
Survival Of A Background Character

So, you think you've got life all figured out? Well, imagine waking up in the body of a third-rate villain from a novel you once scoffed at. That's exactly what happens to your not-so-average high school student turned reluctant anti-hero. Picture this: transmigrate into the body of a suspended student from school, banished from his noble family, and now trapped in a world where magic reigns supreme and destiny calls the shots. Oh, and did I mention he's got a one-way ticket back to reality? All he has to do is complete a series of tasks to fix the messed-up storyline. Easy, right? Hell no!! But hold on a second. This ain't your typical hero's journey. Chris isn't exactly the noble, tragic figure you'd expect. Nope, he's more of a sarcastic, self-aware protagonist who's not afraid to ask the real questions. Like, why bother with destiny when you can't even get your morning coffee right? Or how about facing your past mistakes when you can just blame it on the plot? And don't even get me started on trying to outsmart fate itself. As Chris stumbles through this twisted tale of magic and mayhem, he's forced to confront his own shortcomings, forge unlikely alliances, and maybe—just maybe—find a way back to the life he left behind. But with every sarcastic quip and sardonic remark, he's also asking you, the reader, to join him on this wild ride. So, buckle up, because in a world where reality is just a plot twist away, Chris Harrison is about to rewrite the rules and show destiny who's really in charge.

wondering_boson_04 · Fantasía
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49 Chs

A Change In Perception

Under white beams of cool moonlight falling from the open windows of a spacious room, a scrawny boy around 16 years was lying on a comfortable bed. He had bandages all over his body. A beautiful middle aged lady was gently swaying his hair and another young girl was standing beside them witnessing such a rare moment.

"You are quite fond of him, aren't you? You just met him 2-3 days ago, and yet...." Christiana commented on Cecille's strange familiarity with that boy even if she just met him a few days ago.

The boy was under suspension from the Royal Academy for engaging himself in bullying and harming a fellow student. His family too banished him in the fear of receiving the wrath of the Princess of this empire. 

"You just have a wrong perception of him, Christiana. Although I don't know what really happened at that incident with him that got him suspended, from what I have seen so far, he is not a bad person."


"When he brought you here, I could see in his eyes. Desperation and restlessness. The same could be said when he brought Harald."


"He had been searching for him for the last 2 days since you left, you know. I can't even imagine how did he survive deep inside a dense forest with only healing potions to drink."

"What if he is trying to deceive all of us by putting on this act?"

"I don't think so. Just look at him. His pale face due to exhaustion, injuries on chest and shoulders and his already cut fingertip, they all seem real to me. If he wanted to deceive you, then he wouldn't have gone through such pain."


"Try to believe in others, will you?"


"Anyway, I am going to make dinner. Where is Harald?"

"He has gone to report at the academy. I would also depart after a few minutes. So no need to make anything for me."

"Oh! That won't do. Don't you want to try my hand-cooked food after such a long time?"

"N-No, like I said, I need to leave. Or else they would send a search team for me too."

"There you go, being stubborn again. It would just take 10 minutes. And you are in the house of a faculty member too. So no need to worry." 


"No buts. I am going to the kitchen now. During that time, just keep a look on him. It won't take long."

"Ah! Wait!.....Hah! She left!"

'Now what should I do?'

'Her cooking doesn't taste good, that's why I tried to avoid..... Seems like it can't be helped. This time I would go along with her.'

Then she took a glance at the lying boy and sat down on the chair beside the bed.

As Christiana sat beside the sleeping boy, her thoughts were consumed by conflicting emotions. Years of betrayal and deception had left her with a deep-seated distrust of others, making it difficult for her to let her guard down. But as she glanced at Chris, lying on the bed nearby, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt.

His actions spoke of genuine concern for Harald, something she hadn't expected from someone with his reputation. Despite her initial suspicions, she couldn't deny the sincerity in his eyes when he spoke of finding Harald and bringing him back to safety. And when he collapsed from exhaustion, she couldn't help but wonder if perhaps she had misjudged him.

But old wounds run deep, and Christiana knew better than to let her guard down too easily. She had been deceived before, by people she had trusted with her life, and she wasn't about to let it happen again. And yet, there was something about Chris that made her hesitate.

Maybe it was the way he looked at Harald, with a mixture of concern and determination. Or maybe it was the fact that he had risked his own life to search for him in the forest, despite knowing the dangers that lay ahead. Whatever it was, Christiana couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Chris Harrison than met the eye.

As she watched him sleeping peacefully, Christiana found herself torn between her instincts and her past experiences. Could she trust him, despite everything? Or was it just another deception waiting to happen?

Only time would tell. But for now, as she sat beside the sleeping boy, Christiana couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, Chris was someone she could trust after all.

"I should check on him for the time being...."

"What are you going to check~?"

"W-Woah! Ms. Cecille don't scare me like that!"

"Oh my! Am I disturbing something~?"

"W-What are you talking about?"

"HaHaHaHa.....! Look at you getting all flustered!"

"Please stop that!"

"Alright! Alright! I have made vegetable stew for dinner. Let's eat now."

'Agh! I really don't want to eat that. Oh! Why don't I make him eat that too? ' Christiana thought to herself.

"Why don't we wake him up too? Sleeping with an empty stomach is not good for health." She asked in order make Chris eat the same not-so-good vegetable stew made by Cecille.

"How thoughtful of you! Yeah, we should do that. Give me some time. I will go serve for all 3 of us and bring it right away. We will have dinner here together."


With that affirmation, Cecille went inside the kitchen. 

'Heh. I can't wait to see what face he would make.'

With a smirk on her face, as she was having such amusing thoughts, faint mumbling of someone reached her ears. 


As the voice grew louder, she realized that its source was the boy lying on the bed while pointing his hand upwards. 

"Huh? Are you talking in your sleep?"

"Waaaaait!" With that loud scream, Chris woke up with beads of sweat all over him. He was panting heavily and ....perhaps crying.

Then he scanned his environment and found out Christiana standing beside him looking surprised.

"Are you okay? Should I call Ms. Cecille?"

"Huh? Oh. No need. Did I pass out after that?"

"Yes. By the way about the deal, I think we should continue the conversation tomorrow. Your condition is not good now."

"....Was I saying something before?"

"Y-Yeah, seemed like you were telling someone to wait."

"...Where is Harald?"

"He went back to report at the academy that he has come back. And Ms. Cecille is serving dinner for us inside the kitchen."

"Huh? You are going to eat here? Have you eaten her cooking before?"

"Yes, what about it?"

"Nothing. I am just admiring your patience for willing to experience it twice. Anyways, wait here for another 10-15 minutes, I would try to make something edible."

"Perhaps, have you eaten her cooking too?"

"Yes, it was terrible."

"Wait, do you know how to cook? Even if that's the case, you are injured all over. Are you sure about this?"

".....How many questions are you going to ask? Just wait here, I will be right back."


Ah! I was talking in sleep! How embarrassing! 

Moreover, after being unable to eat anything straight for two days, I mustn't eat something like that. Maybe, I should teach Cecille how to cook sometime.

But, what was that weird dream? I don't really remember anything now though. What was her name again?

I have a lot to think about, so probably its better to let that slide as coincidence. 

The deal is finally done and I would be able to move forward for scenario completion in earnest from now on.

There are also changes occurring around me. For now, I should think about what to make for dinner. If she has some mushrooms, that would be good.

However, how could I pass out from this much work only? Seems like this body needs a lot of training. 

From this point onwards its an uphill battle both for me and the others.

Please comment below if you have any idea or suggestion about this story so far. I would try to modify accordingly.

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