
Supreme Saiyan God

Yang Chen, an anime lover, was reincarnated into a cultivation world as a saiyan and later on he finds an amazing secret about himself and the world he lived in...

David_555 · Cómic
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45 Chs

Death intent vs Sword intent

" Bang!!!" The entire arena was shattered from the collision of their pure intent. When the dust settled, Su Mu hadn't moved an inch and was still standing with his signature cocky smile, while Lin Langtian had been pushed back several steps. It was clear who was the winner in this bout of exchange.

" You have really hidden yourself deeply Su Mu. Comprehending death intent to the second level. I'm impressed." Lin Langtian chuckled, however he showed no signs of backing down. Instead the sword gleam in his eyes grew rather ferocious.

" It's nothing. You're only shocked because after all you're quite weak." Su Mu chuckled , while the black rings in his eyes began to move about.

" Hahahaha intent isn't the only thing that decides the fate of a battle. Let's see if you can be cocky after this." Lin Langtian laughed out before uttering with scorn.

Without further talk, he raised his sword and simply slashed out. " Bang!!!" An incomparably fast Sword light slashed out, clearing all the gloomy clouds above his head.

It gleamed with ferocious sword intent as it slashed towards Su Mu.

" Death God's seal!" With a hand seal, vast amount of death energy burst of Su Mu's body that gathered into a hundred feet large black seal behind him.

The seal looked like a huge coin but had the word death boldly written on it.

" Boom!!" With a snap of his finger, the seal smashed towards the sword light ferociously, shattering what remained of the arena to debris.

" Boom!!" An incomparable shockwave swept out, that even caused the weaker disciples to cough out blood. In the clash, Su Mu was pushed back a few steps which surprised him, while Lin Langtian was pushed back dozens of steps.

" Four seasons sword technique!! Winter solstice!!" Slashing his sword once more, cold winds immediately began to gather, soon a 200 meter radius was covered in ice. A powerful sword intent then blasted towards Su Mu with chilling a cold essence. Wherever the slash passed, frost began to gather, and before it reached Su Mu the entire landscape had been frozen.

" Scythe of the Grim Reaper!" Flashing his signature cocky smile once more, a golden black long battle scythe materialized in his hand, before he grabbed it and slashed it forward, sending a ray of light that seemed to absorb all life to strengthen itself towards Lin Langtian.

" Boom!!" Lin Langtian was sent flying backwards this time. On his chest, a gruesome wound appeared that refused to heal, no matter the amount of energy he poured into it. The death energy within the wound was absorbing all the energy while increasing the pain which made him furrow his brows.

" Hey Lin Langtian. This has gone on for quite some time don't you think it's time we end this?" Su Mu lazily stretched his back and flashed his cocky smile.

" You're right Su Mu. I've been playing around for too long as well." In an attempt to salvage whatever was left of his reputation as one of the strongest inner disciples, Lin Langtian flashed as cocky smile as well.

" Wait? ! Have they been playing around all this while? That's preposterous!!!?" Some elders and disciples couldn't believe the words coming out of the mouths of those two freaks on the arena. Even the sect master and four great elder were amazed as well.

" This Su Mu is at 2nd level Golden Core realm, yet he is able to fight Lin Langtian who is at the 4th level and has sword intent to the extent of injury. Isn't he too freakish?" The sect master whispered to his adoptive daughter.

" Mo Ling at the 1st level of the golden core realm, injured Mu Chen at the 4th level and has comprehended bow and arrow intent. Compared to Su Mu he's even more freakish." She whispered back.

" In all my life you're the first person who has been able to injure me to such an extent Su Mu. I can feel the heat, the fear and the rush and most importantly the excitement of a satisfying battle. Hahahaha!!!" Lin Langtian began to laugh crazily, and soon, his body was covered in a white light.

" Ka-cha!" A little breaking sound was heard, before all the milky white light retracted into Lin Langtian's body once more.

" Boom!!" Suddenly an even more ferocious energy burst out of him. This energy was far superior to his previous sword intent in all manner. " Twang!! Twang!!" Soon all the swords of the disciples and some elders moved and shot towards him like stars and soon, they lowered their edges as if prostrating towards him.

" Is that the enlightened sword heart?! He comprehend it !!!" " Seeing this phenomenon, the sect master and all the elders hurriedly stood up. This was the birth of another precious physique in the history of the sect.

" He really did it huh!" Back in the spectator seats, Mu Chen chuckled softly.

" Father what's the enlightened sword heart?!" Min Lan hurriedly asked her father.

" The enlightened sword heart is a unique physique that only a person on the path of becoming a sword emperor can gain. It can only be accomplished by a sword master who has mastered "one with the sword". It's comparable to even the top ranked ancient physiques since the beginning of time. Not only does it help the owner in comprehending every sword technique by seeing it once, it boosts sword intent and also helps the owner in seeing through the weaknesses of a multitude of techniques or illusions." He explained it in one breath as he didn't want to miss the birth of such a genius. In fact he was sure his name was going to be recorded in the history books of the sect as in his time, the strength of the disciples were at an all time high due to the birth of multiple physiques as well as the presence of the son of a God. Just the thought of this made him smile .

" Another physique?!!" At the spectator seats, the envoys from the other sects had ugly looks on their faces, especially the Profound Origin Sect envoy.

" I need to report this master to the sect master right away!!" Murmuring in his heart and taking advantage of the commotion, he slipped away and left.

" Oi oi, enough with the flashy lights. Let's end this now!" Su Mu was getting sick of all the commotion. He just wanted to win, go back, have a nice bath and sleep.

" Su Mu admit defeat now. You can't win against me anymore." Lin Langtian spoke. He wasn't being arrogant. He felt that nothing could top the enlightened sword heart .

With a smile, Su Mu turned to look at Yang Chen who only rolled his eyes at him as if trying to say " Stop playing with your food."

" This is my first time using this as well. Please don't die Lin Langtian." Su Mu then chuckled and closed his eyes, before performing a seal with his hands.