
Survival Guide: Zombie

"Survival Guide of a Zombie" follows the story of Ryder, a man who wakes up one day to find himself turned into a zombie. With his newfound abilities, Ryder navigates a post-apocalyptic world filled with danger and uncertainty. Along the way, he faces challenges both physical and emotional, as he struggles to come to terms with his new existence and find a way to survive. With his father's words of wisdom echoing in his mind, Ryder sets out on a mission to take down every zombie he sees, fueled by his desire for revenge and the hope that he can still make a difference in a world that has been turned upside down.

Enferno · Horror
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34 Chs

Potential Strength or Growing Weakness

Vincent and the surviving soldiers retreated back to the base as their main damage dealer, Lawrence, was unable to fight. The cthulu was heavily injured, but as Vincent left on the aircraft, he saw the cthulu retreating. Once he got back to the base, he found out that the cthulu suddenly died five minutes before he arrived. The body was secured by the WZCD, but instead of telling the public that the cthulu died of unknown reasons, the WZCD told the public that cthulu died by bleeding after fighting with the brave soldiers from ZEU 1-5. This was done to keep public tension to a minimum.

Mary, who had been unable to fall asleep for three days, finally saw Lawrence wake up on the hospital bed. Mary was relieved to see him wake up and talk to her. While at the base, she found out that her killer tendencies were kept to a minimum while she was around Lawrence. Despite not knowing the reason behind it, Mary was happy to be near Lawrence and kissed him.

Meanwhile, Luna had managed to take Zoe and Ryder to a subway station as there was no sign of any zombie or living creature there. Luna tended to both Zoe and Ryder's injuries for a whole week, as Ryder had been severely tortured and Zoe had been unconscious for two days after Luna rescued them.

After Ryder woke up, Luna started tearing up and hugged him straight away. Zoe, who had woken up a few days earlier, pouted as she watched. Although it hurt Ryder's back a bit, he smiled and let Luna have her moment. After Luna was done hugging Ryder, he started asking her all sorts of questions like "who are you?" "Where are we?" "What happened to me and Zoe?" and most importantly "what are you?" Luna answered all of Ryder's questions, telling him that she was Luna, they were in an abandoned subway station, he and Zoe had been beaten and knocked out, and she had saved them. However, Luna didn't know what she was.

Luna told Ryder and Zoe that she rescued them because she was able to survive because Ryder and Zoe diverted Mary and Vincent's attention. Luna hugged Ryder again, and Zoe also jumped in on the chance to hug him. The chapter ends with the WZCD sending out a search team to capture Zoe, Ryder, and Luna to experiment on them and potentially recruit them into one of the ZEUs.