
Surviving the Hentai world

He just wanted to have a normal life, but due to fate he is now a "she" and has been reincarnated into a Hentai world. Now he must defend himself from the thousands of perverts who want his body, while his problems increase. Can she survive keeping her virginity intact? Read it and discover it. English is not my mother tongue. I get help from my classes and a little from some translators.

Garus49 · Cómic
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5 Chs

School Life I

Note: In this chapter there are appearances of Jk bitch and Kindan no Kajitsu characters.


As a member of the disciplinary committee, Shiro had some duties to fulfill. One of them was to open the entrance to the school for the students and teachers to enter, although it seems like a simple job in reality this demanded a great commitment. She had to be at the entrance about 10 minutes before the students began to enter the school. After accomplishing this she must check every student that passed through the entrance and make sure that each one of them is following the school regulations, because even though this is a Hentai world apparently still existed the dress code rules still exist.


If this were a normal world this job wouldn't be too complicated, but now that Shiro is in H-world, she always encounters female students who wear their skirts well above their knees completely ignoring the rules. And that's not the only one of her problems because this world is rotten, it's no wonder she finds students having sex in the school premises. Shiro found it annoying to have to stop and sometimes restrain them because they tried to get her to join them.

Working as the sole member of the disciplinary committee was very tiring. At times the thought of leaving the committee crossed her mind, but in the end she did not. You may be wondering why? Because of the absurdity of this world and the foolishness of the rules, Shiro discovered that the disciplinary committee has the power to skip some classes and even skip all the classes of the day as long as she keeps her grades above average and spends the free time she has on the disciplinary committee's activities. An absurd set of rules which Shiro used to her advantage.


Another thing Shiro liked was the whistle that came with being part of the committee.

"Her skirts are more than 10 cm (4 in) above your knee."

In front of her was one of her biggest enemies and the ones who made her job more tedious. The Gyaru or Gal, she doesn't know the difference.

" I, Press~."

One of the most common clichés of the gyaru is that she has tanned skin, Shiro has read mangas mages with those characteristics and although that happens in many cases, it has been seen that in some manga and it is becoming common to see the gyaru as the typical relaxed girl with a mischievous attitude.

The girl in front of him was the leader of a group of gyarus who are dedicated to having sex with all the students they meet. They were a nuisance due to the countless number of times he had to stop them.

Her name was Yariko.

"Isn't that kind of unfair, Press~"

"Just keep that skirt at your knees until the end of school hours and then you can go back to having sex with the boys you meet along the way."

"Fair enough~"

Adjusting her skirt, Yariko called out to her entourage and continued on her way to the entrance of the building.

"She's probably thinking of some way to annoy me."

As the only member of the disciplinary committee she was basically the enemy of the lifestyle of the people of this world. It wasn't nice to have someone interrupt while you were having a sweet moment.


In a way she understands the feeling of hatred or dislike that many have about her. Her way of being clashed with what they knew as normal, but that was not why she would stop. She was not doing this to make this world a better place, nor was she doing it because she had any hope of a girl falling in love with her. She was doing this for the sole purpose of being able to live an undisturbed life. The fact that she was a woman in this world and that she went against the grain of what was considered normal. All of this resulted in her remaining life in this world being complete torture. So if she can find some moments of rest then she would take them. 

She already decided her life. She will be completely alone, she will not marry, she will not fall in love. Shiro made that decision the moment he realized he couldn't deny the obvious. This was a Hentai world and if statistics said that most of the stories ended in a bad ending, then the best thing to do was to walk away from it all.

This world was lost, she had no salvation. She wasn't a god and even if at some point she was. She would not change anything. 

"Hahhhh..... The bell has rung, it would be best to leave the supervision to the teachers".

In order to prevent the members of the disciplinary committee from staying longer than the agreed time waiting for students who arrive very late, it is normal for a teacher to relieve him and she can go quietly to classes. 

Walking towards the entrance of the building, Shiro looked at the teacher who was waiting for her.

"Kamishiro-Sensei I leave it in your hands."


Before her stood one of the most serious teachers this school had. His appearance didn't stand out much. Black hair. A height of about 1.8 m (6 ft) tall, he looked like a simple ordinary teacher, but Shiro knew a lot of things about Kamishiro. But it's not like he minded what he did either.

As Shiro passed by the entrance she saw a girl who was heading to where Kamishiro was. She shot him a look.

"Ringo Misono."

One of those classified as nuisances on Shiro's mental list. Her delicate and beautiful appearance attracted several girls to her feet. But what stood out and attracted the most were her eyes. They looked like the eyes of a demon and not that they were entirely wrong.

"Shiro Souma."

Both girls looked at each other for a moment. Silence fell. 

"I hope you won't commit anything wrong, Misono."

"Heh~ I'm not promising anything, President♥"

Without another word both girls headed to their respective targets.


"That Shiro-chan girl is interesting don't you think so, Sensei♥"

Ringo looked at Shiro who was heading to the classroom where the disciplinary committee was located. As a third year student Ringo has seen a lot of things happen in this school, many of which can even be considered absurd, but with time you get used to it and at the same time change with it. Actually the change happened even before she came to this school, it was only in this place that she experienced more pleasures than in any other. It wasn't until Shiro's arrival that things took a turn.

"She is very serious about her job as a member of the disciplinary committee.... I can respect that."

Kamishiro for his part had some respect for Shiro. He was someone who took his craft as a teacher very seriously, though there were some things where he gave himself liberties. From the moment Shiro took the role of chairman of the disciplinary committee, he saw how efficiently the girl did her job. 

"Do you think she'll break like the others?"

This world was beautiful, at least to Ringo it was. She had seen the girl who took the position before Shiro and only after a month she became a top notch cock sucker. This world was not kind to people like Shiro.

"I don't think that will happen."


".... She lives in reality. She never had hope in this world, but at the same time she fights for herself. She knows what's going on in this school, but she just does what she has to do and doesn't go any deeper.... She is someone peculiar."


Ringo looked down the hallway where Shiro was a few minutes ago.

"Certainly Shiro-chan is someone interesting~."

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