
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
56 Chs

Day 1 part 3

I ran up about 30 meters and looked back at the pathway loking if the Ants followed me back, five minutes later I sighed in relief seeing that there was no sign on any of them following me. I walked slowly as I felt hungry, it seemed that me retching has caused me such a dilemma. But I moved forward as I have experience worst hunger before.

Thankfully I have no a stable water source, I walked back reinspecting the small cave rooms before and realized that there is no signs of the Ants tamperring with this area, it seems they are quite relatively new in exploring this are. After this I should spread the Blood in all the rooms here so they wouldn't dare come in.

I finally reached the cave opening where I puked and screamed for half an hour. I looked at the large puddle of blood and felt it was enough to have all the rooms covered. I sould also save some in case I need it in the future.

I arrived in my room wet all over and I found some of my towels so I took my clothes of an placed them on some vines that was crawling inside from the small crevice that shed light upon this room. I finished changing into a khakis pants and black shirt then I wore one of my boots with a metal plate on it.

This was once my attire in going into joggings and it seemed to be better wearing clothes that would help me get back in shape in no time. I walked to my bed and lifted the sheets up to reveal the small cabinets on it's sides. Thank god it was here with me!!

I opened them one by one and found some of my hidden gems and 'Study' materials as well as some of the collectibles I have bought over the years since I won that Lotto. And most of these were real life replicas of weapons from lord of the Rings, GOT, Harry potter( Not that wands were effective anyways), Star trek(can't stun people with a toy made of silicone), Star wars( I hope the Force is with me) and even toys that assist my best friend(my right hand).

"hahaha!! Thank god they are here!! Never would have though having a secret stash to hide my collectibles from my handsy fellow collectors turned out to have help me greatly!" I was estatic at the sight of a replica of Gimli's axe which I now see fondly today. A form of protection is really calming. Then I found one large box where some of my prized costumes for comic-con are stashed.

"Yes!! You know nothing Jon Snow!!!" I found the replica armor which Jon snow wore in the nights watch!!

"Hahahah I still have the coat too!! Hell yeah!!" I dance with glee as I felt that my situation has turned to a positive turn. I felt stressed thinking earlier that I forgot I'm a dweeb inside in out. Then I found a box which brought many fond memories like my 'Study' papers. It was my former cadet uniform, It still has the chevron on it indicating my rank.

I touched the uniform and saw there was an ornate box that I was given during my graduation, hah two years in service yet I was dishonorable discharged. Memories were really hurtful but also really nostalgic to think of. I opened the Ornate Box and felt more safe as this was what I have remembered earlier. It was a The Smith & Wesson Model 625, is a six-round, double-action revolver chambered for the . 45 ACP.

This would make me feel safer, I looked at the engraved name [Army 2nd Lt. Brad Butcher Class of 2019], this made me sad yet also thankfull he kept thi this close at hand. I rummage through the compartment and found his own mimlitary grade canteen set, a water canteen, rucksack, tents, ropes, solar lamp/flashlight and a Multi purose knife. It has serated edges on top of it which can be used as a saw.

One thing which I would really need is something to be able to make stuff with wood, an indespensible resource which is abundant outside the cave. One thing that is troubling me is food, the beast outside were colosal and a small bullet probably won't do any damage to their thick hides.


Man I shouldn't have puked my dinner last night, but hey I've been away from blood for too long so who can I blame but me for getting used to being a lazy civilian. Being rich made me a big slop of Fat and dissapointment maybe I should rest this out and make plans once I've taken a rest. I'm too tire from all of these screaming and shit.

[Three hours later]

"Ughh, morning sunshine." I raised myself up from the bed and saw the Glaring pole glaring at me.

"Fuck shit damn that made my heart jump!!" I looked around and noticed the surrounding is still the same.

"Damn it, I really wished it was a dream."


"Right, I'm hungry but i got no food." then I remembered something. I hastened the knife on my leg and took my canteen with me along with the Glaring pole and Gimli's axe. I ran down and saw that the pool of blood is still there like it was still freshly bled out. I looked at my watch and noticed it was three hours already from before. I didn't touch the blood but I went to the boulder and pushed it back slightly and looked outside.

It was about noon already judging from the shadow and it was then I noticed something else in the sky, it was there is another Sun that emitted Blue light along with a yellow orange sun.

"So this is me huh, lost in another world. Whoopie!" I joke around but silence greeted me as I peeked through the gap I made. It was then I saw the bloody parts were still there as well as the large tooth embedded on the Cliff wall. It seemed that no animal was present as the forest was eerily silent. Maybe what passed by earlier still scared the animals away.

I opened the passage slightly which I could fit and pushed a little more so it could be open half way. I crouched down as I looked around if there are any hidden danger. It seemed the place was indeed vacated as the forest was devoid of any activity. I then found many broken braches and even snapped up vines that was left behind by the fight of the Gorilla and the Bear.