
The world changed

Ron is a 17-year-old boy who is an orphan and lives in a rented apartment. He works part-time in Hungary and is paid $1,000 a month.He pays 300 for the rent, 500 for food, and 200 for clothes. One day, he headed towards one of the alleys as usual to meet his friend. He is actually in better condition than Ron, but he cannot help him much despite that. But he can lend him a few hundred every month and return them in payments or pay for his dinner Or at least he decided to eat with him, and in any case his name is Tony

Ron went into the empty alley and met Tony after walking for a while

Ron: Hey, Tony, what's wrong with you? You seem lost in your mind on the day of our meeting, which you've been waiting for for a while

Tony: Actually, Ron, there are a lot of things to the topic

Ron: Like what?

Tony: Are you watching the news?

Ron: No, why was I really busy with work and when I went home, I fell asleep

Tony: They said that there is an unknown magnetic field approaching the Earth, and its effects begin to disturb the Earth, and a large tsunami has struck the islands in South America. The situation is dangerous, and there are even those who say that aliens are sending messages. Because this is the day when electromagnetic signals reached a planet k1273Good for life

Ron: Did all of this happen while I was asleep? Well, I'm going to finish work at the store in two hours, so can we walk around for a little while?

Tony and Ron agreed, and while they were walking around and chatting about some new and old things and the reason for these signs, even a huge earthquake occurred that might be equal to 7 degrees. This is strange, as that area is not an area of earthquakes, but...

The ground stopped shaking and the atmosphere became strangely quiet, and then everyone started screaming loudly, and between hearing cries of anguish and buildings collapsing, one could hear someone shouting the word monster, monster, run, and he started screaming and running in front of Ron. A few meters before he arrived, a stranger covered in some blood jumped on the man and bit him, and the blood was flying and the veins, blood, and bones fell to the ground. The man let go of him and began looking at Ron and Tony with his mouth covered in blood. The fresh water that dripped from his mouth onto the ground and he screamed loudly and ran towards Ron and Tony. Ron had a somewhat muscular build, but Tony was like any other person I had. Ron quickly grabbed Tony's hand and quickly pulled him with him and started running. Tony was carrying A strange expression on his face and suddenly he started screaming and crying and started running fast, started keeping up with Ron and started talking, and the man who looked like a zombie was running after them.

Tony: Ron saved me...

Ron: Shut your mouth, my house is near, follow me, and Ron started running through the alleys, and Tony followed him. He turned to another alley, and Tony followed him. Ron grabbed him by the feet and helped him get into the trash container, and he jumped after him, throwing his head outside to see if the man was gone. The person covered in blood, who looked like a zombie, stopped and turned to look around and began to approach the garbage container in which they were hiding. While they were waiting to be discovered, he found a homeless person carrying a bottle of alcohol and passing by. In the alley, and he was unaware of the calamity he had fallen into, step two or three, the man turned around to see his prey coming. A man with a beard passed by, screaming, and heading towards him with a face full of blood. The man was terrified and started running, and he let go of the bottle and smashed it. The lower part of it, but the rest is intact. The man ran from the direction he came from, and the zombie followed him. Ron took one last look before quickly returning inside and he was shocked. The man who had been eaten by the zombie in the beginning went running after him.he is too Ron began to think, saying: It is not impossible. Is it an epidemic or that everyone who dies mutates? And why are they so strong and fast? Tony looked at Ron and he was terrified. What scared you more than what happened to us now? Ron told him that it was the man who killed him. The zombie in front of them also turned into a monster, which surprised Tony very much because it means that the number of zombies could reach a few billion in a short period of time. Ron told him that his house is close and it will take a quarter of an hour to reach it, but Tony's house will take longer. from For a full hour, he was on crowded roads, so they decided to go to him. They got out of the trash can and left the alley, and they were cautious. Ron carried the bottle of alcohol because it could be used as a weapon. Well, then he headed off. With extreme caution and fear, and unfortunately for them, they met One of the monsters, but it seemed to have a weak build, turned around, saw them, and moved silently towards them, and involuntarily, Ron hit him with the broken part of the bottle, and blood sprayed, but he did not die, and he turned towards them and screamed at the top of his voice. Ron advanced towards him.He quickly pulled the bottle from left to right and cut his throat and tried to scream, but he was unable to do so, so he attacked, even though his build was weak, and he had at least twice the strength of Ron. He pushed him, and Ron slipped with one of his hands. The plastic bottles on the ground fell on his back and the monster jumped on him. Ron held him by the shoulders so that his mouth would not reach any part of his body. He was literally suffering, as he was on the verge of death, especially with the monster's enormous, unnatural strength.He said a desperate sentence: Tony, run away. As soon as he said that, he saw a piece of wood hitting the monster's head and causing it to fall to the side. Ron grabbed the bottle and began stabbing the monster fiercely and quickly. He penetrated the monster's eye to reach the brain and Tony began helping him by hitting the monster's skull with the wood he had until they destroyed it. Ron stood up from the monster and while he was going with Tony until the monster began to stand up and looked at Tony and Ron, without eyes, took it. He attacked him with the wood and hit him directly in the damaged part of the skull, and he fell and never got up again. They headed together towards the main road, and there were ordinary people who started running towards the house, and after a quarter of an hour they arrived there, they entered and closed the door. The screaming started outside. Tony looked at Ron and said: We arrived on time, man. This is great. Oh, I'm hungry. Can you give me something to eat? Ron replied that he had some rice, noodles, cookies, candy, and other things. He said:I won't give it to you until I divide it up and find out how many days we will last with the food. They went to the kitchen, and after emptying it and dividing the food, they agreed on 5 days of acceptable food and 4 days of little food until their supplies were exhausted, and suddenly he remembered Ron. They had to charge everything in the house because the power would definitely go out. Ron had some spare batteries at his house.He charged it and they charged their phones. Ron had a bicycle and they decided to monitor the bulletins on television and the Internet to find out what this epidemic was. Tony was searching the Internet, while Ron was looking out the window to see and looking for a plan. To get out of his house To observe and find out the places they should escape to, and at that time he discovered something strange. Zombies or monsters are characterized by three main things, which are greater speed than an ordinary human, crazy, unnatural strength, and they do not eat humans. After thirteen seconds, the killed people turn into monsters and do not die from loss of blood

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