
Surviving in Another World

I was just sitting in a cafe full of people in the middle of the city when the sky outside suddenly becomes completely dark. Everyone started panicking before the sky becomes bright again in just a couple of seconds. As a fan hardcore fan of isekai light novel, I thought we got transported to different world or dimension. Turns out what? I was right! After the sky becomes bright, there's no building around the cafe, instead it's surrounded by trees. But where's the meeting with the god? Where's the superpowers and gifts we're supposed to choose? How can I survive world this without any of those?

AnnoSenpaii · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
48 Chs

SAW 19 - The Academy(1)

Stepping inside the gate, there are a lot of buildings inside.

'Seems like each building has different purpose'

Is what I thought after seeing that.

"Why's there so many building?"

Adrian asked.


The guard just ignored the question while walking.

We then followed him without saying anything.

We entered the building right in the middle just across the gate, which clearly said 'STAFF ROOM'.

We walked inside and headed straight into the headmaster's office.

The guard then knocked lightly on the door.

"Headmaster, I brought them"

A voice then can be heard from inside the room.

"Let them in, and you can go back"

After that, he opened the door and let us inside, before closing the door and walked away.

Looking ahead, there's a pretty woman with dark brown hair, sharp eyes and white pale coloured skin, wearing a black robe that covered her body, which makes us unable to see how her body looks like.

She's looking at us with a smile.

"You're the people Charles told me about in the letter"


"It's the guy who wrote the letter. Don't tell me you don't know his name?"

"Ah no, we just called him grandpa..."

The woman then asked us another question while still smiling.

"He took care of you guys huh... is there anyone else who took care of you guys?"

"Ah.. there's grandma and captain Morris as well..."

Kim Jaesuk answered.

"Okay, that cleared my suspicion..."

She then looked sad for a bit before muttering something.

"So they're still alive..."


"Ah? It's nothing. Have you guys checked your aptitude?"

"Thats right!"

I then suddenly exclaimed after she asked us.

"We forgot to go to the church to check our advanced status window!"


The headmaster laughed a bit before saying

"Don't worry about it. You can do it here in the academy as well, we have the necessary tools"

"Ahh okay..."

I said embarrassedly. She then continued

"We need to test your aptitude first before deciding which class you can join.

Follow me"

She got up and started leading the way.

While we're walking, I asked a question.

"Um.. headmaster?"

"You can call me Miss Alice. And it's headmistress not headmaster okay?"

"Oh okay, headmistress Alice. Can you tell us about the academy?"

"Hmm? Sure that's a good question.

Firstly, you can study at the academy for up to 4 years, which when you graduate you can apply for different kinds of job at the academy or you can search other jobs outside of the academy.

After testing your aptitude, you can then choose what kinds of class you want to be enrolled in. There are a lot of choices, starting from swordsmanship, magic class, summoning class, and much more. There are even alchemy class here.

The minimum age of entry to the academy is 16 years old, and the maximum limit is 30 years old. People over 30 years old can't enter the academy no matter what.

The dorms for first year to the fourth year will be in separate building, with each building has all of the classes available. Basically you will spend most of your time here in that single building, unless you ask for special permission to go somewhere or whatever. Of course the dorm for man and woman will be separated by floor"

As the headmistress continued to explain about some of the common topic, we arrived at a large hall filled with people.

"Hey, thats..."

"Isn't that headmistress Alice? She's accompanying them?"

"Personally? Are they some kind of noble?"

They started gossiping around us, which makes me quite anxious.

Then in the middle of hall, there's a white coloured sphere which is glowing slightly.

"Alright, simply tap your hand there and you can see what aptitude you have"

"Umm, are we doing it here?"

"Yep, there's no reason why we have to hide our aptitude, unless you have something you don't want people to know?"

The headmistress said.

"I'll go first..."

Kim Jaesuk volunteered.

Standing in front of the sphere, he then proceeded to touch it.

The sphere then let out a white aura enveloping Kim Jaesuk, before it went back into the sphere.

The headmistress approached the sphere and touched it lightly, which then a paper came out of thin air with writings on it.


Name : Kim Jaesuk

Age : 22

Race : Human


Strength : 23 (from 22)

Constitution : 23 (from 22)

Dexterity : 9

Intelligence : 19

Luck : 5


1. Sword (S)

2. Magic (S)


1. Blessing of the World, Kim Jaesuk is favoured by the world.


The students around then exclaimed.

"He has aptitudes for both sword and magic, and both are S ranked!"

"Amazing, as expected of someone headmistress Alice accompanied personally..."

Headmistress Alice nodded his head before saying,

"Okay, next..."

Adrian then approached it and touched it straight away.

The same phenomenon happened, so I wasn't surprised anymore.

Then the headmistress touched it lightly again and a white paper came out.


Name : Adrian Mcleay

Age : 19

Race : Human


Strength : 6

Constitution : 10

Dexterity : 8

Intelligence : 32 (from 30)

Luck : 5


1. Alchemy (S)

2. Summoning (A)


1. Perfect Alchemy, All potions made by Adrian Mcleay will have 100% purity.

"What?! Another one?"

"S ranked alchemist... and an A ranked summoner at that... both of them are crazy..."

Once again, the surrounding become noisy.

Adrian looked surprised by the result of his aptitude.

"What is that summoner aptitude?"

"I'll explain later..."

Headmistress Alice said, before having me do the same.

I felt slightly nervous, then touched the ball.

Then the result came out.


Name : Alex Stone

Age : 21

Race : Human


Strength : 18 (from 17)

Constitution : 20 (from 19)

Dexterity :14

Intelligence : 7 (from 6)

Luck : 8


1. Sword (B)

2. Spear (B)

3. Bow (C)



Looking at the result, I cursed out.

"What the fuck?"

The people around me are confused as well.

"What is that? Sealed trait?"

"How is it sealed?"

"Whoaa it's my first time seeing it"

Only the headmistress looked calm.

"Okay okay, since we're done here, let's go back and fill choose which classes you guys wants to take"

We all then dispersed among the other student's gossips.

On the way, I can't help but get upset.

'What the fuck... they both have A and S rank aptitude, but I only have B and C rank?'

'And what's with the sealed trait? This is bullshit fuck...'

Just as I was cursing inside my head, we arrived at the headmistress' office.

She then led us inside.

"Take a seat"

Seating at the comfortable couch, she started speaking

"Okay, since your aptitudes are clear, you can choose your classes now.

But here's the thing, you guys all have multiple high ranked aptitudes, which is a waste if not trained properly.

Usually people choose to study only one of the high ranked one, and throw the other aptitude. But I will give you choices of course, whether to learn both of your aptitudes or you want to focus on one"

"I will learn both..."

Kim Jaesuk suddenly said.

"I will learn both sword and magic"

"Me too, I will learn both alchemy and summoning, even though I don't know what that is..."

Smiling, headmistress Alice said

"Good choices. Don't worry, that's why you're here to learn. What about you Alex?"

Thinking deeply, I then gave my answer

"I... I would like to focus on my spear aptitude"


Instead of headmistress Alice, Kim Jaesuk is the one who exclaimed in surprise.

He stood up and complained to me.

"Why not sword? You've been working hard to learn the sword!"


"hey Alex!"

"That's enough"

Just as I was about to answer, headmistress Alice cut him off.

"It's his choice, let's respect that shall we"

Kim Jaesuk then got forced to sit down.

"Are you sure about that Alex?"

Headmistress Alice asked, which I answered

"Yes, I'm sure"


Nodding, she then chanted something and a small bird that looks fierce appeared out of the air.

"Ohh new faces?"


I sprayed the tea that I just drank, which surprised the other.

"What the... did it just talk!?"

Yes, the small bird just talked, which surprised the hell out of me.

"What? first time?"

"Ho- how..."

"Some high grade monster have intelligence, and some are even able to talk. This bird is one of them"

The headmistress explained.

"Hey, don't compare me with those lowly monster! I'm the mighty being, one of the 4 divine beast of the world, the great Phoenix!"

"Yes, yes... now can you guide those two to their dorm? I'll give you the location through mind sharing"

"Wha- how could you ask the great me to do this?"

"I'll double your food today"

"Come boys, let's go on a tour"


The bird then brought Kim Jaesuk and Adrian out, leaving me alone with the headmistress.

"Now, I have a question for you"