
Survival with 2 essences MarvelxDC

Loneliness is something that I got used to thanks to my parents, brothers, and sisters, always seen as someone unworthy. Unworthy of their love. Unworthy of their respect. Unworthy of living with them. But after an incident, my sense of loneliness disappeared, why? Because who gives a fuck about loneliness when you can become the strongest being in the universe?

DaoistKQnDFL · Cómic
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

I slowly rise from the bed I was "sleeping", I open my eyes while faking drowsiness and I touch the bruise on my right cheek, healing it instantly would have attracted a lot of attention, so I toggled off my regen and I will reactivate it later on.

" Finally awake, you got a bad bruise from falling from the stairs, you should pay more attention, kids these days only pay attention to their phone, and don't let me talk about how..."

She continued rambling for 3 minutes, if only I didn't stop her.

" Can I go? I think I still have some classes I need to attend."

She simply nodded, angry that I stopped her rambling.

I got out of bed, and I head out of the room, my next destination being my last class for the day.

While going there I looked around, and I got surprised by how many things I could understand just by seeing a drop of water on the pants of a girl, or by how I could realize that the architecture of the school was built to be easily rebuilt, or the fact that I was able to listen to 5 different conversations and not lose any of the words they were saying.

One of my eyes twitches, so I put my hand in my pocket and open the registration app on my phone.

Suddenly a ball hits the back of my head, causing my now unnecessary glasses to fall to the ground, breaking the glass into pieces.

"Fuck my glasses," I said hard enough for the phone to hear it.

I turn towards the ball thrower, and I see Flash mad angry dashing toward me.


'Oh, I thought I would have needed to anger him, but he seems already angry? Perfect.'

Just as he was about to get me by the collar, I barely evade him and I kick one of his legs, making him stumble on the ground and go against the wall.

Seeing such a scene, everyone in the area began to laugh at the scene.

' Audio maybe won't be enough, let's make a video.'

I take out my phone, press the camera app, and make a video start, just in time to record a punch going towards my face.

Just as the punch was about to hit my face, I tilt my head, making only scratch the left side of my cheek, and using my elbow I hit on his chin with all my strength.

He falls to the ground unconscious, and I stop the video but not the recording.

As soon as he fell to the ground a teacher appears and begins to shout against me.


A smile forms on my face, I don't rebuke and I head to the principal, while the teacher drags Flash to the Nurse.

Before actually meeting the principal I had to wait five minutes, during which the teacher "explained" the situation to the principal.

"You can come inside," Said the Teacher after opening the door of the principal's room, he had such a smug smile on his face that even young masters couldn't compare to it.

I get inside the room and I sit on one of the sits in front of the principal's desk.

" I have heard from the teacher that you not attacked one of your classmates but you also made him fall unconscious, I have already called your parents and they are coming, you will be suspended for a week."

" Are you not going to hear my side of the story?"

" Teacher Shittus has already explained everything, you don't get to speak."

" And that's it," I said while turning off the registration.

The smile on the face of the principal and the teacher disappeared, realizing what just happened.

"Now, what are you both going to do? Beg for forgiveness? Try to buy? Try to steal my phone by hitting me and deleting the video? The last one would be hilarious considering that you are just a piece of shit as big as a cow, and the other one is a man trying to get some satisfaction on students since his wife is cheating on him."

"HOW DARE Y-" The teacher said while moving towards me, raising his hand ready to hit me in the face.

But before he could I got up from my chair, and kicked it with the back of my leg, causing it to hit the teacher on the stomach, blocking him from hitting me, and before he could recover I smashed the other chair on his back.

I clean my hands and I look at the principal.

" I am not going to post either the video or the recording, but be aware, if I get sued, if my school records get stained by this, or someone speaks about this "incident" I will ruin both of your lives in ways you can't imagine," I said with an emotionless voice, while my eyes glowed in golden light, the effect of the Nexus, and from how the principal isn't able to look me in the eyes it's working perfectly.

I sat on the remaining chair and waited for the arrival of my parents.

After 2 minutes of silence and the principal almost shitting himself later my parents arrived and got inside the room.

The principal saw hope in meeting my parents, but when they saw the same golden eyes like mine, filled with anger he sat back and didn't speak.

My parents look at me, and I look at them, the amount of disappointment in their eyes is immeasurable, mixed with there also is disgust and anger, and by how my father is holding his head I am expecting a beating when I get home.

" We are sorry for our son, I hope not a word of this will be spread, we will continue from here."

After saying those words he grabbed me by the harm with a lot of force and began to drag me away.

2 minutes of silence later we got inside the car and the shouts began, at least from my father, my mother stayed silent, but from how she is looking at me, I will go to bed with no dinner or lunch.

I muted both of them from the moment we got inside the car, and instead, I began browsing the Worldmind, searching for the best way of income, how to free myself from my parents, and how to learn to fight.

After 10 minutes we got home, and I became officially free from my parents, I just need to print the papers, I became a master in Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and Boxing, or at least in their techniques, and thought about several inventions that can get me rich in few days.

I unmute my parents, I look at both of them before going out of the car and heading towards the front door of the mansion.

I open the door and I am welcomed by the cold stares of the butlers, my brother, and sisters.

I ignore all of them and I get to the stairs to get to my room, just wanting to print the papers and get out of this house.

"Where do you think you are going? I have not finished with you." My father said, trying to scare me by shouting.

But I ignored him, and entered my room and turned on the printer attached to my computer, I open my mail and I begin to print the papers.

I finally got downstairs, smoke almost coming out of his ears.

He stomps towards me ready to slap me in the face, only to be blocked by the newly printed papers.

" What is this?" He said while snatching the papers from my hand.

He begins to read the papers, and his only got redder and redder.

"HOW DARE YOU?" He said while grabbing me from the collar and lifting me.

"Do it, hit your child that is trying to get away from his family, I would love to see how you are going to explain this to the court, even more considering all the registration I got from your shouting in the car."

He flinches for a second, which gives me enough time to knee him in the guts, making him fall to the ground.

I adjust my shirt, and I look at him.

"Keep the papers, you have to sign them to confirm you saw them, mother also needs to do it, I will have someone take all my things in a few days, from now on, we are nothing more than strangers, I am sure you will be able to explain the situation to everyone ''father''".

He gets back up and goes out of my room,

I release a long sigh, and I begin to pack all the things that can be useful in the future. I don't need clothes, since I don't need to shower, I will pick my PC since it will be my main source of income in the nearest future, I also pack some food I had saved in case my mother didn't make me dinner, and other minor things.

I change clothes, picking some more comfortable ones, a hoodie with a shirt under it, black cargo pants, a pair of black boots, and a baseball hat, I also pick a mask just in case.

I get out of my room with the bag on my back, just to see my mother looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Son please don't go, I love you, I was like that because I wanted the best for you, please I love." She went on about how she loves me and bullshit.

I get the urge to puke just by seeing her, and also by seeing my father, brothers, and sisters looking at the scene hoping for it to work.

" Are you hoping that the news won't spread right? A child of the famous Leywind family suddenly decides to leave? Something fishy must have happened, I will love to see how they discover all the things father has done, I might give them a hint if you don't stop this bullshit that might become will."

My mother stops, and removes the tears from her eyes, she looks at me, anger filling her.

She lunges at me trying to pierce my eyes with other nails.

I simply sigh, I sidestep to the right and evade her attack, I the ignore her and I look towards the hiding group.

" The same goes for you all."

I didn't look or talk to them while I moved toward the door.

I opened it and just as I was about to get out I turn back toward my mother and father.

" Thanks for nothing."

I then close the door behind me and I walk away from the house, while small droplets of water begin to fall on my face, even though it wasn't raining.

( No it's not because he will miss them, but because he is finally free)