
Survive the disaster

Solar storms paralyzed global power communications, caused climate abnormalities, and caused frequent natural disasters. High temperatures, thunderstorms, hail, acid rain, floods, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, dust, extreme cold, meteorites... The polar glaciers are melting rapidly, resurgent ancient germs are raging around the world, sea levels are rising, and countless city countries have become oceans. Fortunately, Qiao Xi had a storage space filled with supplies.

DaoistzypD36 · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Chapter 25

After the meal, Qiao Xi was rushed to catch up on his sleep.

Xi Jingyun looked at the pile of medicine and said to her husband: "That girl must have hidden something from us, and it's a big deal."

Qiao Yuanshan raised his eyes and looked at his wife: "She has small ideas but big ideas. Now she is twenty-five years old. How can we expect her to tell us anything she encounters outside. Anyway, she is back safely. If she doesn't want to talk, let's not ask. It's definitely not a good thing, otherwise it wouldn't be hidden from us."

Xi Jingyun thought about it and said, "Yes, it will be good when I come back." As she spoke, the corners of her mouth curved up.

Qiao Yuanshan curled his lips and finally no longer felt that the house was so empty and scary.

Qiao Xi only slept for an hour before she woke up. A night without sleep would not be too tiring for her. Besides, she had plenty of time to catch up on sleep at night, so how could she waste time sleeping during the day.

"My dad is out?"

Xi Jingyun looked up from the pile of medicine: "I went to find his friend, why don't you sleep more?"

"If you sleep too much during the day, you won't be able to sleep at night," Qiao Xi discussed with her, "Mom, do you want to get laser vision correction?"

Xi Jingyun was stunned for a moment. She really didn't expect this. Since the Bodhi bracelet reminds her that it's the end of the world, the world will definitely get worse and worse. Myopia is more or less a trouble, so she nodded: "Just do it if you can."

Qiao Xi immediately said: "Then let's go to the hospital right away."

There are people inside and outside the hospital. High temperatures and intense heat can not only cause heatstroke, but also cause cardiovascular, digestive tract, respiratory and other diseases. In addition, there is no electricity, so many residents use gas, coal, alcohol to boil water for cooking, which often causes fires and increases the number of injuries caused by smoke and fire.

At the same time, in addition to treating patients and injuries in the hospital, there are also many families nearby who come to enjoy air conditioning. In this weather, air conditioning can really save lives.

When they walked in, they happened to bump into a burned man and woman who were brought by firefighters. Now that ambulances cannot be called at all times, the firefighters patrolling the streets to guard against fires are responsible for putting out fires and are also tasked with escorting the wounded.

After handing the injured to the doctors and nurses, and waiting for the firefighters to briefly explain the situation, the people nearby quickly asked where the fire was again? People are now particularly sensitive to fires. They are afraid that their communities will catch fire, and if one mistake is made, their homes will be burned down.

The firefighter wiped his sweat and said, "The fire in Happy Garden on Changming Road has been put out. The couple knocked over the alcohol stove in the living room and splashed some on themselves."

The onlookers breathed a sigh of relief, and an old man asked angrily: "When did the call come? It's impossible to eat without making a fire, and it's so dangerous to make a fire. Instead of talking about eating, I just talked about such a hot weather, trying to warm up us old people. Will you save your pension if you die of illness?"

One person raised an issue, and a group of elderly people began to question each other. They were old and in poor health, and their lives were extremely difficult. From time to time, they heard that someone died of fever or illness, for fear that one day it would be their turn.

"You can't use medical insurance. You have to pay for it yourself. You only have so much money. If you get sick, you won't be able to eat. If you don't want to die of illness, you will have to starve to death."

"You can only buy so much stuff in the supermarket at a time. You'll run out of food in two or three days, and you have to queue up again. Do you want to burn us to death?"

"Do you want to swallow the hundreds of thousands of deposits in my bank?"

"What do these people in the government do for a living? They can't even repair electricity for most of the month, and they still get paid. Where can I get my pension this month?"

The young firefighter was at a loss when asked, and it was only until the security guards and volunteers who were maintaining order at the hospital came to the rescue that several firefighters could escape.

People are still angry. The harsh high temperature and disordered life make people particularly irritable and irritable.

Xi Jingyun couldn't help but sigh: "It's not easy. If you don't have money, forget about it. If you have money but can't get it out, who wouldn't worry about it? Many families in our community are short of cash, so they can only sell jewelry at low prices or simply exchange it for things." "

"The higher-ups will always find a way, otherwise public dissatisfaction will boil over and something will happen sooner or later." Qiao Xi feels that the current public sentiment is like an active volcano that is ready to explode at any time, which is very dangerous.

Without the Internet, the self-service registration machine could not be used. I had to go to the manual window and queue up. It took more than 20 minutes before my turn came. The nurse inside asked what kind of disease she wanted to see when she heard about the ophthalmology department. When she learned that she wanted to undergo laser correction, she shook her head: "I'm sorry, but medical resources are currently tight. Many ophthalmologists and nurses have been transferred to other departments to help, such as vision correction. All non-urgent surgeries are suspended."

Qiao Xi was disappointed but not surprised by this.

Xi Jingyun patted the back of her hand: "It's okay, there are so many glasses, all the same."

Now that things have come to this, I can only comfort myself in this way.

The mother and daughter turned around and left the hospital. As for the physical examination, they just had a thorough body examination in May this year. Xi Jingyun, who studied medicine, attaches great importance to these things and arranges a physical examination that combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine every May. This year's inspection report shows that the couple is in very good health, with no high blood pressure or high blood pressure that is common in this age group. There is a doctor in the family, and healthy eating and regular exercise are standard daily routines.

Twenty-five minutes later, the two arrived at their restaurant, which was an independent five-story building.

The first floor is the reception hall, dining room, seafood pool, kitchen, and warehouse.

The second and third floors are banquet halls, which mainly host large-scale weddings and birthday banquets.

The fourth and fifth floors are private rooms and office areas.

The restaurant is rented, and the rent will be paid until next May. It is unrealistic and unnecessary to cancel the lease. This is not bad for their family. Speaking of money, the money in the restaurant account, plus personal deposits and stock funds, is nine figures. In addition to the villa where I live, there are two large flats and two prosperous shops in Beijing. There is a sea-view house for vacation on the island, two houses left by grandparents in Chengdu, and an apartment in M ​​country.

When the end comes, everything will turn into nothing.

In other words, she picked up a big leak at the port, and the harvest was enough to cover the loss, otherwise she would be depressed to death.

Qiao Xi turned around and locked the door of the restaurant, and he and Xi Jingyun went to the kitchen with flashlights. There were many large equipment inside. Several weddings were held together during the holidays, and hundreds of banquets were held thanks to powerful equipment, including a steaming cabinet that could steam hundreds of fish at a time, a rotary oven that could accommodate fifty suckling pigs weighing 4 to 5 pounds, a large roast duck oven, and a grilled fish box. , electric ovens, microwave ovens, combination baking boxes, multi-function fryers, and electric water boilers.

This time I came here to get these equipment, which can greatly improve the efficiency of their home cooking. As for someone sneaking in in the future and finding that these things are missing, they all came in secretly. If you can sneak it in, why can't others? Maybe someone took it apart and stole it. Who knows, they don't know anyway.

In addition to the kitchen equipment, Qiao Xi picked up some useful pots, pans, stainless steel processing tables, various flower pots, and a relatively new mahjong machine in the private room.

On the way back, Xi Jingyun asked, "Would you like to go to the restaurant?"

Qiao Xi thought for a while and nodded.

The shopping mall where the two restaurants are located is a summer resort opened by the government. The roof of the shopping mall is covered with solar panels, and the open space is also covered with solar panels, which are locked together with chains.

Qiao Xi raised his eyebrows. He was afraid that someone would steal it. Maybe he had to come up with this method because he had already been stolen. Nowadays, solar power panels are top-notch products, and most people have no place to buy them with money.

As soon as I walked in, I could feel a slight chill, but it was incomparable to the coolness before. There were really too many people, and everywhere I looked there were people lying down and sitting. Pay attention to the mats, blankets and yoga mats spread underneath. If the conditions are good, there will be an inflatable mat, and if the conditions are better, there will be a tent. Many people are holding books in their hands. Experts and scholars have called on them for many years to stop playing with mobile phones and read more. Solar Storm did it.

Along the specially paved carpet path among the crowd for easy entry and exit, Qiao Xi went up to the fifth floor and saw the cafeteria crowded with people. Strictly speaking, it is no longer her restaurant, it belongs to the government. The mall was urgently requisitioned, and the restaurants in the mall were also requisitioned. The problem of feeding tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people must be solved.

If it is left to private operations, the supply of goods must be opened to merchants, but who can guarantee that merchants will not resell the ingredients at high prices? It is not easy to manage, so it must be managed uniformly. Priority will be given to hiring old employees, and if there are not enough, we will recruit people from the society to create more jobs.

Instead of fancy buffets, Japanese food, and steaks, we provide fast food, noodles, dumplings, and rice bowls that save time and effort. There are really too many people, and making all kinds of dishes, not to mention the cost, is too late in terms of time.

If you want to eat well, you can go to the snack shop on the first floor, which is privately run, or you can go to the private restaurant hotel outside. Some powerful bosses are still operating normally, but prices have doubled.

Qiao Xi suddenly remembered the three major reforms in the 1950s and 1960s, public-private partnership, planned economy, grain purchase certificates, grain stamps, work points... In fact, it was already a bit like that. Many factories involving basic people's livelihoods overcame raw materials with the support of the government. Problems such as electricity, labor, etc. have resumed production. The boss can no longer control who the product is sold to and at what price.

"There are no seats inside. You can choose to wait outside or take out. The take-out window is over there." Xiao Xia, who was maintaining order at the door, saw Qiao Xi and was pleasantly surprised, "Boss, you are back!"

Qiao Xi smiled and said, "Yes, you have to work first."

Xiaoxia smiled sheepishly and continued to guide the guests. After finally making some time, she hurriedly asked her how she came back.

Qiao Xi replied: "It all depends on the help of the embassy."

Xiaoxia's eyes sparkled: "Evacuation? Is it the same as in the movie?"

Qiao Xi: "Absolutely."

The curious Xiaoxia wanted to ask more, but there were more customers, so she had to go and get busy, so she asked: "Boss, do you want to come into the store and have a look?"

Qiao Xi declined, saying there was nothing to see. The restaurant was no longer her restaurant, and it would never be her restaurant in the future.

I can't help but feel melancholy, her career is in the end of the world.

There is no sorrow that cannot be solved by buying, buying, buying. If there is, then buy, buy, buy, buy.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in the mall 24 hours a day. Faced with the strong flow of people, almost all shops chose to open their doors. Restaurants were requisitioned by the government, but other shops were not.

Many people who came to blow the air conditioner were blowing the air conditioner without realizing it. There are always people who are not short of money, such as restaurant owners like Qiao Xi who receive government compensation.

Both stores selling supplements in the mall were open for business, and the mother and daughter walked into the donkey-hide gelatin store. They couldn't stock up in large quantities in Beijing, but they could buy in small quantities.

The shelves in the store are full of products, but there are only clerks and no customers. Given the general environment, people are generally short of money, and few people are willing to buy low-cost tonics.

When a customer comes in, the clerk smiles and her salary is linked to the turnover.

Donkey-hide gelatin blocks, donkey-hide gelatin cakes, donkey-hide gelatin powder, donkey-hide gelatin pulp, tortoise shell glue, deer antler glue... I bought five boxes of each in the largest size. It looked like a lot, but in fact, after removing the packaging, the content inside was only a few kilograms.

Just ask, take advantage of the sales and discounts to stock up.

I've encountered this kind of customer before. Someone bought hundreds of thousands of donkey-hide gelatin two days ago, and the store clerk didn't think much of it at all.

Then I bought supplements such as ginseng, cordyceps, deer antler, snow clam, Ganoderma spore powder, dendrobium and other supplements in another store.

I also bought some ancient Guokui cakes, fried thumb buns and milk tea on the first floor.

If he hadn't had to rush home before the road was closed, Qiao Xi would have wanted to buy some more special snacks to take away. No one knows how long these shops can last, so they must cherish them.

When the mother and daughter returned home, Qiao Yuanshan had already come back and negotiated the power grid and anti-theft windows, which would be installed tomorrow.

"He also has stainless steel screen windows in his shop. I also ordered them to be added between the security window and the glass window so that even small hailstones can't get in."

Qiao Xi smiled and flattered: "Dad is wise."

Qiao Yuanshan boasted to each other: "That's right, how else could I have given birth to a daughter as smart as you."


Before twelve o'clock in the evening, Xi Jingyun finally sorted out the general list of supplies and medicines. One table corresponds to one storage compartment, divided into categories and clear at a glance.

The first grid: wooden house and shelf area. The shelf area contains cooked food, weapons, books, and some commonly used items for easy access.

The second grid: transportation.

The third grid: fuel and garbage area. Their domestic garbage will become increasingly invisible to people. It is necessary to set aside an area specifically for garbage. The empty containers can be used as garbage bins.

The fourth grid: drinks, ice cubes, and drinking hot water.

The fifth grid: snacks, fast food, nutritional and health products.

The sixth grid: fruit.

The seventh grid: vegetables.

The eighth grid: meat, eggs, fish, shrimps and crabs.

The ninth grid: grains, oils and seasonings.

The tenth box: daily necessities.

Box 11: Clothing, footwear, bedding and all cotton textiles.

Box 12: Electronics, electrical appliances, machines.

The thirteenth grid: medical protection, leisure and entertainment.

The fourteenth grid: planting and breeding items.

Box 15: Furniture, paint, rubber, vases, decorations and other messy things.

Box 16: Put hot water for domestic use. It's hot and hot now, and there may be low temperatures and severe cold in the future. Prepare some hot water for washing and bathing later.

Box 17: Clean lake water.

Box 18: Tap water.

Xi Jingyun handed over a piece of paper: "This is what you should pay attention to when you go out this time. Buy it if you have it, forget it if you don't have it. We have so many things. If you really need them in the future, you can find someone to replace them. There is no rush now. "

Early the next morning, Qiao Xi set out for Jincheng. Just in case, she left behind two handguns, two submachine guns and a large box of ammunition. I go to the shooting club several times a month to maintain my skills. Occasionally I take my parents there to play. They can shoot, but their accuracy is not good, but they can shoot in critical moments.

The distance from Jinlan Villa to Jincheng Yacht Terminal is 130 kilometers, not all on the expressway. Qiao Xi drove for an hour and a half.

The staff of the yacht hosting company are on duty 24 hours a day, even on such a hot day. After all, the annual hosting fees, maintenance fees, and parking fees for a yacht add up to tens of millions. Seeing someone appear, immediately go forward and ask.

Qiao Xi took out the custody contract: "I want to drive the yacht away."

The staff are used to it. In the past few days, many customers have come to drive away yachts. They can't go around the world like before, they can have yacht parties, and it's okay to go offshore without a navigation system.

Some people are penniless, while others are wealthy. No matter when, there are people who are not short of money.

After confirming that it was the owner of the yacht, the staff member said: "Can I fill up the tank and fill up the water?"

Qiao Xi nodded. This motorboat uses marine gasoline. It takes 2,800 liters to fill up at one time, and the fresh water tank has 800 liters.

The staff turned around and asked someone to make arrangements.

"I want to buy some oil for backup. As you know, it's not the past. If I run out of oil, I can just call you and you can deliver it. If I run out of oil at sea, it will really make everything worse. "

It used to be against the rules, but the rule is that dead people are alive. This is indeed a problem. Customers have raised it before, and it can be solved by adding a little money.

For Qiao Xi, problems that money can solve are not problems. She asked for 3,000L of marine gasoline, but the other party refused to buy more. After all, replenishing the goods now is not as convenient as before.

Qiao Xi walked to the yacht. It was a 60-foot medium-sized yacht. It was the largest size that could be driven by one person. Any larger yacht could only be driven by two or more people. The maximum speed is 30 knots, the length is 18.29 meters, the width is 5.2 meters, and it is three stories high. The top floor is the driving station and open observation deck; the middle floor is the leisure and entertainment area, two rows of sofas and a kitchen bar; the bottom floor is two rooms, two bathrooms and a living room.

"I remember you also sell some entertainment equipment?"

The staff member smiled and replied: "Yes, there are some, such as jet skis, diving equipment, and fishing boats. Our store is nearby. Can you go and have a look in the store?"

The store is very large, covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters. In addition to the items mentioned before, there are also fiberglass assault boats, life-saving equipment, electric surfboards, handheld swimming boosters, etc.

"I want four motorboats and four fiberglass assault boats. If they can't fit, tie them to the yacht and I'll drag them along. I want twelve sets of insulated life jackets, twelve sets of ordinary life jackets, and twelve electric surfboards, handheld There are also twelve swimming boosters..." The yacht carries twelve people.

The staff was drooling with envy in their hearts, this damn rich man, but thanks to the rich man, the commission is very good.

Qiao Xi asked: "Is the maintenance technician here? If so, I want a comprehensive maintenance."

The staff replied instantly: "Yes."

Knowing that it would take three or four hours, Qiao Xi said, "Then I'll come over at six or seven in the evening, okay?"

"No problem, no problem. I'm on duty 24 hours a day. You can come over at any time. If you can't find me at the dock, you can come to the store to find me."

After paying the money, Qiao Xi drove to Ma Meiying's house, followed the address she left, handed the security guard in the guard room a pack of cigarettes and 100 yuan, and asked him to go in and find the person. If he found the person, he would pay another 200 yuan for hard work. .

The security guard promised that he could earn half a day's salary in just one trip. If he was lucky, he would get a day and a half's salary, so how could he not be happy about it.

Ma Meiying's son and daughter-in-law Ding Hongfei and He Wen are all at home. Even if the heat at home is unbearable, they dare not go to the summer resort for fear that the old mother and daughter will not find them when they return.

For more than half a month, the couple lived like a year. When they heard someone brought news, they didn't even bother to take the sun umbrella and ran over in slippers.

There was only one car parked at the entrance of the community. The couple rushed to the car window. Qiao Xi unlocked the car door and lowered the window: "Come in and talk."

The two hurriedly climbed into the car, and He Wen was anxious: "How is Tiantian?"

Ding Hongfei added: "Where is my mother?"

Looking at the couple who were full of expectation and anxiety, Qiao Xi couldn't bear it. She looked at the ceramic jar on the center console: "They have passed away, and these are their ashes."

As if He Wen was struck by lightning, her whole body froze in place, leaving only a pair of eyes that couldn't help but tremble.

Ding Hongfei swayed and barely managed to steady himself by holding on to the car door. His lips trembled: "Why, why not?"

Qiao Xi briefly told the story and handed over the phone, gold bracelet, gold necklace, and sweet children's phone watch: "Your mother left you a message on the phone."

He Wen, who had already burst into tears following Qiao Xi's statement, hugged the ceramic pot tightly, pressed it on her chest and cried loudly: "Tiantian, Tiantian, Tiantian is afraid of heat the most. She was heated to death. She should How uncomfortable it is." She couldn't help but feel resentful, even after knowing that her mother-in-law committed suicide because of guilt, "I said Tiantian is still young, she is still young! Your mother can't take care of her by herself, don't go. What did you say, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! Give me back my daughter, Ding Hongfei, give me back my daughter!"

The heartbroken He Wen beat Ding Hongfei hysterically.

Ding Hongfei did not dodge and allowed He Wen to vent his emotions. Why didn't he regret it? If he didn't let go, his daughter wouldn't be able to go, and his mother wouldn't go alone. Then both the grandfather and grandson would be fine at this moment. .

Qiao Xi did not stop or persuade. A mother who lost her child, and a father and son who lost both his child and his mother, both needed to vent their emotions.

After a long time, the exhausted He Wen slumped down on a chair, crying silently while holding the ceramic jar in her arms.

Ding Hongfei, who had scratches on his face and neck, held on to his energy and reluctantly bowed to Qiao Xi in the carriage: "Thank you, thank you for sending them back, thank you."

Qiao Xi was not very used to comforting others. She felt that standing and talking would not hurt her back. Finally, she said: "Live well and take them with you."

Ding Hongfei's tears welled up again. He wiped them away and opened the car door. He stumbled and fell to the ground. The ground was so hot that the tall man couldn't help but cry. He cried until he was hoarse. Big tears fell on the hot ground and were sucked dry in an instant. In the blink of an eye, only a faint trace was left.

Qiao Xi quickly got out of the car and walked around, helped Ding Hongfei up, and put him into the car.

Ding Hongfei was still crying bitterly until his body convulsed.

After crying for a while, Ding Hongfei slowly calmed down and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I'm fine. We'll get off the car right now."

Qiao Xi said, "I'll take you downstairs."

Ding Hongfei subconsciously wanted to refuse. He didn't want to trouble the other party anymore, but when he caught a glimpse of his wife who was beside him, his words turned into: "Thank you."

Qiao Xi drove the car to the door, lowered the window and said to the security guard: "I'll send them in, please make it easier."

The security guard witnessed the scene of Ding Hongfei lying on the ground crying, and also heard the crying coming from the car. He vaguely guessed what was going on, sympathized with him, and let him go.

Following Ding Hongfei's instructions, Qiao Xi drove the car to the door of the unit building. Seeing that Ding Hongfei was barely able to stand firm, he simply did his best to help the weak He Wen upstairs.

Ding Hongfei, who was exhausted both physically and mentally, no longer had the strength to refuse this kindness.

The couple lived in a bungalow with a large flat floor. The house was in a mess because the owner had no intention of taking care of it. A corgi dog circled uneasily around the lost hostess.

After sending the person home, Qiao Xi felt that it was time for him to leave. The couple's pain could only be healed by themselves. When they weren't looking, she put 20,000 yuan under the cushion. Their financial situation should not be bad, but she didn't know if they were short of cash. This little money was a little bit of her own thoughts, and she could treat it as the money she gave to Ma Meiying and Tiantian after they met.

Ding Hongfei cheered up, hoping that Qiao Xi would leave his contact information and come to thank Qiao Xi after the couple recovered.

Qiao Xi declined and reminded: "The weather is getting worse and worse. Try to buy as many things as possible to put at home. It is best to add anti-theft windows to the windows. Hail, dragons and phoenixes have happened many times in T country, and we may not be able to do so."

Ding Hongfei's mind went blank and he could only say thank you mechanically.

Having said this, Qiao Xi left.

Ding Hongfei forgot to see the guest off and watched blankly as she left and closed the door. The sound of the door closing brought back some sense to him, and he suddenly remembered the cell phone left by his mother. The other party said that it contained his mother's last words. He had been so sad before that he completely forgot about it and quickly opened the cell phone.

"Hongfei, Wenwen, Mom is sorry for you. Mom didn't take good care of Tiantian. I should have listened to your advice and don't take Tiantian on a trip alone. I was wrong. I killed Tiantian. I have no shame in coming back to see you. You guys, go and accompany Tiantian. Tiantian is timid and she will be scared by herself. Don't worry about us. Take care of yourselves. I asked a few young people to take Tiantian home. Remember to thank them. He is a good person and always takes good care of Tiantian."

Ding Hongfei and He Wen, who was walking like a zombie next to him, broke down and cried again. After hearing what happened, Ding Hongfei jumped up. He boasted that he was a considerate person, but he only expressed his gratitude verbally. He rushed into the bedroom, opened the safe, and grabbed a few stacks of cash. I chased him downstairs, but Qiao Xi was nowhere to be seen. I asked the security guard and he said that he had already left.

Ding Hongfei returned home exhausted, saw two stacks of money on the coffee table, and looked at He Wen.

He Wen's voice was hoarse. She hugged her daughter's favorite corgi and choked with sobs: "Beibei took it out from under the coffee table. Miss Qiao should have kept it."

Ding Hongfei was stunned and said, "Miss Qiao is a good person." He walked over and slowly knelt down in front of He Wen's knees, "I'm sorry, Wenwen, I'm sorry."

The tears that He Wen finally held back burst out again.


After leaving, Qiao Xi stopped near a chain gold store with a small blackboard on the door that said gold recycling. He only had 160,000 cash left on him and needed to replenish it.

She got out of the car wearing a wig, a sun mask and sunglasses. It's actually common these days to cash in gold, but it was prudent to avoid being remembered as much as possible.

The gold store employees were already used to it, and they completed the inspection and quotation in one go. They took away ten 100-gram gold bars and handed Qiao Xi 300,000 in cash. At present, gold stores occupy a dominant position and it is a complete buyer's market, so the price of gold has dropped a lot.

In addition to gold, Qiao Xi also sold a batch of high-end red wine.

After spending two hours exchanging millions of dollars in cash, she headed to the largest local clothing wholesale market. As usual, she changed clothes and cars along the way.

The clothing market is very deserted, and most of the shops are not open for business. Now most people have limited cash and spend it on eating and drinking to cool down, leaving little money to buy clothes. But there are still some, and sporadic customers shuttle between the fractured shops despite the heat.

Most of the items on display in the stores are summer clothes, with only a few selling off-season winter clothes. Qiao Xi came here just for winter clothes. He received a large amount of summer clothes at the port, but there was no winter clothes at all.

She walked into a store that only sold autumn clothes and trousers, including pure cotton, wool, velvet, high collar, low collar, and self-heating ones. Men's and women's styles have different sizes, and a family of three has the majority.

The proprietress smiled from ear to ear. She had not been open for half a month and had been open for half a year. She confirmed: "Cash settlement?"

After getting confirmation from Qiao Xi, she smiled and narrowed her eyes. I was now rich again. She quickly clicked on the calculator with her fingers: "Girl, we are not being vain. You are the first business in these days. I I'll give you a cost price of 300,000."

Qiao Xi didn't bargain, it was just free money: "Okay."

She took out three large piles of cash from her backpack and handed them over: "You count."

The landlady and his wife quickly finished clicking, and after confirming that everything was correct, they had the time to ask: "Sister, you open an online store, right?"

Qiao Xi smiled and nodded: "Yes, take advantage of the current cheap price to stock up a batch of goods to sell in the winter."

The landlady nodded repeatedly: "It's really cheap now. It's never been so cheap in the past few years. Everyone is selling at a loss. We just want to get some cash back for emergencies. Otherwise, eating will be a problem. I never dreamed that one day it would be possible." It happens that you can't get money out of the bank."

Qiao laughed: "Now that you have money, you can buy more."

"Yes, to be honest with you, if I have the money from you for an emergency, I will close the door. People really can't stand the heat." The proprietress has already begun to think about whether it is better to go to a shopping mall to blow up the air conditioner, a gym, or find a way to buy solar energy. Power generation panel or generator, anyway, I have money now.

The boss helped Qiao Xi put the clothes into the van, which was the restaurant's delivery van. After putting in these clothes, there was still room left, so she bought another 230,000 yuan in autumn clothes and trousers on another floor.

After driving away in a small van filled with clothes, she changed her image and the car to another building. This clothing wholesale market consists of seven buildings, three for women's clothing, one for men's clothing, one for children's clothing, one for middle-aged and elderly clothing, and one for bags and shoes.

This time I bought various sweaters and woolen pants, then cotton vests, cotton coats and trousers, down vests, down jackets and down trousers, fur mink velvet, coral velvet pajamas, scarves...cotton shoes and snow boots. I accidentally discovered a rechargeable heating device to keep warm. Shoes can heat up for more than 10 hours on a single charge, so stock up quickly. After going around, I stocked up on millions of winter clothes.

Back at the pier, the staff was surprised: "Are you alone?" The other customers came in in twos and threes and left on the yacht. It was a yacht party, so there were so few friends.

Qiao Xi opened his eyes and told lies: "They are over there in the villa, I want to give them a surprise."

Wow, a beachfront villa with a private dock is not something ordinary people can afford, and the staff is sour. The gap between people is bigger than that between people and dogs.

Qiao Xi drove away in a full yacht and saw several yachts in the offshore area. There were people swimming and playing next to them. The sun was setting and the nightlife was beginning.

The yacht continued to drive deep into the sea, as far as possible, and it stopped only when the surrounding area was pitch black and there were no ships.

Qiao Xi went down to the sea, released the corpses, wrapped them in carpets, added stones inside, tied ropes at both ends, and sank when exposed to water.

Back on the yacht, she silently said sorry to the sea and threw away the foreign garbage. But this place is safer than the Mekong River. Even if they are unfortunately discovered, no one knows their identity, let alone her.

After settling a matter on his mind, Qiao Xi felt relaxed all over, not because of fear, but because he felt uneasy when he thought about these things hidden in the space. She felt uncomfortable that even though the floor of that space was very clean, she still took the mop and mopped it over and over again.

She came out of the space, put everything on the yacht into the space one by one, and took out the gasoline from the fuel tank. She drove the yacht to refuel. In addition to the marina, you can also refuel at floating gas stations.

At three or four in the morning, Qiao Xi drove the motorboat back to land. The speed of the motorboat was twice as fast as that of the yacht, and its small size made it difficult to attract attention.

The next day I continued to stock up on winter clothes and quilts. It was worth mentioning that I found a polar outdoor products store and bought a batch of polar cold-proof and warm products, as well as skis, ski goggles, sleds, etc. Whether it is necessary or not is another matter, it mainly focuses on a sense of security.

There was also an unexpected gain on the third day. A large entertainment facility store actually sold hot air balloons. It was an aerial vehicle that she had always wanted to buy, so she definitely had to buy it. There are only two models of hot air balloons with a maximum load of 1,200 kilograms and 500 kilograms. Qiao Xi asked the boss for one-third of his inventory, three large ones and five small ones, and bought some fuel cans.

On the fourth day, two new vehicles were harvested again - battery cars and tricycles, which were transported away in large trucks in the name of group purchase.

During this period, there was not enough money, so Qiao Xi stopped selling gold bars and wine. After all, they were in the same city. She found several large restaurants and hotels that were still open and sold a batch of frozen meat, a batch of frozen seafood, and a batch of expensive fruits.

In the past four days, she had gone around Jincheng completely. She bought seventy-seven or eighty-eight percent of the supplies on the list. She also stocked up on a lot of marine gasoline at night. She had to decide whether she would have enough. She tried her best.

Before leaving, Qiao Xi found the government compound and the children's welfare home, and each donated a batch of supplies in the name of a volunteer team, part of which came from the port and part of which came from the den of thieves.

These supplies are insignificant to me who has picked up tens of thousands of containers for nothing, but they can effectively alleviate the discomfort caused by killing people.

After the mission was completed, Qiao Xi set off to go home. He was finally able to go back.

Qiao Yuanshan heard the noise and came out to open the bronze gate of the garden. After the last time, they locked the gate day and night.

The walls of the villa have been installed with electronic fences, that is, power grids, using the best materials on the market; the lights in the gardens on the walls are equipped with stainless steel protective covers, and all windows are equipped with stainless steel anti-theft windows, and additional One layer of stainless steel screen. The three balconies on the second floor are all covered with anti-theft windows and bullet-proof special glass. The large terrace where the air conditioner outdoor unit, solar power generation panel and solar thermal insulation water tank are placed is also covered with glass and anti-theft windows.

A modern villa was transformed into a strange shape. It was really ugly, but it instantly made me feel safe.

"More than 20 people worked together and it was installed in two and a half days. The voltage of the electronic fence is 8000V and the current is 2.5 milliamps. It can paralyze people. I asked them to increase it, but they did not dare to increase it to the intensity that could electrocute people. That's how strong it can be."

"It's okay, the instructions are all there. I'll study them later." Qiao asked with a smile, "What does the property management say?"

Qiao Yuanshan: "I definitely didn't agree with it at first. I said it would affect the beauty of the community. I told them to demolish it immediately as soon as the situation returns to normal, and they agreed. After all, it is our own house, not a public area of ​​the community."

Qiao Xi pointed around: "No one came to ask?"

Qiao Yuanshan laughed: "Why not? I said that installing electronic fences was disgusting to the mother and son of the Liang family, so I suggested installing them on the community walls. So many people are unemployed and have no source of income, and petty theft will only increase. Each family contributed some money for peace of mind. Mrs. Xu was also there at the time. She was the director of the owners committee. I saw that she was interested. If this matter could be solved, it would be a good thing for the whole community.

He also said that anti-theft windows are installed to prevent hail, and mentioned the several thunderstorms you experienced. It was also a coincidence that community workers came over on the 1st and went door-to-door to remind us to hide in the basement immediately after the weather changed. It seems that the higher-ups also thought that the thunderstorm might spread to our area. On the same day, two families came over and made an appointment with the workers to install security windows. In our community, there are many cautious people who are willing to spend money to buy peace of mind. "

There are not many stupid people who can earn this kind of wealth, regardless of their character.

The father and daughter entered the house talking.

As soon as Qiao Xi entered the door, he smelled the aroma of braised pork and was instantly greedy.

Xi Jingyun came over with a plate of her favorite braised goose: "Wash your hands, you can wash them in the kitchen."

"The water in the water tank hasn't been used up yet?" Qiao Xi filled up the solar thermal insulation water tank on the roof when he left. This water tank was also a service provided by a certain owner after the power outage. So far, only 20% of the people in the community have installed it, and the remaining I probably don't like it because it's too ugly and brings down the style of my villa. Anyway, there is mineral water available, but it's just a little troublesome. It's less than a month, so we can't expect everyone to enter the rhythm of the end of the world.

"I saved a lot of water, it will definitely be enough."

Xi Jingyun explained: "It doesn't matter. You don't think about it. You left so many water storage barrels in the basement. How can we use them all?"

Qiao Xi knew that she was too sensitive. She was always afraid that her parents would wrong her in ways she didn't know about. After washing her hands, she grabbed a goose wing. It was smooth but not greasy, cooked but not rotten. It tasted just like this: "My dad's braised goose is the best in the world."

The photo made Qiao Yuanshan feel comfortable: "Eat more if you like it. I've made a lot in the past few days. When I finish eating, I put it away. If I put it down again, it won't taste right."

The braised meat can be kept in the refrigerator for three to four days, which is why they chose to make this dish.

Qiao Xi went to the wine cellar in the basement while nibbling goose wings. There is no wine in it now, only a refrigerator and freezer. Maybe it can be renamed a cold cellar. There is an extra bucket of braised goose, a bucket of braised duck, a bucket of braised beef, a pot of braised duck neck, and a pot of braised duck tongue in the empty freezer.

"This must be more than a thousand kilograms. You won't be doing it non-stop these days, right?"

Qiao Yuanshan replied: "We don't have anything else to do when we stay at home. This is easy to make. Just wash it and boil it in brine. It's not tiring at all."

Qiao Xi looked at Qiao Yuanshan, then at Xi Jingyun, and slowly smiled.

She is working hard for the future of this family, and her parents are also working hard for the future of this family, so the future of their family must be bright.