
Supreme Transmigrator-Axton Zavier

Martin woke up in a seething rage. The memory of his father's name leaving the mouth of the assassin tasked with his death was forever etched into the inner parts of his brain. The man he had trusted with his life, although they weren't that close, Martin had never thought he would be the reason for his death. But in the darkness that followed, something extraordinary happened. he found himself transmigrated into a new body, in a new world. A vessel made for his burning anger and thirst for revenge. He was accompanied on his journey by a strange type of rune, and blessed with an hidden room of power. In his new life, he realized he wasn't spared from the constant betrayals. Martin forged his timid heart into one made of boiling furnace, his soul was fueled by the desire to return to his world and pay his father for his crimes. He took an oath, one drenched in the blood and sweat of his struggles: They would grovel before his feet. Each breath he took was tainted with the want for vengeance, each step was guided by the inferno that blazed wildly in him. The path ahead was shrouded in darkness, but Martin welcomed it, for it was the crucible in which he would forge his revenge. "I AM AXTON ZAVIER, THE SUPREME GOD OF CULTIVATION." ......................... _________ ****I do not own the cover**** I have been planning this story for a year now and I hope you like it. Yes it has everything ranging from action, adventure, revenge, etc. DISCORD SERVER : https://discord.com/invite/UXY22fphqe ____ CHAPTER LENGTH (1000-1500) Depending on my inspiration. (1-3) CHAPTERS DAILY 20 powerstones leads to an extra chapter at the end of the week! 40 powerstones leads to two extra chapters at the end of the week! ^^ Thank you for joining me on this literary journey. Enjoy the adventure!

LIGht_Pen · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
61 Chs


Sigrid Kian stood in the middle of the battle area stopping the battle from moving any further.

He gave Martin an hard stare before moving on the referee.

"Are your eyes useless?" Sigrid spoke to the referee yet his eyes was still on Martin.

He wondered how this Axton kid had suddenly gotten this strong.

Had he discovered some secret way of immense growth, or did he spend a lot of money on cultivation? How? He didn't have that much.

The last time he saw him, his aura wasn't as strong as this. However, the boy had given up those gold loins as if they were nothing to him.

At that time, the Dean appeared at the high table, and his eyes widened when he saw what had happened.

"We are sorry, Master Sigrid. We didn't notice the boy's plan on time." Walker bowed his head.

Meanwhile Dergin stood by the hall, witnessing the entire change.

He had left before but he suddenly changed his mind when he realized that he really wanted to see the end of the person that crippled his son.

Now, he was surprised by the sudden change of events.

"Did the Kian family Head save my nephew? Was he interested in Frey?"

The Kian family were the biggest elemental family in the Hartford City, both they specialized mostly in the fire element. Now this family had shown an interest in Frey. It meant that Frey was going to greater heights.

Frey had also been thrown a little distance by the force but not as far as Martin because he wasn't being targeted.

Everyone watched as Sigrid moved closer to Martin with an expressionless face, and they wondered what he was going to do.

"Finally, someone had to put that Axton kid in his place."

"I also never liked him, acting all proud, and all."

Martin however thought different, he had noticed that this old bastard took an interest in Frey from the look he had on his face, and what he was planning to do after the match was pretty evident.

However, Martin would never let that happen, he had a lot of plans in mind, and for that to happen, he needed to involve this old geezer.

Sigrid stood in front of Martin, staring down to look at his pitiful state.

Although, he hated the boy, he couldn't ignore the fact that he had potential, and what every family needed was a way to get higher in the hierarchy, and then after getting the boy on his side, he could finally take that property as a thank-you gift.

"I'm impressed by you." Sigrid held out his hand in front of Martin, and everyone gasped.

The Kian family head was impressed, he was truly impressed by an F-grader.

A young kid had managed to impress the hardest man in the city, and all he did was attempted murder, what the heck?

"Damn such divine luck!"

"I knew serving my ancestors was useless or why wasn't I blessed with such luck."

Students grumbled, and complained as their eyes were filled with envy from just looking at Martin.

Impressing Sigrid Kian was a spectacular feat on its own, so they slowly waited for him to accept the offer.

Everyone wanted to be accepted into a great family, and this Kian family was one of the greatest in the city. They were the only family who had sent their members out into the world to study, and everyone knew they would also send out the fire princess.

If only they were picked by this man, reaching the pinnacle of heaven would only be a few steps away.

However, Martin had a different thought as stared at Sigrid.

_What a hypocrite!_

Martin just wanted a chance to disgrace Sigrid like the way Axton's father had been disgraced a long time ago.

He didn't want anything from this man. Well, except maybe his sexy daughter. Nevertheless, a lady wasn't enough for him to neglect his plans.

With all that in mind, Martin slapped away Sigrid's stretched out hand, shocking the expanse of everyone that had gathered in the hall.

"What the f**k did he just do?"

"That flat-nosed beat just slapped Master Sigrid's hand like it was a piece of rag. The Master Sigrid!"

Frey almost collapsed from anger while Dergin had bled from his nose.

His brain couldn't take whatever the f**k he was watching.

This Axton was a dumb clown. Why would you slap away the hand of the greatest man in the city? Don't you want to live long enough?!

Tana almost puked out blood when she saw what Martin had done.

"Axton, you have brought danger on yourself." She muttered but a small smile was on her face.

She didn't think that anyone would have the audacity to in such way to her father. The Great Lord Sigrid.

Sigrid's face looked like the face of a road kill that had been run over many times by cars.

He had gone pale with anger.

"You hypocrite with an aging brain. I don't need your interest." Martin picked himself up, and stared at Sigrid with an unwavering confidence.

He made a mental note to ask himself where he had gotten the confidence from.

Those at the higher level were shocked.

"Aging brain?"

"He called Sigrid an old dying man."

"Thank the heavens I didn't recruit him. I could have made the Kian family my enemy."

The teachers were amazed, and most of the students had burst into tears. The opportunity they had been looking for all their life was simply slapped away by a nobody.

Sigrid was beyond furious, and his aura dropped.

Martin felt his lungs constricting, and he was unable to breathe.

What level was this man's cultivation?

His limbs were also failing him but he wasn't going to look weak in front of the person he loathed the most.

Martin immediately realized the full aura of the extent of his power. It couldn't do much but at least he was able to breathe.

The temperature of the entire hall had increased, and everyone could feel the stickiness of their clothes as they were covered in their own sweat.

The rumors of the Kian's family strength wasn't a lie because they were now able to witness it.

"Master Sigrid, please hold back your aura. This is not advisable as we have students here." Elliot, the Dean of the academy had appeared, and his aura countered the one of Sigrid but it wasn't enough even though the Dean was the strongest person in the school staff.

Suddenly, everyone was able to breathe.

"Yes you are right, Elliot. There is no need for me to be angry, the boy is just a naïve child, and…" Before Sigrid could continue, someone interrupted me.

"I am not naïve, you piece of old poop."

Martin's confidence spiked up when he saw the Dean.

Elliot cried in his heart. Axton, please shut it. I'm trying to help you, you dimwit.

The temperature rose again but Elliot immediately spoke up.

"Shut it Axton. You need to show respect."

Sigrid calmed down a bit when he heard what the Dean had said but he wasn't satisfied.

"I'd give my respect to who I deem worthy but looking at what this old geezer did to my father some years back, he doesn't deserve it."

Elliot couldn't say anything because he knew the boy was right. His father, Zavier had personally spoken to him to assist him in pleading with Sigrid but he had refused because of his fear.

That was years ago, but now was different, he would support Axton but this wasn't the right way to do it.

"I only did what would be done to traitors, and thieves." Sigrid said, hinting at the fact that Axton's father had stolen from him which made everyone understand his current behavior.

Martin was amazed at how the man blatantly lied just to cover his face. This family head was truly an hypocrite, and a good one.

However, Sigrid wasn't done.

"You have made an enemy of me boy, and don't think you would get away with this. I'd only let this go if you apologize to me on your knees." Sigrid understood the way of manipulation, after threatening the boy, he also gave him a way out so that people would understand that he was being kind, and it was the boy's fault if he didn't reply.

However, he misunderstood the thickness of the person he was dealing with. This wasn't the old Axton, and Martin was unwavering.

"I'd rather be reborn as a tadpole than apologize to you, old man."

Almost everyone slapped their forehead. This kid definitely had some loose nuts in his head.

"Very well." Sigrid had a small menacing smile on his face.

Now, he had made it look like everything was Axton's fault, and he wouldn't be blamed if anything happened.

After all, the boy's father had stolen from him.

Sigrid took a step, and appeared at the entrance of the hallway, immediately taking his leave.

Elliot shook his head sadly, and moved to Walker to whisper something.

Everyone stared at Axton Zavier, the kid with enough balls to anger the strongest man in the city.

Yes! another release.

Keep the gifts incoming, and you'll have more! ;⁠-⁠)

LIGht_Pencreators' thoughts