
Survive the disaster

Solar storms paralyzed global power communications, caused climate abnormalities, and caused frequent natural disasters. High temperatures, thunderstorms, hail, acid rain, floods, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, dust, extreme cold, meteorites... The polar glaciers are melting rapidly, resurgent ancient germs are raging around the world, sea levels are rising, and countless city countries have become oceans. Fortunately, Qiao Xi had a storage space filled with supplies.

DaoistzypD36 · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Chapter 6

Qiao Xi put down his navigation telescope and felt depressed after seeing too much. He was even more worried about his parents thousands of miles away. I took out the satellite phone and tried again, but the miracle still didn't happen. In fact, she knew well that since it was the end of the world with the Bodhi Bracelet stamped and certified, how could communication be restored so quickly, but she couldn't help but try again and again.

She drove the rubber boat farther into the sea for a while, fearing that the cargo ship would burn the oil tank and cause an explosion or fuel leakage. After retreating to a safe enough distance, he jumped into the sea, put away the rubber boat, and entered the space.

He had not fully recovered, and after struggling for another three hours, Qiao Xi was so tired that his head felt dizzy and he didn't even have the energy to take a shower. She stuffed two large pieces of mango cheesecake with fresh milk to fill her stomach. She took off her dirty and wet clothes and dried her body with a bath towel. She didn't care that her hair was still wet with a bag of towels. She climbed into bed and, in a second, Fall asleep.

She was exhausted this night, both physically and mentally. She had never been so tired in her twenty-five years, but it was worth it. The supplies harvested this night will definitely greatly improve their family's survival probability in the end of the world.

Qiao Xi, who was exhausted both physically and mentally, slept for more than forty hours. When he woke up again, it was already the early morning of the 10th.

Qiao Xi, who had lost the concept of time in space, didn't know what year it was today. She only knew that she was hungry. Her chest pressed against her back with hunger, and she quickly took a crispy Shandong multi-grain pancake from the shelf to eat. The skin is thin and crispy, and the mouth is full of sauce. The whole family likes it. Unfortunately, after finishing this one, there are only twelve left. And the store is in Qilu Province. I originally wanted to take the time to fly there and stock up on hundreds. I can only think about it from now on.

Qiao Xi cherished the entire multi-grain pancake with highland barley milk tea, wasting nothing, and was only three-thirds full. Then I cut a plate of lamb leg meat from the hot prairie roasted whole lamb, dipped it in the special sauce, rolled it up with lettuce, and paired it with meat and vegetables, doubling the deliciousness, and paired it with a portion of lamb clear soup.

Unexpectedly, she opened a ripe Musang King durian on the tree and ate three large pieces in a row.

Speaking of which, it has the most fruits among them. The ones she bought in countries T and ML alone totaled more than 400 tons. The signature diversion fruit has a low meat yield, so most people buy it. Among the fruits harvested on cargo ships at the port, durian is also the most popular. Now is its peak export season, with a gross estimate of at least 100 containers and a container of at least 20 tons.

Her current predicament is one of drought and flood. Some supplies are so abundant that the whole family will not be able to use them all in a few lifetimes. Some supplies are very limited or even none at all, such as books, medicines, hardware accessories, gas masks, emergency blankets, and seeds. Farm tools, cold and warm supplies, radiation protection supplies, air vehicles, solar power panels, etc. After all, the containers that come in are full of randomness, and it is impossible to be so lucky and have everything.

Then there's cooked food. It's the end of the world. Food, water and electricity will gradually become luxuries, and cooking will become very troublesome and dangerous. Just imagine, while others are starving, you are frying, stewing, frying, stewing, and those who smell the smell want to stew with you.

Therefore, before the world is completely in chaos, prepare more cooked food. When she gets back, she will ask her dad to cook more. He is a first-class chef and is very good at cooking, especially Cantonese cuisine.

Qiao Xi's expression darkened and he surfaced to check the situation. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the fire that covered the sky on the shore was finally extinguished, and the aurora disappeared without knowing when.

It was dark and there was no light, so I couldn't see the specific situation clearly, but there was no open flame within sight.

She released the rubber boat and climbed up. The first thing she did was to try the satellite phone, but she still couldn't get through. Taking a deep breath to relieve his disappointment, he drove the rubber boat close to the cargo ship again and found that it had been burned beyond recognition.

I sighed lightly. This kind of ocean-going cargo ship that sails on the sea for a long time will be equipped with a medical room, a library, and a lot of fire-fighting and life-saving equipment.

It was inevitable that she would be a little disappointed, but not much. Her harvest from this trip was abundant enough. As for the missing supplies, she would figure out a solution later.

Qiao Xi drove the rubber boat close to the coast. It was time for her to go ashore and find the embassy. It is said that the country's technology is ten years ahead of civilian technology. Maybe the embassy knows the domestic situation. She also needs maps so she can plan a route home.

I saw three luxury yachts along the way. With the highway blocked by panicked people and cars struggling to move, many people realized that escaping from the city would be better than escaping from the land. No matter how big the fire was, it could not burn across the sea.

Those who have a boat take a boat, those who don't have a wooden bucket, a life jacket, a swimming ring, a plastic bottle... take whatever you have. In a critical moment, even if you don't have anything on hand, after the fire comes over, you can only go into the sea instinctively. Jump.

As a result, there are many drowned bodies floating offshore, and not everyone can swim. If it were not summer and the sea water temperature was high, a group of people would have died due to hypothermia.

The fire was extinguished, leaving behind a piece of scorched earth, and also left these bodies in the sea without relatives to take care of them. Under high temperatures, some corpses take on a more or less giant appearance.

The closer to the coast, the more corpses he encountered, and the uglier Qiao Xi's face became. Since the solar storm, all she could see was the volcano and the sea of ​​fire. She had imagined that the situation on the shore would undoubtedly be tragic. But I never expected that the first corpse I encountered would be in the water. There were corpses floating on the sea. Would there be more on the shore?

Qiao Xi didn't want to confirm, so he used the telescope to choose a beach that had not been burned by fire and landed on it. The coconut trees on the beach swayed alone, and there was a building in the distance with scattered lights, which was particularly bright and dazzling in the dark night. She walked towards the building and slowly discovered that it was a hotel. There were guards standing guard at the door of the hotel.

She stepped forward with her passport to identify herself as a visitor to the Flower Country, and the guard called a staff member who could speak the Flower Country.

The other party must ask why this point comes from outside.

Qiao Xi smiled bitterly: "I took a rubber boat and hid in the sea, but I ran out of gas. I can't row, so I floated on the sea for a long time. Fortunately, I slowly figured out the rules, otherwise I wouldn't know where I would go."

The staff member immediately showed a sympathetic expression: "Just get ashore. You are quite lucky. There are many people these days." She did not continue.

Qiao Xi asked: "Why was there a sudden power outage and the Internet was disconnected, and it hasn't been restored yet?"

Staff: "Experts say that the solar storm damaged power and communication facilities. Fortunately, the storm has passed, and the government has been working overtime to repair it. It won't be long before normal production and life can be restored, so there is no need to panic. In fact, this has happened before. The intensity of the solar storm was just that society and technology were not yet developed at the time, so the impact was not as severe as it is now."

Qiao Xi thought that no matter whether the experts were really so optimistic, they had to be so optimistic externally, otherwise people's hearts would be in chaos and the current situation would only worsen.

She asked: "Are other cities and countries affected to this extent?"

"You want to ask about your own country," the staff member smiled understandingly. "Experts say that this solar storm is very strong and most countries on the Blue Star will be affected. However, there is no way to know the details of other places until the communication is restored. Situation. On the bright side, maybe your home country is fine, mainly because of the fire caused by the plane crash."

Qiao Xi took advantage of the situation and asked: "Are there many planes that crashed?"

Every crashed plane represents a potentially unquenchable fire, and there are an average of more than 10,000 planes in the air every minute around the world.

The staff member smiled bitterly: "As far as I know, we are the only plane that has crashed here. Fortunately, there is only one. Experts say that when a solar storm occurs, it is only a small number that the plane's circuit system fails and crashes on the spot. Today's planes can resist interference. , but we were so unlucky to catch up. However, we could not escape the circuit failure but ran out of fuel. Many planes that could not land flew to places with few people. They are... amazing. "

Without navigation, the plane could not find an airport to land at, and a crash was inevitable. Between densely populated cities and rarely visited deserts, oceans and mountains, the vast majority of captains chose no-man's land, and very few landed safely.

Qiao Xi was quiet and said, "Yes, they are amazing." After a while, she asked again, "How is the city now?"

The situation in the city was very tragic.

There has been no rain in the area for half a month, and the high temperature has been high for half a month. The dry weather has become the best breeding ground for fires. Unfortunately, water and electricity communications were paralyzed, and effective rescue could not be carried out immediately. As a result, the fire got out of control, and most of the city was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

In the end, it was all thanks to the large river that ran across the city from south to north, which blocked the fire in the eastern half of the city and prevented it from spreading to the western half of the city. The open fire in the eastern half of the city has not been completely extinguished.

In the process, countless people died in the flames.

The survivors who escaped from the fire are also having a hard time. Millions of homeless locals and hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world who have nowhere to go are crowded into resettlement sites where supplies are tight.

This hotel is one of the temporary resettlement sites. Because the hotel's diesel generator has limited power and limited fuel, it can only supply lighting, kitchen, cold storage and medical room in important areas. It cannot provide air conditioning. Many people fell ill from heatstroke.

The staff member pinched the bridge of his nose: "In short, you are lucky to be alive."

Qiao Xi nodded: "Excuse me, what time is it now? My phone accidentally got wet, and the time is not correct after the system restarts."

The staff member looked at his watch: "3:52."

Qiao Xi lowered her head to set the time and asked casually, "Today is the 9th, right?" The day of the power outage was at 8pm on the 7th. She waited until the early morning of the 8th before entering the space to rest, so today should be the early morning of the 9th.

The staff corrected: "It's the 10th."

Qiao Xi was speechless. She thought she had slept for more than twenty hours, but she didn't expect that it was more than forty hours. It took such a long time for her overdrawn energy to recover. Then she had to be careful in the future to avoid delaying things at critical moments.

Qiao Xi: "I want to go to the embassy of our country. Is it convenient?"

The staff member smiled bitterly. All the tourists she received wanted to find the embassy of their own country: "It's not possible yet. You just came from the sea and you don't know that military control has been implemented in the urban area. No one is allowed to move around at will. But don't worry, wait. As soon as the situation improves, we will arrange a vehicle to take you to the embassy."

Military control has actually been implemented, which can be regarded as an effective way to control the situation. People who abide by the law will feel at ease, while those who do not want to abide by the law will feel wary.

A strong government is a good thing for the general public in the end of the world, and it is definitely better than letting everyone fend for themselves.