
Survival Game -need to find partner in order to live

Hi My name is Niya. 19 years old college girl not so popular student. Nowadays I'm addicted to game called 'Survival Game'. Who would have thought that one day I'm gonna end up in Game world. How I'm going to escape. Without partner it's impossible to win this game. As a terrible player no one wants to be with me. Am I going to win or die. Find out more.

Nimai_R_1997 · Adolescente
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10 Chs

Niya Vs Vikram

At Game world.

I couldn't sleep at all it's freaking cold. I cuddled with kitten and tried to sleep but no use. I closed my eyes and imagined I was lying in the desert, hot sand touching my back , I felt warm and slowly fell a sleep.

Sun rays touched my feet. I woke up and saw that someone had put a blanket on me. I looked around and  called the kitten.

No sound

I rushed outside but it's gone. Probably went back to it's master. I felt upset.  It's my fault for expecting more.

"You are on your own"

On the other side Vikram landed in Game world. He's confused. He started walking around and tried to figure out what's happening.

While I'm walking alone in forest I saw Vikram " I didn't know he is early bird . He's playing game early  morning." I didn't want to run to him so I turned back to leave.

Vikram called "Hey you stop there"

I slowly turned "Why? What you want?"

He look surprised "You???"

"It's me what's wrong?"

"You look different"

I blushed "Well I changed my style a little bit, you noticed."

He interrupted "Stop.   What I mean, you don't have flashy board above. Players I met untill now all are carrying that board".

I felt embarrassed and yelled at him" So what ? You also don't have that board" I stopped, realisation hit me "Wait....it means you are also stuck here".

What a hilarious situation.

I murmured "Hey Game, out of all players you picked him, seriously? I can't stand him for second. I'll kill him for sure."

He shouted "I can here you Girl.. feeling is mutual. I can't breathe the same air as you. Don't show me your face."

We both turned back.

But deep down we both scared to be left alone. After a lot of consideration He talked.

"Hey Girl. Let's fight, whoever loose will obey every command of winner. What you say ?"

Anger flare up " Don't you have any shame. How can you offer an unfair duel. I'll loose for sure".

"Girl, take it easy . I'm a man of honour and like equal competition. So here is the deal I'll use the  weapon equal to your power and you can head start. Rule is simple 'Draw first blood'.

I agreed " Deal. Let's see who gonna be slave of whom. I'll crush you Rick... Don't go back on your words".

He thumbs up "Girl, bring it on. Good luck".

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