
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · Fantasía
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56 Chs

Large sword

"Wow, is he making a large steel door or something?" Rhean looked at the large metal block that Brad was making, it was a sword made with mixtures of one kilo of adamantine, ten kgs of mithril, and one ton of Black Iron. Brad chose this metals not because he knew what he was doing, it was just a whim made by dropping sticks to pick the metals he should use.

Rhean and Brendel watch as Brad hammered the cooled down metal alloy he made, he was able to melt down adamantine and mithril due to abundant Black Iron which made it possible for his newly made crucible to handle the material.

He had realized that this Adamantine metal that they call it, has a higher melting point and was even stronger than tungsten. So he looked for a large stone in the cave which he chiseled down into a large crucible, his tungsten crucibles might not be enough even if he mixes lots of Black Iron to make the metal easier to melt.

He did find some white minerals which he suspected to be Borates which could be added to the mixture to make melting easier. He doesn't have much knowledge in telling which is which but his brain is full of YouTube videos of random stuff. Thus he was able to melt and mix the alloys before the stone crucible was put into it's limits.

He poured all of the mixture in a large mold he made on the floor, this made the room very hot but Brad persisted. Thankfully he was only wearing leather pants which led the small Priestess to ogle at him all day. After the metal block solidified a bit, Brad went and picked up a large metal Tongs he made for this project.

He had to squeeze one of it's handle on his armpits and hold the other with his left hand so his right hand is free to hold the hammer. He looked at Brendel and said." Could you help me in pulling those levers when I need it?"

"Oh, okay. Sure I would like to help." Brendel then went to where there are sticks with marked handles.

"Okay pull that longer one on the left." Brad said which Brendel followed, soon some wooden gears on the wall moved as the large motor hammer which was something they thought to be a decoration moved.

"Whoa, that's so cool! What does it do?" Rhean asked.

"It's a hammer, If I yell stop you step on that board and push the Lever back. If I ask for it to go faster you do the same but you must pull the lever with the knob on the right after you push that long lever on the left. Do you understand?" Brad asked which garnered a nod of confirmation form Brendel, he knew she was the calm one and always pays attention in the group.

"Okay, this might be loud so yell if you need something." Brad then picked the solidifying Alloy block on the floor with the large tongs. He felt the one ton weight that was normal for Brad to carry now. He then placed it down at the moving hammer as loud banging sounds reverberated throughout the cave.

Rhean watch as the large metal gets widened, then folded, then widened and folded over and over that they felt the metal was getting more firm as it goes on.

"Stop!!" Brendel reacted and did what was instructed immediately. Brad then carried the large metal slab towards the burning coals.

"Rhean pull that vine with a bone handle on your right, that's for the Bellows!" Brad shouted as Rhean nodded then pulled the vine, she was the bellows made of leather and blocks of wood move whichade her smile.

"Awesome!! I never saw dwarves do it like this!" Rhean was like a child that got to enjoy a small responsibility as she attentively waits for Brad's order. They saw the metal get heated again and Brad taking it out to position it at the Hammer.

"Brendel the lever!" Brad did the same series of actions and made sure for the metal to be distributed evenly with every hammer strike. The trio were so focused that they didn't realize Ashea and Kent had arrived already, and they brought fruit juice with them. Ashea used a little ice magic that she knew to cool it down.

"Whoa they really are going at it, I wonder what he is making. Do you have any idea?" Kent put down a stool to place cups and the pitcher. He then took of his shirt as he went to another side of the forge and picked up a sack of charcoal. He then brought it towards the Furnace to refill the fuel, Rhean saw this and excitedly pulled the vine.

"Thanks Kent, Brendel stop!!" Brad appreciated the help as he did another folding of the metal block. He then hurriedly went to get a cup of fruit juice to quench his thirst.

"Ahh, that hit the spot! Thanks Ashea!" Brad smiled as he took a wool cloth hanging on a rack nearby and wiped his face. He then resumed activity as he kept folding and widening the Metal. After he did his his fifteenth fold he started to reshape the block into a long rectangular flat metal slab. He made a tip on one side as he made a weird shaped notch on the other end that looked like a lying 'H'.

The made this as only the Blade part and it's handle would be made part by part according to his calculations. He had some tungsten blocks made earlier to help him in making that jigsaw like notch on the other side. It took him about two hours of non-stop adjusting until his measurements are right. He then hammered the edge out and the four then realized he is making a huge ass sword.

"Could that even be called a sword at this point? Even the Barbarians couldn't use this thing properly, us Orcs would not use it too." Brendel asked as she too was not sure she could lift that up. Even her shield is not entirely metal but just metal coated light material. That's why it weighed for only a hundred and fifty kilos. But this sword, it was all metal and could reach up to over one ton.

"Let's just watch" Ashea was secretly taking glances at Brads exposed muscles as well as his abs, she had seen muscular people but to have such perfectly balanced streamlined body is very hard to achieve. Due to different profession a man's muscle shape would look different if they focus on arm strength than Leg strength.

But Brad has shown a perfectly balanced body that even she found really attractive, it was not boorish like those muscle heads but has more elegance that she finds really attractive.

"I'll go try to explore the tunnels, Brad had shown me the difference between the markers so it should not be so hard for me to find my way back." Brendel got bored and went to a room to get a few boxes of scented markers. She also brought some stone axes, throwing axes and her shield.

"I'll follow you." Kent said as he found exploring the caves and seeing the riches within to be exciting. He knew those cave worms they found were an undocumented species and he hopes to find more so he could tell tales when he goes back.