
Supreme Saiyan God

Yang Chen, an anime lover, was reincarnated into a cultivation world as a saiyan and later on he finds an amazing secret about himself and the world he lived in...

David_555 · Cómic
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45 Chs

Overflowing hatred: Super Saiyan

" Hyaaaaaaa!!!!!" Yang Chen suddenly let out a beastly roar as an overwhelming aura burst out of his body. The entire arena was destroyed by this sudden outburst, while the butcher was sent flying by the aura.

" Monster!!!" His face was filled with fear as he glanced at Yang Chen who was levitating in the sky. His blue eyes were replaced by a yellowish green colour, while his body bulked up in size, giving him a muscly look.

" You!! Die!!" With a quick glance at the butcher, who was backing away in fear, he moved, and in a split second, he appeared before him . Clenching his fists tightly, he smashed his right fist, right into his face .

" Bang!!!" The butcher was sent flying like a rag doll, smashing into countless pagodas before heavily smashing onto the ground. Yang Chen once more appeared before him, grabbed him by the legs and repeatedly smashed his body into the ground.

"Aaarrrgh!!!" He screamed out in pain as his body was being abused by Yang Chen. Yang Chen suddenly punched him several meters into the sky, before appearing behind him and smashing both fists into his back, sending him flying back to the ground.

The butcher's body was bloodied and disfigured by Yang Chen's ruthless punishment.

" Stop child!!" Old man Zhao apparently came back to his senses, and appeared before Yang Chen in an attempt to stop him.

" Calm down kid!!" He tried to calm Yang Chen down . "Hyaaaaaaa!!" However the only response he got was a beastly roar, before Yang Chen appeared before him in a split second and punched out.

" Yin Yang Seal!!" However before the punch could reach Old man Zhao, he made a hand seal which caused a ripple in space, before Yang Chen's fist stopped a few meters in front of him. A Yin Yang seal had appeared on Yang Chen's chest which had apparently frozen him in space.

" Hyaaaaaa!!!" A beastly roar sounded out as Yang Chen attempted to flee. " You think you can escape the Yin Yang Seal, even the four great elders who are Immortal Spirit realm cultivators try to avoid it at all cost." Old man Zhao spoke smugly, before he moved to check up on the butchers body.

" Kyaaaa!! Boom!!" A golden aura suddenly burst out of Yang Chen's body, accompanied by rumblings of thunder and strong winds. The sky also turned dark while shockwaves spread with his body as epicenter.

The Yin Yang seal on his chest shattered, and his spiky hair immediately turned golden .

A loud roar escaped his mouth, as the aura intensified. The rest of the disciples were madly escaping, as the aura from Yang Chen's body was too intense. Just the shockwave was enough to turn them into minced meat .

Old man Zhao was shocked, and tried to perform a hand seal, however before he could cast the technique, a fist covered in golden aura smashed into his face sending him flying several miles away, his life and death unknown.

" Stand down child!!!" Suddenly a majestic voice carrying incomparable pride sounded out behind Yang Chen. He turned around to see five people standing before him. There were three old men and one old lady, while the man standing before them was handsome and was dressed in a dragon robe. His face was emotionless, while every gesture made by him was accompanied by incomparable majesty. He was the sect master of the Ming Battle sect, Ren Tianyou.

" Such damage, this beast should be immediately executed. One old man who had a staff in his hands spoke behind the the sect master. " Are you crazy ol' sword , he should be groomed by the sect . " However the old man spoke out . " I gotta agree with her on this ol' sword. " Another Old man spoke. He looked rather lean and wore a pure white gown. " He's right " The last Old man added. He was muscly, with a bald head and ferocious eyes. " Elders please can you stop arguing?!" However Ren Tianyou's voice sounded out silencing them .

" Kid calm down !" Ten Tianyou looked at Yang Chen, his voice accompanied by an oppressive aura which forced Yang Chen to his knees. " Kyaaaaaa!!!!!" However, Yang Chen resisted, while his aura kept increasing .

" Harghh... I'm sorry kid" Ren Tianyou sighed, before stretching out his index finger.

" Bang!!!" A huge shockwave spread out, while a beam of golden light pierced with incomparable speed toward Yang Chen. Yang Chen tried moving his body, however he realized that the space around him was completely sealed and he could only resign himself to his fate . " Hoho" However a silver light immediately gushed out, before a slight chuckle was heard .