perturabo and Rogal Dorn worked together for once, taking a fleet to the South of the T'au controlled system where the outsider forces is located. But Rogal made a surprising choice of leaving Perturabo as the Leader of the assault.

No words was needed or jabs as they know the danger. And Rogal wanted to see if Perturabo have the chance to shine...

The Death korps of krieg with Iron warriors and Imperial fists is a deadly combo.

Iron Warriors Artillery rained from the skies and the Krieg swept past the ruined landscape taking the land with their blood... And the stragglers was picked up by imperial fists tetsudo formations.


As Imperium Fleet is engaging in T'au controlled systems....

The Black Legion took action.

Abaddon was furious that there was rumors spoken throughout the Back Legion... A Message was sent...

"Sons of Horus have returned. And He heed the call once more, Coordinates are..."

He gnashed his teeth... He got rid of the last vestiges of his father... And now that words haunt him... Many of his soldiers have lingering affection of the former Warmaster...

Some of them managed to escaped and joined up with Horus... And Magnus was nearby to keep a eye on him...

He knew it was a clone, not the real thing...

But even then, he must stiffled that illusionary hope...

As the Black Legion arrive at the location with what assets they had... They found a lone ship that emitted the broadcast...

They were hailed and a visual of Horus... That wore his clothes before his fall, appeared before them...

"Father!" Abaddon gnashed his teeth as he realized that Fabius Bile gave him a False clone to solidify his claim over the black legion...

"Abaddon... My sons..." He looked visibly pained seeing what become of his sons...

Memories flooded into the traitor minds...

Every movement Horus moved is like a memory that is long forgotten began to surfaced in their souls...

"You are just a clone! You are not real!"

"But I held a sliver of his soul within me... His memories, his vision, his connection with you.. Abaddon...Come home..."

"Home? We come this too far to come home! I waded in the mud and ridicules to where we are!"

Abaddon chuckle madly as he spouted his vitriol and hatred... But Horus listen intently as if he was the original...

"There Is a choice son...a second-" the screen was blasted apart by Abaddon Bolters...

He moved towards the Gunnery Captain

"I order you to attack that ship now!"

Sir... Horus...*Bang* his skull was blasted apart and his lifeless body slid to the ground and to be feasted upon by the local daemons...

And the Gunnery Captain was replaced by a more agreeable yesman and opened fire on the ship...

In the broken static of the Voxcaster... A sad voice was heard softly...

"Is this your answer son?"

The Black legion ships opened fire but some of the Captains of the ships that didn't want to harmed their former Warmaster...

Some began to turned on the traitors...

Making the Back Legion in disarrayed...

Another fleet arrive in the scene with the thousand sons flagship Photep that held Horus and Magnus stood on the command throne...

Horus eys was closed as He heard Abaddon answers...

"I never wanted to kill my sons... Brother... I know we have misgivings in the past... Am I doing the right thing?" He shed a tear seeing that his sons tore each other apart...

Magnus can't help but to give him a pat on the shoulders and stayed silent for a moment j til he spoke...

"I may have hated you for what you done for Prospero... But now... Brother... It is time to act. I can only provide advice that is needed."

He steel himself and shouted his old battlecry..

"We kill for the living! We kill for the dead!" As he raised his spear.

"Luprecal!" Was the sound of the Astartes behind him.

(Vengeance Spirit)

The Ship suffered several hull breaches and still remained strong as it was the conduit of the Warp to the materium realm...

The Remaining Chaos three gave so much power to it that it eclipse the ship during the Horus Heresy...

Every Demonic spirit worked inside the ship overtime that the barrels of the guns was glowing demonic red... The hallways became pulsating flesh that is filled with blood and pus...

But they were facing the Warmaster of the Imperium... Horus Luprecal of the Luna Wolves...

He took his now reformed Sons of Horus legion into his former flagship breached it from within...

Boarding torpedoes numbered in the Thousands pierce into the ship hide, each containing a squad of Astartes or soldiers in power armor... It groaned in pain as the contents of those torpedoes unleashed a fury of bolter and flames into the hallways.

He knows every crack of the ship and memories now drifted in the past, when he was just Horus that spent time with his sons... Not a Warmaster of the Imperium... But simply Horus Luprecal of the Luna Wolves...

His tactics of taking the head of the snake now targeted... His Last Firstborn son...

The boarding parties wrecked havoc and caused enough damaged from within that it allowed their ships to carry on the attack.

As Horus went to the command deck...

He met Abaddon now crazed with power that dwelled in him... No longer was the despoiler despised the gifts of chaos but wholely embracing it knowing that the man before him is beyond his power...

There they met in the very same deck he was slained by the Emperor ages past...

"Father..." Abaddon softly spoke as flares of darkness emanated from him.

"Forgive me Son..." Horus Raised his master crafted spear made by the Emperor and Alexander that named Redemption...

The clash of the Warmasters began.

Abaddon clashed and Parry his former Primarch blade with the daemon sword that contained the first murder and chaos now fueled him as he needed all the power he could get, Horus was undeterred.. and they clashed once more...

Despite how Abaddon fight... He was overpowered and impaled by the spear destroying his twin hearts in the process...

Father slaying his son, a tragedy occured on the very same deck...

The Despoiler... Felt his life draining away... He gasp as if he was still trying to stay alive...

He felt the powers of chaos faded away... Leaving his frail body and drained him as payment...

13 Crusades... For 13 crusade he was trying to keep the memory of his Genefather alive... To avenged him and the Imperium that wronged them... Now unraveled by what he seeks the most...

His mind stood clear... He saw the image of his Genefather staring at his face... He tried to grasp it.. but he felt so far...

He felt a hug... But he could not embrace it nor push it away...

His mind slowly flicker as he sense tears on his face being dripped down on his cheek...

He could see the mouth of Horus moved but he could not hear it...

His eyes slowly started to go black as darkness consumed him...

"Brother Abaddon? Are you coming?" Abaddon found himself in a battlefield where he met his company... His brothers at arms lost in the warp... Beckoned him in the distance... Tahrik...

He wanted to stay... But somehow... He felt something pushed him forward...

"I will be there!" Abaddon moved forward into the distance...

Horus mourn his son dead by his own hands, a corpse in his own arms...

Magnus could only bear watching as it took several hours till Horus could not longer shed tears but blood dripping on his eyes...

Horus took what left of the Black legion that remains loyal to him to aid the battlefront, the thousand sons accompanied him, managed to removed the taint... And his former flagship was sent towards a black hole as the corruption was too much for the Thousand Sons to sanctify... In the command deck now devoid of Life...

Was placed in the sole silence is a elegant marble coffin that held Abaddon remains... Even when he committed several horrors towards the imperium... He was still a Son of Horus...

A hooded figure appeared beside the Coffin holding the Abaddon sword, just moments before it entered the final phase of no return...

"*Tsk tsk...* You are incompetent but your body would prove useful against Alexander." The figure giggled as the Coffin was whisked away to a destination unknown... And a scream was heard in the voice of the night...


Lion and Angron was tasked to hunt down Angron corrupted self... And Leman Russ was tasked as reinforcements...

"You sure you can handle him brother?" Lion asked...

"I want to end the nightmare that I inflicted to humanity..." Angron held his Chain Axe... Maintaining it as possible...

Gifted by his father and blessed by the Echlesiarchy... It was ironic that it was needed.

"Your Son over there had been silent over there

..." Lion Pointed out to Kharn that was nearby...

Many accounts of him was vague in the aftermath of the Horus heresy but he remained loyal renegade and took the name Magos when he dealt with the Imperium for supplies...

He managed to stay alive all this years to avenged his fallen brothers, each of them was in the trinklets that was mag lock on his body, it held the memories of them and a distant bygone dream...

Many times he returned to the city that once held the freemen now turned to dust by time, that only the monument that signify the dead remained to wonder, to contemplate what went wrong...

Until he met his true Primarch now freed from the butchers nails.

He berated Angron... Yelled at him in anger for all the damages his daemon version of him had done to the Imperium... Angry at the fact that his brothers now chained down by the very own butchers nails that held down Angron...

That they were supposed to free the slaves and the injustice... Not butcher them...

Angron said nothing as he knows any more words would make Kharn explode...

"I have come to remove my sins of not doing anything..."

"You been gone for Ten Millennia! Its far too late for that now!" Kharn Bellowed.

"But it's never to late to erase my mistakes..."


They arrived in the sector where the Orks are prevalent.

Angron and Lion arrived where his possessed body now fighting against Ghazkull...

"Fer old Bale Eye!" One of the Orks Screamed as his body was killed by a swiped of Daemon Angron Axe...

Ghazkull wounded, managed a snarled as he lumbered forward and grabbed Daemon Angron Axe with his power klaw, sparks emanated between them represent the rage he have against Angron of stealing his rival.

The World Eaters now possessed by rage from the butcher nails and Khorn blessing raged across the battlefield. And the Khornate Imperator Titan Abominatus join the fight reaping countless Orks in each swing of the enormous chainaxes and Lava Cannons.

"Blood for the blood god!" Screamed one Khornate berserker as he was blown to pieces of Ork rokits.

"Skull for the Skull Throne!" Another raised a Ork kaptain skull and used it with such force it was like a makeshift bowling ball of flesh and bone into the green tide, reaping a swath of the Greenskin in it's wake...

Madness and rage fester on the battlefield...

The arrival of the Imperium fleets was unnoticed as their prize was before them.

Both Chaos and Ork Fleet fought on the orbit and their destroyed husk came crashing down on the planet below killing scores of people that was unlucky enough to be underneath the wreckage path...

The Imperium ships now attack both of the wounded fleets making the place a contested battlefield.

But they were able to land several scores of people to place teleporters to make a swift landing...

The imperium heraled their entrance with a war cry

"Freedom through Liberation! For the Twelfth!" The Reformed world eaters roared.

"Repent for tomorrow! You die!" Asmodai roared with the fact that he have to fight with the fallen Dark angels but also the Former traitor world eaters... This day is such as weird day for him...

And after the roar several orbital bombardment was launched killing swaths of Orks and Khornate bezerker alike...

From the space surrounding the planet is contested with Orks, Traitors and Imperium forces was barely managed to launched a few bombardment before they handle in the battle for space suremacy.

As Angron and Lion Faced Daemon Angron ...

Kharn found the one that tried to possesed him just calmly dispatching a lesser Ork Warboss...

"You!" Kharn ganshed his teeth as he looked at his chaos counterpart...

"Well, well... If it isn't the coward... Did you come back for a rematch?" The Betrayer watched his weaker pitiful self from a mountain of Ork corpses...

"This time I will not fail! For the Fallen!" Kharn leap in a distance with his Chain Axe roaring to meet the flesh that killed his brothers...

The Betrayer sighed as he used his Chaos Chain Axe to parry Kharn...

A fight between them was so serious that other Orks that wanted to join in the fun between them was destroyed by the swiftness and force of blows.

"Magos died like a fool and you watched him die." The betrayer smiled under his helmet.

"He never wanted this, you...will pay for that " kharn grinned as his chainaxe was glowing gold and it clash once more with the Betrayer axe...

Smashing it into half and into Betrayer Shoulder

The Traitor managed to puncture Kharn Armor destroying one of his heart but it didn't matter as the axe is slicing the nightmare version of him...

The Betrayer laid on the floor... Now slain, Kharn somehow felt relieved... In the faint distance he saw a illusion figure of Magos and his brothers that was slained by his chaos self, smiling amidst the roars of the Orks and Khornate berzerkers...

"I did it brothers..." He felt his wounded heart...Ichor is falling down from his busted ceramite armor... His reason, his revenge is over..

"The World Eaters have been avenged..."

He grabbed his broken Chain axe as he charged into the Ork mass heading towards him...

The battlefield howls of the wolves have pervaded the battlefield and Astartes with giant wolves that is lead by a grinning Russ as the Space wolf's was tossed into the fray...

"For Russ and the Emperor!" Was their war cry as they managed to rip and tear through the Orks ranks.

The Emperor Executioner have arrived.


Angron and Lion was facing a three way war.

One is Ghazkull Thrakka and the other is the Former body of Angron now filled with Warp charged butcher nails and he overshadowed all of them with his height.

Ghazkull didn't bother Angron as there is no way he was Angron without the butcher nails.

"Git outta my way Humies, That Git Angron is mine!" Ghazkull snarled.

"I am afraid I can't do that Greenskin." Lion stared daggers into Ghazkull... As he prepared to deal with this psuedo krork.

Angron faced his self...

Powerful, towering...

"But you are still chained..." Angron looked at him...

The Daemon roared, barely to speak even a simple gothic no longer... Only instinct as a former gladiator remained.

They clashed and the world they stood on trembled by the sheer might of Chaos...

Angron was undeterred as he fought..

One surprising moment was the Ursus Claws was dropped from orbit and impaled the daemon prince... And he looked up seeing his own flagship ship is now burning to the ground... As it was besieged by both Orks and Imperial forces.

"Lotarra Sarrin"... Angron said softly... He could sense the agony of his captain soul... As she fighting control over the ship malignant machine spirit.

It made the Daemon Angron furious as he felt was injustice... And he proceeded to destroy the ships that is attacking his own ship... But the battle on the planet is what kept him from doing so...

But Ghazkull have arrive now bloodied than ever enter the fight, Lion and Leman is chasing after him...

Angron, with the help of his brothers and Ghazkull they managed to kill him permanently... With the weapons that is blessed by the Emperor essence.

His soul was freed and portion of his powers now flooded into Angron... His memories now melded with him...

"Oi ya Gitz now that we venge fer old bale eye, it is not enough, but ya three deserves a gud krumpin!" Ghazkull chortle as he attacked them.

But in doing so it marked a target over them...

Reinforcements from the league have arrived to support them and stem the tide...

And with them is the Black Templars and Crimson Fist to aid the Frontlines...

As their expertise of Ork biology helped to kill them as much as possible.

But their mission was not to exterminate them to the last but to not let them escape from this war torn world..

The Loyalist managed to slowly teleported out of the planet, making the Warboss confused...

As this time the planet is subjugation of a Exterminatus....

Now the Primarchs have to face the Greatest Prophet of Gork and Mork distracted until the process is complete...

They clash once more, Imperium defiance vs Ork destruction.

Time is what they do and time is what they achieve.

As they clash to determine who's the survivor...

The fleet carrying the cargo have appeared in the orbit... Many of the Imperium ships defended this special fleet as it prepared to drop it's payload..

What they drop is a cyclone torpedoes containing very special self-replicating Nano swarm capable of devouring flesh and matter alike to grow recklessly.

As they drop randomly in orbit knowing what is below is fuel for the perpetual swarm.

Lion with his timing managed to forestwalked away giving his brothers to know the time is near.

Ghazkull was baffled why they teleported but seeing a endless tide of silver swarm of flesh eating, now he realized he been duped.

He roared in anger as the swarm of nanomachines ate the flesh and metal that was Ghazkull and what remained of the Orks on the planet is just the silences of of the vast Waagh...

Seeing the success of the prototype, Guilliman called it... "Ork Herbicide" as now the planet have no longer to fear of the Orks Spores as the newer generations of the Nano swarm can now differentiate Orks and Tyrannids from humans.

With the Orks forces now in complete disarray upon the death of the Warboss. Jaghatai Khan have now tasked to kill every stragglers that tried to escape, a single Ork will make a sector in danger.

Now the Imperium turned to the Traitors.


The Conqueror was in disarray, the crews are getting ready for boarding actions as they repelled both the Orks and the Imperial... But another set of boarding torpedoes now dropped into the ship and Angron took charge...

He tried to use his power to sense where she is located...

"The Auxiliary command deck..." He muttered.

He knows this place better than anyone..

From the warp filled hallways.. and the elongated corridors he reached where she is...or was...

What he felt before is the echoes of the captain of the Conquerer..

Lotarra Sarrin is dead and she sat on the command throne as a decrepit corpse with countless wires and tubes connected to her back as if she is melded with the ship...

"*Bzzt* Its been a long time Angron."

He turned around and saw a screen was his former captain.

"What how?"

"I picked a few things while you been away...the moment you exited that medbay, you weren't the same... Especially that version of you tossed your own brother out of the airlock... Never known if we would ended up like this..." She sadly watched as Angron approach her corpse...

"Do what you must..." Her image gave a smile as she flickered into nothingness, Angron grabbed the coils and tube and began to ripped and tear from the corpse... He carried her remains gently out of the bullet ridden passageways.

The Conquerer Machine Spirit howled throughout the ship as it demanded the captain corpse to be like her...

The false image of her ordered all the forces in the ship to converge to Angron... Chaos Servitors and Chaos Worlds Eaters that didn't land in the planet below to join in the feast of slaighter converged in his general direction...

His new sons have pass the trials of war now defended their Genefather with such ferocity that some of the World Eaters decided to go after them.

Angron managed to get out and and returned to Lion ship, the Imperium now converged to destroy the Conquerer and it's defensive fleets.

Angron watched the destruction of his ship from the observation deck... His damaging legacy is forgotten in the hull of the ruined ship...

"Sorry Lotarra.... Couldn't keep you in there... Perhaps next time... Your will be my captain of my ship... In the next life." He watched as the Conquerer gave a shrieking scream in the warp as it was destroyed permanently...


Roboute watched as reports came in...

Majority Imperium secondary objectives of the Twilight Crusade are met

. Abaddon is dead

. Daemon Prince Angron is killed.

. Ghazkull is eliminated.

. The Ork Waagh is dismantled with acceptable losses.

Now the last is to kill the outsider and the Tyrannids mauled enough to be manageable numbers and Twilight Crusade is finished.

Roboute watched as a Bucephalus swept past his own and now converging with a fleets that done their task into the heart of the storm...


"Alexander it is time." The Emperor voice rang out in his mind as they made way into the former Tau capital.

Alexander was in Revelation office as they made way to kill the outsider...

"I know old friend..." Alexander watched as he spent time in this realm...

He was in this ship when he was picked up as a Guardsman from Mina, now he is a leader of a spanning League.... How this ship is connected to both the emperor and him...

As the Rumblings of the hull shook from the first volley that was sent into the enormous amount of ships defending the planet...

"Will we meet again?" Alexander asked the emperor as he was to enter the ship teleportarium

"We will...someday...now go fullfil your task at hand."

Alexander smiled as he entered the deepest part of the enemy territory alone.

"The Emperor protects after all...See you later old friend..."


Alexander watched on the ground as the Bucephalus left with the defense fleet baited to go after it.

The T'au Capital Planet was changed drastically since his last invasion...

Gears and flesh replaced the technological Tau cities... And the world was in pain of being Terraformed into a daemon planet.

Chaos androids and Fake Astartes patrolling the battle ridden street...

"I need distractions... Perhaps some sabotage would be in use?" Alexander chuckle as the patrols didn't notice him...

Thanks to being the emissary of the Machine god, they could not sense his presence using technology unless he wanted to.

And as a psuedo blank, they could not detect his presence in the warp...

As he survey the lands. He found that they are coming from a structures similar to the Necron Dolmen gate that was meant to breached into the Webway... But found he could not enter it.

"So it's like a prototype of the Warhammer system? Theseus any scan on this beings?"

[Confirming that these structures are similar to the first system prototype of army creation system that my predecessors used "Barracks" it is called...only it's been used to send forces to funnel into a one way trip...]

'So it's just a ripoff...' Alexander thoughtfully looked as a another squad of Astartes flooded out of the gates "Better be the Commando Commander once more..." Alexander smiled as he got a Subverses making all sorts of weapons he truly needed...

"Can a Melta Charge able to destroy it?"

[Calculating.... You need to have at least 5 tons of it]

"I have plenty... They didn't called me armoury for nothing...." Alexander held several charges of Melta charges. He was not just a high lord that have paperwork but a commando before that...


Explosion occured all over the cities of tau , raising the alarm, Many of the defenders searched and combed the planet like a swarm of angry locust...

But try as they might to find Alexander, more and more of the building that producing the unit is destroyed and the defenses wrecked making the landing more viable... The Outsider sent more of his builder servitors to rebuild them, only met with a empty spot on the shoulders.

"Alexander is here... Remove your helmets and you will find him. Have the Chaos Androids switched from visual to heat seeking vision" He ordered.

It only made Alexander have a bit more difficulty to sabotage the remaining of the defenses...

As he prepared for the arrival of the Imperium.

Holy Terra is under Attack.

While the Outsider was waiting for the Imperium, he sent a Armada to go after the Emperor and the Astronomican.

As taking out the one thing to make the imperial see in the warp travel, unable for them to use would be a major contender.

And he used a Ftl drives to ignore the warp routes bypassing any defenses of Fortress worlds and checkpoints and now invaded the sanctuary of the Sol system.

The Solar Guards of the Adeptus Custodes and the Lord Solar Macharius was alerted of the invasion and acted accordingly. Mars was aware of the plan and now they will assist as much as they could.

Ancient Orbital defense platforms of Luna was reactivated and loaded their first shell.

Vulkan and his Salamanders took defense of Terra, holding the defenses for the eternity gate, Sanguinius and Ferrus Manus along with their legions defended Terra along with the defenders while their brothers is away... Mortarion was in the palace below the dark rooms as his legion is sent to serve as echelon troops or apothecaries to defend as much lives as possible.

The citizens was caught unaware as the invasion was heard in the Vox that invaders have arrive. And Several Orbital Bombardment landed on the planet causing Panic and screams to fill the air.

The Ancient gateway that once lead to the League now opened to let the population into a evacuation planet.

The air sirens and klaxon horns was heard as the defender to the throne now braced themselves for the upcoming onslaught...

The Emperor waited as he wore a Newly forged armor as he defended personally of the golden Throne... With former Captain General Constantine Valdor by his side along with a Army of Blanks that he created... He could hold out long enough. He is accompanied by Eldrad and a Army of Eldars along with 5 tropes of Harlequins on Cegorach behest.


The Landing of the Tau Homeworld is brutal and costly. As the Imperium join up into a fleet so large one would have thought they been assured of victory by the people with untrained eyes... But thing were not so different as Roboute watched a Copy of His Flagship Macragge Honor, Magnus Photep, Angron Conquerer and the Vengeance Spirit of Horus. It was not there when Alexander deposited into the planet by the Bucephalus...

As Imperium ships clashed with a mirror image of themselves and voidcraft swarmed like angry hornets in space wanting to take down the another.

Boarding Torpedoes was sent on both sides.

Death and Debris is prevalent in this place.

As a silver of the space was secured the Astartes Battle barges launched drop pods into the ground by the thousands, many of the defensive emplacements of both the remains of the tau defensive matrix and the outsider forces dwindle the drops significantly.

Alexander managed to sabotage or destroyed as much as he can, until the first Astartes drop pods was landed and unloaded Men with fury in their eyes. As they shouted their chapter houses war cry as they fought to gain Landing zones.

And More and more Astartes landed securing a part of the planet, a Beacon was placed. And the First Titan Legion was teleported along with a Armoured Regiments of the Imperial Guard.

Titans clashed once more with their powerful might, Molding the landscape into a open field, Cities was destroyed to smoking holes, swaths of enemies turned to dust.

There they fought titans of flesh and bone...

And Blood Is spilt on this unknown land.

And it flowed freely that Khorn, despite the loss of his favored champion have intervene in the fight as Bloodletters swarm on both sides and Abominatus having only banished for a short period of time, now reappear in this place causing the fight to be more chaotic.

Alexander took advantage of this and managed to sneak into the T'au palace once more. To meet his predecessor...


Alone in the darkness... He could hear the footstep of the Astartes defending his predecessor, they are emotionless, silent as if something was taken out of them... A soul.

They swept past where he stood... As if they have no parameters other than defending...

The halls is almost as if devoid of Life.

More and more Astartes and Chaos Androids rushed out from the depths to meet the attackers from outside...

There he entered the room that sent him to the deep web and found himself in a throne room that was recently refurbished... Skulls and bones was the aesthetic here... And the Machine that sent him to the deep warp was nowhere to be seen...

There he met his predecessor sitting on the throne as if he was bored and on the side was a Copy of Roboute silently stand...

"Oh it seems we have a unwanted guest Roboute?"

"The only uninvited is you filth." Alexander growled. But the recipient didn't cared...

"Seems like your time in the deep warp doesn't change your mind as you know the truth...you seen the labs didn't you? Or what's remained of that reality..."

"So what? I still follow the emperor." Alexander stared at the stranger on the throne...

"Funny, here we are brothers by creation, of a Man that Hates us to the bone and one of us is a lapdog. Though one of us is a better Primarch than a cheap imitation of his works." He stared into Alexander eyes to see if there was no falter...

"I am aware that the Emperor created me and wanted to conquer the stars for humanity. But you have no right to question my reality I sought to defend."

"Defend what? This lone universe you saved when there are countless others that is dystopian if not more than where you stood?"

"Then the Emperor will find a way."

"You remind me of Lorgar and his blind faith to the Emperor...oh wait here he is?" He smirk as he shown a vat containing a severed head of Lorgar with the expression of shock and disbelief.

"Funny really, this version propagated the imperial truth than the one you have screaming the Emperor is a god, funny thing is... How much he screamed for the Emperor as I saw to it that he is impaled and eaten by the crows and vultures. Why the look on the face brother... You should be happy that we get rid of one rotten man that wanted to be a god."

Alexander looked at him expressionless. He spoke.

"So why you came here?"

"Asking you if you would like to join us?"

"The Numbers, hell no, I would rather die than betraying the Emperor!"

"Numbers? A Bunch of failed experiments imitating the Original Purpose of the Round Table? Sure the Head of that organization was one of our own, but we disowned him. So what do you say... Wanna join? If you do, then we will retreat and acted nothing have happen."

"Two words: Frak you" Alexander spat. He knows that is a pile of BS as he doesn't believe in free thing fallen from the sky and a gut feeling that they will destroy this universe regardless of answers he made.

The Figure gave a Sigh as he pointed at Alexander...

"I Adrian Azimov hereby deemed you, threat of the round table, Die Alexander."

Alexander survival mind is screaming as He dodge a Warhammer from his back...

Behind him stood the copies of loyalist Primarchs ready to eliminate him and Vulkan raised his Warhammer once more ... Behind Vulkan is Rogal Dorn, Jaghatai Khan,Lion El' Johnson, Leman Russ along with Corvus Corax...

"How do you like your brothers... They are quite nice for my collection... The perfect creation that the emperor made... No emotion, no aspirations, the perfect tools for the emperor you follow." The man on the throne watch with amusement..

Alexander went after Corvus as he know his brother in and out that he is the weaker among all the copies in this place and his face was smashed by Rogal Dorn Shield wall..

"Did I mention they adapted to your attacks?" He chortled.

Alexander surrounded by the loyalist copies...

He gritted his teeth this time he have to kill the copies of the Primarchs...

"I got no strings to hold me down, I got no strings on me~" Adrian smiled as he enjoyed the struggle ...

He was surprised that Alexander managed to defeat one of his collection...

Alexander managed to stab Vulkan with a Fulgurite causing him lose his immortality...

Vulkan saw that his body was being disintegrated to the atom watch emotionlessly as his body faded to ashes... Never to be revived...

"Oh... I never knew you managed to kill Vulkan so easily..."

Alexander watched Adrian with a glare... Grabbing the fallen Warhammer with hatred in his eyes.

"You force me to kill my brother."

"I didn't you simply chose to."

One down and 7 more to go...

Corvus Corax was the next target but Rogal Dorn know it and tried to defend his brother and with Vulkan hammer thrown with such force that it shattered his shield incapacitated his skull behind it.

Visage of Khorn armor was appearing in Alexander body...

"Oh... So in a sense had you choose chaos, You would be a Khornate Champion, interesting..." Adrian looked at the figure as if he was just a specimen to look at...

Wound they inflicted upon Alexander was great, wound began to appear and blood dripped from every orfices in his body...

As more Copies have fallen wounded...

"Surrender Alexander, then I will not destroy this universe." Adrian

"Frak you."

As Adrian order the killing blow. The Doors was blasted through revealing Primarchs managing to enter the room... With Roboute leading the way.

"Hmm...is that how I die? Pathetic." Rogal remarks seeing his corpse on the floor...

"Brother You alright?" Roboute asked seeing the Khornate armor on his being...

"Never been better Roboute, I will get Magnus to get rid of my mark when I done... Keep the Copies of yours distracted while I get that skull of that pompous bastard for my collection." Alexander grinned.

Adrian was amused of the fact that a mass produced imitation of a Primarch is stating to kill one of the original...

The throne room trembled once more...

Leman Russ smirked as his Frostblade clashed with his copy... He was aware of himself... But the intent of the blade he clashed with had no desire...

Which made him angry that a cheap imitation of him is facing a Primarch that travel in the warp for ten thousand years... With a stroke of his sword, he decapitated the copy of his...

Corvus Corax and Konrad Curze was facing Corvus copy as the shadows clash with sparks revealing their battle.

Lion El' Johnson faced himself... And found that what he faced was just a empty shell of himself, no attachments, no honor in his bones...

Jaghatai Khan, Alpharius and Omegon fought with the copy of the speedster...

Roboute and Rogal Dorn fought with Roboute Counterpart...

"Tell me copy... Why join him? Did you disavowed our mother and our vision of humanity?" Roboute asked as his sword clashed with his imitation.

The Imitation silently looked at him as he didn't need to say anything..

Forcing Roboute to back off.

Alexander fought with Adrian, a Man in a Armoured suit vs the man in a Gambler suit wearing a clown mask.

His sword clashed to see who is right...

The fight for who's better image of the past and for the future...

Explosion and tremors rumbles around them...

"Why won't you fall!" Adrian gritted his teeth realizing that he kicked a iron wall facing Alexander directly.

"Simple, I just too stubborn to die dropping!" Alexander yelled back.

Both clash once more and the building collapse around them. Revealing the battlefield of the clash.

They clash over the planet, past the raging battlefields to the now vast plains of destruction ..

Adrian smashed Alexander into a Imperator Titan and the force is so strong that it destroyed the void shield and embedded Alexander into the Titan hull. As Adrian ventured towards Alexander, he was met with a Full blast of a concetrated Volcano Cannon in the face sending him flying off in the distance.

Alexander ventured after him but not without repairing the titan damage before chasing the man.

Adrian gritted his teeth as he willed the daemonic world to his will

The land was terraformed with such hostile terrain that regiments of Guardsmen suddenly dropped into the center of the planet as the world erupted into earthquakes and titans impaled by the sheer amount of metallic spikes erupted from the planet crust.

Alexander was not hinder but was more furious that the lives of those people died by his hands.

Adrian and Alex clashed as the world went into a collapse.

The Primarchs managed to defeated their doppelgangers and evacuated the remaining survivors off the planet.

The Planet is undergoing destruction phase.

The Tyrannids decided to intervene.

As it preyed on the weakened imperium fleets, Horus led the remains of the Black Legion as they regroup the forces to fight against the incoming threat...

On the planet T'au Homeworld it was like a ball of molten lava and metal, mountains of burning flesh is screaming in the distance.

Alexander and Adrian looked at each other ...

Both were out of breath and their wound were cauterized.

Alexander fought once more with a blow from the Faithblazer that he used with such force it cracked the planet into two...

And the target for his intent is snap into two... As Adrian body slide apart he spoke a ominous word as if a curse...

"You will never find peace among the stars, for strife is always be part of your life Alexander..."

"Then I will stand defiant till the end, Adrian for In this Galaxy there is always war on the horizon."

Adrian Body dropped into the molten core of the planet and engulfing into the flames...

Alexander watched as the fleet was under attack, he simply sent out ships in his Subverse to bolster the defenses, many of the captain of the ships wonder where did a timely reinforcements came until they saw the insignia of the League of Ten Thousand.

They as managed to drive the invaders...

Alexander felt his stomach was stabbed from behind.

Adrian came back from the dead and made Alexander think he was dead...

His true form of a insectoid like being made something in the depth of Alexander soul screamed out...

"I fucking Hate Bugs!" Alexander held out his favorite powerbat and now bashed at the skull of Adrian.

With the gravity enchantments imbued of the power bat it was more like the weight of a Gloriana Class ship concentrated into a single blow

The power bat crushed the head in such force that despite there is the void in space, it made a enormous shockwave that felt light-years away...

And the blow came with such a force that Adrian Insect body was atomized to oblivion.

[Adrian Azimov is Dead, life sign is non-existent]

"About Frakkin time!" Alexander sighed as he travel in space...


The Emperor and his sons that station in Tera repelled the fleet that attempted to invade the Sol system.

It was numerous but the surviving ships of the Twilight Crusade managed to returned and help defend the planet...

The Necron World Engine arrived at the Eye of Terror... Using the League and Imperium Pylons now proliferated across the Galaxy, they activated at once to close the damaging rift... Leaving the Traitors that remained there and the Daemons behind the veil of reality...

And the World Engine might now closed the Eye of Terror Permanently... Leaving the Galaxy safe from the nightmares... And uniting Imperium Nihilus now fully technological advancement thanks for the League managed to kept virgil in the darkness of the Imperium...

It come with a side effect of the Psyker not seeing the warp... But they could somehow sense the Astronomican still flickering.

Alexander had one last thing to do....

(Tiamat System)

It was where the enormous structure on a flora planet that held by the Tiamat tendril...

A Armada of automated ships arrive with such a force that took them unaware...

Alexander watched from the command deck on one of the ships...

He could sense the hatred sent towards him...

He couldn't give less of a Frak as he order Exterminatus on the planet...

Nanomachines swarmed the planet devouring the green flora into a desolate wasteland...

It sent a psychic scream towards Alexander as it was devoured... But he was a Blank how could he felt it?

Upon the death of the Tiamat Tendril and the treasure it defended...

The tendrils outside the Galaxy was slowed as if confused. As if they were blind.

But it allowed the Imperium to secure more defenses for their return.


The Twilight Crusade was the most bloodiest Crusade known in the Imperium as Imperium Remembrancer recorded the feats of Astartes met their traitors and won with such a cost that it would take the Imperium a year to recuperate the Losses.

Trillions of Guardsmen dead, Chapters worth of Astartes decimated within days, Legion was Mauled and Titan Legions and Knight Houses was erased from history.

And the Invasion of the Sol system was a reminder that death is so close to the High Lords that they listen to Roboute.

Since the The League of Ten Thousand was handed over Roboute, He handed it back to Alexander but not without getting a copy of everything he owned...

Alexander didn't mind that as long as the people chose which would they join... Surprisingly they decided to choose Alexander... Despite he was away most of the time he always ensured that the government stayed running .

The Blood Ravens Also participated in this crusade and they managed to borrowed several artifacts from the outsider such as the method of going to another universe... And the Primarchs obtained this and sought to reverse engineering it.

Sadly they could not enter to another universe like Alexander but they could enter their own alternate realities... Which Sanguinius promised one day he would arrive to that Canon Roboute and help him...

The Astronomican is now remade into a device that allowed the Emperor to opened a rift in reality to another dimension.

The Orks was felled into a disarray thanks to the death of Ghazkull...and with new weapons imperium have no longer worry of the Greenskin as the nanomachines is the norm to kill Major infested Waagh but the small Waagh can be handle by boots on the ground.

The Xenos that participated have their demand met... The Necrons demanded Planet that have the Tomb worlds are to be left alone and if the occupants that is hostile to the Silent king is free real estate. And the Necron Expanded outwards beyond the milky way from their controlled territories and claimed the nearest galaxy for the silent king.

While the Eldar Flocked in the New capital of the Aeldari in the League requested the Emperor warrant of trade and not to be invaded by the Imperium and in exchange they would be able to help root out the remaining chaos cults and help map out the stars.

Trazyn being Trazyn as he managed to get the corpses of the Primarch doppelgangers and put them in his galleries and was amused of the Imperium project of heading in alternate realities ..

Perhaps he could borrow his counterparts exhibit for his collection? But later it started a Trazyn Kleptomaniac war as Trazyns kept stealing from one another. And Orikan had a meltdown of seeing thousands of Trazyn stealing one another in his own gallery and decided to go home for a thousand years.

Alexander held a Wedding for his two wife's..

Now overseeing the Emperor and Isha for the authenticity of the marriage...

This time he spent time with them and his adopted daughter.

Alexander disappear for the last time with his wifes...

Many wonder where is the exclusive High lord?

The Emperor know about this but kept silent.

And his Adopted Daughter now a General Militant of the Imperium kept her thought to herself.

She mused as many wanted to interview the now missing high lord.

The Imperium thrived with the methods of traveling other than the warp is now prevalent they are able to map the Galaxy with such accuracy. And the Halo Star and Ghoul stars is the new frontier of expansionism. And they also managed to claim the nearest galaxy for the Imperium. With the Terraforming technology it takes a Week to fully ensure the planet to be habitable even when the resources is stripped mined.

The Tyrannids is scattered, somehow due to the Tiamat structure destroyed it was unable to coordinate efficiency than before... And the Tendril is Slowly entering the milky way in each passing years. But the vigilance of the threat remains strong.

Many of the Genecults was confused why their ascension was not at hand until the reformed Inquisition have stated to crack down on them.

The Remaining traitors that is trapped behind the warp screamed in anger and hatred as they could no longer enacted their hatred towards the imperium but sometimes by sheer luck they managed to breached into the Webway that is still damaged by the Daemonic incursions...

Vashtorr disappeared from this stage, the Mechanical god left for the deep warp and gain power from the gods essence... But just before the eye of Terror is managed to be closed. His contacts managed to get him away from this realm.. and remain a pain for Alexander in the far future.

Kharn managed to survive the battlefield and he was reinstated as part of the reformed world eaters... He took part of the Intergalactic expedition and was not seen again until they managed to make contact... They called him Kharn the Explorer...


(A/): Originally I wanted to done with this last week, until my neighbors started a burning in their farm that threaten to burn down my farm. For 6 days it went out of control and I had to help put out the fires...

And my discord for Warhammer is having a meltdown because of the custodes debates. Making me to gather lore is harder.

I asked Game workshop in Twitter and got banned.

"If you want to make female custodes, make Roboute and Yvraine a thing since you Ruined the Ynnari faction, make Half Eldar Ultramarines Librarian Canon Again."

My personal thought about the female custodes?

Nah, it took the Emperor to make 200 custodes a year from the 9000 boys by years and it took the imperial after the enthronement of the emperor 9000 years just to make one... How many boys died to become that single custodes after the Emperor enthronement? And the cost is much higher than making Space Marines if you factor in the weapons and training of a custodes.

So they are implying they want to kill as much women from the noble houses to make a Custodes to prove a point that women can be custodes? That means how many noble houses is destroyed as they need women to make the houses stable through union and making the bloodline pure only to die on a operating table?

That is pretty seemed misogynistic to me wanting that much women die for that creation? And especially that Female custodes is unhinged to start a exterminatus on Terra for a Blood Game that was meant for testing the internal security of the defenses of golden throne? If that is unhinged for a first female custodes... I am scared that if there is more like her that will actually kill the emperor to spite the imperium. Or worse turned to chaos...

ironic I was called a bigot for pointing that out?

Hopefully after this is the epilogue of this place.

I will be free tomorrow to write. As long as there is no idiots burning their farm nearby.