
Surviving in Ragnarök as Hades!

After being killed by a pebble, A man from earth gets sent into the Record of Ragnarok with the Rebirth System! “Eh…How am I going to survive in this hell hole! wait…I'M HADES?!” “Alright, I have around 14 billion years before Ragnarök, let's make these years count!” - - - AN: Yes this fanfic will be a multiverse story. A large portion of it will take place in the RoR universe but since the story is more focused on fights for the majority, a lot of it will be of my own creation as well. I will try to keep his personality similar as shown in the manga but Hades only got like 10 chapters of screen time so I’ll be adding my take on him as well. Please do note that my grammar will not be the best. Yes, English is my first language but I just suck at spelling so please bear with me.

AuthorISan · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: What makes a flame?

AN: Hello everyone reading, Author-San here and a little update before the chapter. My hand's are a bit better as their out of the danger zone but still does hurt to write so apologies for taking so long! my left hand is in a brace so I'm only writing with my right hand so if I missed any grammar mistakes please don't be to made. Any who, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Hades Pov

'Knock Knock' "Hestia! Are you home!?"

Hades knocked on the door to Hestia's and Demeter's home politely. He had come her a few days after gaining his Fire Manipulation skill seeking out Hestia's advice as It wasn't his area of expertise as of yet. He had been experimenting with his flames testing out his abilities and while they may be more advanced due to his intellect and imagination, they lacked the power and might which he would need.

"Coming Hades, Give me a second!" Hestia would shout from inside her residence, She was always excited to be visited by her brothers as it got quiet lonely after everyone moved out. Hades knew of this and tried to visit whenever he could but his body and mind craved researching the unknown and discovering new things so he was quite busy.

The door would open and in front of hades stood Hestia in all her glory. While being a god her body was perfect but unlike Zeus or even Adamas, Hades never looked at his sisters in such a way. Through out the years, Hestia had grown into a motherly-type figure looking like Rhea only with black hair and ocean blue eyes. Her hair was often in different styles as both Hera and Demeter loved having Hestia be their model for new styles but currently it was let down. As Hades looked down at her he would notice her contagious smile that spread to everyone. Giving him a hug, Hestia asked.

"Hades! it's so good to see you, Usually it takes you a few decades to come and visit as your stuck researching some random plant or rock." 

Hades gave a chuckle as it was true that it took him a long time to get out of his research. Inviting him inside, Both Hades and Hestia sat down in the living room with fresh tea on the table

"So, while I would like to assume you came to visit just to visit, I'm pretty sure there's more to it?" Hestia questioned as she smiled

"Ugh, Don't make it sound like that Hestia, it makes me look like I only come when I need something..." Hades grumbled, Hestia gave Hades a look that read 'Really?' causing Hades to laugh.

"Well, I came over today because I need your help training"

This caused Hestia to give Hades a questioning look as she wasn't nearly as strong as him as she preferred to relax.

"What could I possibly help you with little brother? While I'm not weak, I'm sure as not nearly as strong as you." Hestia questioned

"Well big sister, I've recently come into contact with an area of your expertise" Hades said as he'd make a small flame conjure in his hands. Hestia's eyes would widen as as a big grin would come to her face, after a split second she regain her composer and look Hades in the eyes.

"So, you've come into the procession of mortal flames? it seems like you could already gain control through time, so why do you need my help?" Hestia would say while taking a sip of water

Hades would look Hestia with a serious expression

"I want to control both divine and hell flames" Hades would say

In an instant Hestia would drop her cup and her body would start to shake. In her mind, only one emotion was in control, and that was fear.

"Hades...I don't think you know what your asking" Hestia would say with a grim tone.

"Your the only one who knows how Hestia and the only one who's done it" Hades would remark

"Its not possible, not for you. No one knows what I went through to achieve control over divine and hell flames, and no one else will. I was the first, and I will be the last" With a commanding voice the offered no resistance as Hades looked sobered

"Then tell me Hestia, tell me what happened and let me decide if I wish to pursue it." Hades pleaded.

As if in thought, Hestia's body shook as if reliving memories that haunted her soul. Slowly, She opened her eyes and asked Hades a question.

"Answer me this little brother, What makes a flame?"

Hades, a little perplexed, answered what to him was simple

"Oxygen, Heat and Fuel" Hades responded

"While that may be true for mortal flames, both divine and hell flames are different and the same. Divine flames are commonly found on Mount Orthys born out of a concept called divinity. These flames ignite ones emotions so that positive emotions such as love, kindness and compassion come out. Hell flames on the other hand, are found throughout the underworld in areas like the Phlegethon River and ignites negative emotions such as hatred, anger and sadness. This process is only known by two people which one is me and shall never be taught again so long as I live. That will be the only thing I will teach you when it comes to this" Hestia stated.

Hades, whom is a man of research and practicality was stunned. Emotions are concepts given shapes due to various situations. Even the possibility or thought of igniting them was impossible as they weren't defined by anything at all besides chemical make-up but even then for gods its different. Hades looked into Hestia's stern eyes once more, and asked something he'd wish he hadn't.

"Could you tell me what you went through?" Hades asked

The room fell into silence, time passed by so slow it almost came to a pause. With a sigh, Hestia spoke once more.

"Your so persistent that one day this pursuit of knowledge will take more than what it can give. I wont tell you, But I will show you." And as Hestia finished speaking, Hades vision was filled with flames. These weren't the kind and caring flames that he's used to Hestia having, no...these flames stung his soul and as he passed out, His vision changed from a fire blaze and turned into memories that weren't his, specifically, Memories of when Hestia was only 12, a full 100 years before Demeter and a full 100 years she'd never get back.

Shorter chapter today, My hand's finally to a level were it wont kill me to write but it still hurts to do. Next chapter will be lore for Hestia so stay tuned!

AuthorISancreators' thoughts