

Traductor: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

However, this formation was also extremely concealed. Had it not been for her Vision power, she probably wouldn't have noticed the formation in this part of the jungle.

When she approached it, Luo Qingtong was even more surprised.

The formation here was hundreds of times more complicated and obscure than the formations she saw in the collection of ancient books in the 24th century. It definitely wasn't an easy task to break it.

Fortunately, she had her magic eye powers.

As Luo Qingtong thought this, the blood glow in her eyes flickered and she instantly saw the pathway of energy movement in this formation. With a swift movement of her body, she rushed in.

However, Luo Qingtong never imagined that the scene before her eyes would be so magnificent!

She stared at the scene before her without blinking.

Under the waist-deep, blue spring water, a figure appeared in her line of sight.

In her dark red vision, the figure was soaking in the blue spring water.

Obscured by clouds of mist, his face was only faintly discernible.

Even if Luo Qingtong's magic eye powers were functioning at their optimum, she still wouldn't be able to see through the faint glow that surrounded his face let alone get a good look at his face.

This was the first time since she attained her magic eye powers that she had suffered a defeat!

She couldn't even get a clear look at the other person's appearance!

But even then, it didn't affect his charm in the slightest.

The man exuded an astonishing aura throughout his entire body.

Even under such circumstances, he still gave off a sense of nobility and elegance.

The imposing manner that surrounded him made him seem like the king of the world.

Lying against the edge of the pool, he was leaning back slightly and his hands were resting on the edge of the spring.

Because of his position, the contours of his back were stretched taut and his sphenoid bone was clearly visible.

His head was slightly raised. Amidst the obscuring fog, a corner of his smooth chin could be seen faintly.

Just looking at the beautiful contour that was exposed was sufficient to prove that this man was definitely beautiful!

To top it off, he was a handsome guy with a great body!

Luo Qingtong felt a nosebleed coming on just by admiring him.

In the 24th century, she was used to seeing handsome men and beautiful women.

Yet, no matter who it was, be it a young chap or an older man, they were nothing compared to this man before her whose face she couldn't even see!

I certainly didn't expect to stumble on such good luck during my escape this time. It's fantastic!

Luo Qingtong was thinking when suddenly, she met a pair of eyes that radiated a chill as deep and cold as ice and snow in the twelfth lunar month.

Those eyes seemed murderous and reeked of blood.

Luo Qingtong felt an ineffable fear just by exchanging one look with him.

This man is absolutely not to be trifled with!

Drawing this conclusion, Luo Qingtong coughed softly and was about to explain to the man that she had entered by mistake.

However, before she could explain, the man's gaze swept across her eyes before he closed his eyes again.

Luo Qingtong was momentarily shocked. Soon after, she realized in hindsight that she was a blind person to others!

Very good! Fantastic!

I can admire this handsome eye candy of a man while healing, Luo Qingtong thought as she sat down cross-legged, planning to examine her bodily injuries.

At this moment, the sound of orderly and vigorous footsteps came from outside.

"Her tracks disappeared here! Search carefully! She must be around here! We definitely can't let her get away!"