
Surviving as a princess

I was hit by a car and now I'm reincarnated as a princess. The thing is this empire has more than 20 princess and prince, how am I supposed to survive?

Thalassa_Luna_Moon · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Chapter 37

"Princess Xuan..." I heard someone called pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Ah yes" I looked up seeing Shifu, brother and sisters staring at me. Shifu went back talking about history and wars. A Qi leaned in and whispered, "She called you like 5 times. Why did you blank out?"

"I just have some thoughts in mind." I whispered back.

"Ow!" Someone kicked my foot, as I glared to see First Sister glaring behind me. "What the hell!"


"Your Highness." Shifu greeted me, as she sat down across me during dinner. I waved for everyone to leave. We sat in silence while all the maids leave.

"So why did you want to see me?" I ask and silence ensues. As I stared at her, she ate her steak slowly and steadily. After her third bite, she dropped her fork and knife and leaned backwards in her chair. We silently stared at each other.

"I wanted to ask you about that minister. What did you do?" she asked finally.

"I didn't mean to, it was a accident."

"What do you mean accident? We didn't ask to kill her. We asked to investigate him."

"So he was part of a fucking slave trader and I-"

"So you killed him? Not even telling either me or His Majesty. What the hell were you thinking about?"

The door slammed open. His Majesty walked in, I stood up hurriedly and bowed to him. The door closed behind him.

"I want to know what is wrong with your head" he screamed

"I didn't me-" I started, he cut me off, "Not you! Sister who do you think Xuan is? About this will she kill him?"

This brought me back toward that day...


'Your Majesty why did you call me?"

'Do you know this person?" He said while putting a picture of the minister on the table.

'Yes is that not Minister of Finance? The one you asked me to investigate?'

'Yes... I want you to...'

The room went silent, I didn't expect what he would say next.

'Kill Him'

At first I didn't want to go with it, but I ended up going through with it.


"So you order it?" she replied with such coldness I could feel the room freezing instantly, "I thought you knew"

"The reason I did that is because I knew, if it was someone else this would be handled in court but its you so I gave him a quick death."

I didn't understand what was going on until I saw the pain and loneliness in her eyes. "I have enough of this" she whispered leaving the room. I could see His Majesty taking a glass of wine, "I would like if you can leave me alone."

I backed out of the room. As I walked in the garden I see Shifu crying. I never saw her cry like that. "Shifu" I said approaching her. When I reach her she completely broke down, sobbing so hard barely standing clutching on to me.

"He was the love of my life" she said through sobs. And that's when I knew I messed up. After she calmed down she asked me to spar.

I could feel that she wasn't focused as usual, her strikes was not as skilled and more aggressive than usual. I thought to myself how badly I messed up. If I just knew...