
Supreme of Campione

This is a story about a boy who was banished out of his original dimension without any memories about himself or anything. A story to find his true self and his origin in a world ruled by the Campione and Heretic Gods. A world where the strong could choose their fate while the weak disappeared without knowing anything, All he wants is to find his origin. Not to come back, but to understand about himself. (The story takes place six years before the plot) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I don't own the characters and anime inside the novel. They belong to their original authors except for my OC. English isn't my first language and this is my first novel so I hope you could tolerate more. The release schedule isn't determined yet as I'm still thinking about the plot. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This is a harem novel (a huge one at that) and R18 so don't read it if it isn't your cup of tea. (Semi wish fulfillment) I just hope I don't make this into a pokemon catching game with the harem part cause it sucks. I don't really like a hero-type MC so don't expect me to do that. I expect more of an anti-hero that will do anything to get what he wants. Comment for ideas and review for suggestions and critics. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The cover is not mine. I found it on Pinterest.

AsuraEmperors · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Chapter 2: End of War

The sky was red. The trees of this dense forest were on fire. The ground was covered in flames. Gods and monsters lay on the ground on the brink of their death. In the battlefield, an army of Einherjar and a legion of wolves are fighting against an army of fire giants.

Not far from there, a giant covered in flame with a flaming sword is clashing with a young boy with a golden spear with three-pointed tips in his hand.

"Pierce to death, Gungnir!!"

The tip of Gungnir shines and it collects the mana around Arne and releases it in the form of a magic blast towards Surtur.


Surtur felt the danger coming at him and he felt that he would be killed if he didn't avoid the magic blast.

The blast was aimed towards his heart. He tilted his body to the right but because his body is too big, he failed to avoid the magic blast and it pierced his left hand.


His left hand fell off his body and he felt very painful right now. It didn't regenerate because of «Gungnir»'s ability to block any heal for any injuries it caused.


The earth trembled. The ground cracked and lava started to come out of it. From the lava, came forth an army of fire giants that was ready to ruin the world. They all have the same magma-like body.

This is also one of Surtur's authorities called «Muspelheim». It summons the fire giant's army for Surtur to battle.

Arne didn't panic because he could also call his own armies. He already knows how to defeat Surtur.

Some of you may think "why doesn't he kill the other Gods so he could use their authorities to fight Surtur?" The answer is it doesn't work that way. To get their authorities, Arne needs to meet Pandora first because the distribution is controlled by Pandora. To meet her, Arne needs to either sleep or faint first.

"From the souls of the brave warriors that came from Valhalla, come! My army, Einherjar!"

This is one of the authorities that he got from Odin called «Valhalla». It summoned an army of warriors with golden armor and golden swords.

"The ravenous one and the greedy one. Bring the meat and nourishment to your king! Fight for me, the wolf-warriors!"

This is also one of the authorities that he got from Odin called «Geri and Freki». They are the wolves of Odin that were the embodiment of meat and nourishment.

After he activated his authorities, the sky became bright accompanied by the sound of trumpets created from horns.

A giant golden gate appeared behind Arne and a pair of black and white wolves with red eyes appeared out of his shadow. The gate opened and an army of warriors came out of it with full golden armor and golden swords in their hands.

Arne could activate his authorities instantly without chanting but the effect won't be as good as when he used it. The chant wasn't that long either and he could chant the spell in a second.



Geri and Freki howled and a legion of wolves came out of their shadows.

The army of warriors and wolves ran towards the fire giants.


Surtur also commanded his subordinates to attack Arne's army.

Surtur runs towards Arne and vice-versa.



The bright sword and the golden spear clashed without any sign of stopping.

"I just realized that you don't need to chant when you activate Gungnir. You can use the authorities without chanting, right? Tell me, do you think I could get that power if I eat you?"

Surtur grinned while thinking about what he would do to Arne after he defeated him.


Arne only snorted at Surtur's question because it is impossible for Surtur to win against him. That's because he already started his plan.

Before their clash, Arne has activated one of his authorities called «Huginn and Muninn». These two crows are not good in battle but they are very useful for stealing.

They could become invisible and undetected while stealing treasures. They could steal any items as long as they saw them.

His plan is simple. He just needed to make Surtur release his sword and then Huginn and Muninn would steal the sword.

The fire giants are being killed one by one by the Einherjar and the wolves. Their number keeps decreasing by one every second.

"Surtur! I have a bargain!"

This is the start of Arne's plan.

"Ho?? Speak, God Slayer! I want to hear what you have before killing you."

Although Surtur felt exhausted and only had half of his power after the war, it was still enough to defeat Arne who only got his power not long ago. Arne got the power, but he didn't have the experience.

"Your sword can't destroy my spear and it was the same with my spear. Let's decide the winner with fistfights."

Arne could only hope that Surtur released his sword because if they were to fight again, Arne would lose against him.

"Good! Let me see how powerful you are!"

As expected, Surtur released his sword and covered his fist with flame. Arne was very happy after he saw that. The downside of the Norse Gods and monsters is that they all are battle freaks. They like to battle and war. That's why the moment Surtur heard fistfight, he immediately agreed because he is also a muscle brain.


The moment Surtur released his sword, the sword immediately disappeared on the ground and no one knew except Arne where the sword was.

"You!! You are a shame for the warriors! Don't you feel you're tarnishing Odin's name?!"

Surtur was very surprised when he saw his sword disappear and he immediately realized that he got into a trap.

"Odin and I are different. I am not a warrior. I am a God Slayer. Let's finish this battle."

Arne only looked at Surtur blankly. He didn't care what method he used to win a fight whether it was fair or not as long as he won. What matters in a fight is to win. No one cares how you win.

"Do you think you could win against me even if I don't have my sword?!! You're underestimating me, God Slayer!"

Surtur charged towards Arne in anger because he felt very insulted when he realized that he got into Arne's trap. He, the Lord of the Fire Giants, the Ruler of Muspelheim was tricked by a young boy.

"You're overestimating yourself."

Arne filled the golden spear with his magic power and the golden spear shone brightly. He held the spear in his right hand with a throwing stance.

"Pierce the heart, Gungnir!!"

*Foooommm* *Fwoooshhh*

Arne aimed at Surtur's heart and threw the golden spear towards the fire giant. It travels at the speed of light and only a glimpse of the light can be seen with the naked eye.


Surtur used his flame to create a barrier but the golden spear kept charging at him without any sign of stopping.


When the spear was near him, Surtur tried to grab the flying spear with his right hand but his hand that was made out of magma rock was destroyed and the golden spear impaled his heart.


Surtur's body collapsed and he fell down to the ground with a golden spear in his chest.

Both of his hands have been destroyed and he coughed up purple blood.

"Come back."

The golden spear disappeared from Surtur's chest and back to Arne's hand. He didn't feel worried because Surtur will 100% die now because he can't regenerate or heal because of Gungnir's effect.

"Haa… haa… HAHAHA!!"

Surtur laughed in exhaustion while Arne looked at him weirdly like looking at someone crazy.

"You win, God Slayer. Although you win unfairly and unrighteously, you still win. I am the lord of Muspelheim. I even survived the Ragnarok and burned the whole world. But you defeat me. Be proud, God Slayer!"

That was Surtur's last words. Surtur has never been killed before and this is the first time he felt death by defeat.


After Arne heard Surtur's last word, he didn't feel anything. He jumped and swung the golden spear towards Surtur's neck. That was the only thing Surtur heard when he felt that his head had left his body. His body glowed and turned into a ball of light and disappeared into Arne's chest.

"Haaa… that's exhausting."

Arne slumped his body on the ground while looking at the battlefield. The fire giants army disappeared after Surtur was killed and the Einherjar roared cheerfully after they won while the wolves howled in victory.

Not long after, they disappeared from the battlefield because Arne had deactivated the authorities. Using four authorities at the same time really consumed a lot of magic power, stamina, and mental power.

Arne only rests for a while before standing again. There is one more thing he needs to do before he could get out of the boundary space.

'Great Sage, how could I get out after I killed them? Is there any trick that needs to be used?'

『Answer. After the Gods disappeared, the magic power that supported the boundary space will disappear too. Then, the space will collapse and you can get out of here.

But, I have a better suggestion. You could use «Draupnir» to create a bond with the two Goddesses over there.』

Arne was confused right now. At first, Great Sage told him to kill all of them to get out of the boundary space. Can he still get out if he didn't kill all of them?

'Can you tell me why?'

『Answer. «Draupnir» is one of the authorities you got from killing Odin. It creates a golden ring and it is a symbol of bonds. But, this ring can only be used on the opposite gender and it allows the wearers to access one of your authorities. But, if the wearer is a Heretic God, you could obtain all of their authorities without killing them and they can't attack you or hurt you. If they try, the curse on the ring will activate. I suggest this because not only can you gain their authorities, you can also get their help in a fight.』

'How can I get out if I don't kill them all?'

『Answer. This boundary space is supported by magic by the beings inside. If the supporters disappear, then the boundary space will collapse. As long as they disappear, you could get out.』

Arne nodded his head in understanding. That means for the Goddess, he didn't need to kill and they could reside inside «Asgard», one of the authorities he got from Odin. It creates a special space with land and a castle inside that space that can be used for living.

'Didn't they just need to take off the ring if they want to attack me?'

『Answer. No. The rings can't be taken off or they will activate the curse. The only way for the ring to disappear is to kill you.』

'Good. I will do it as you said.'

Arne held the golden spear and aimed it to the sky while channeling his magic power.

"Piercing rain to death, Gungnir!"

Similar to before, the three tips glowed and released three magic blasts to the sky. Not long after, the sky shone brightly and rain of magic blast fell down to the earth from the sky aiming towards the Heretic Gods except the two Goddesses.

*Fooommm* *Fooooommm* *Fooommm*


An explosion occurred after the blasts impaled the Heretic Gods' hearts and hit the ground. After the smoke disappeared, only two Heretic Gods were left while the others turned into a ball of lights and went into Arne's chest.

The golden spear disappeared from his hand. That means, the war is over. The winner is not Surtur or the Gods. The winner is Arne, the seventh Campione.

Arne walked towards Freya and Hel. They were breathing heavily and were a bit scared after Arne killed the other Heretic Gods. They didn't want to live in the Realm of Immortality and that's why they rebelled and came out of there. If they were to be sent back there, why do they need to rebel before?

After Arne saw them, he couldn't help but be mesmerized. Both of them are very beautiful.

Freya has long wavy blonde hair that flowed to her shoulders and light golden eyes. Her beautiful foreign face gave off the feeling of a warrior with a hint of courage and braveness. She has a curvy and busty body but under that armor, her muscle must be toned like what a trained warrior should have with a pair of beautiful long legs.

Hel on the other side has long straight purple hair that reached her lower back and a pair of dark blue eyes. She gave off the feeling of a cold beauty that could freeze anyone that saw her beautiful face. She looks pure and her body wasn't curvy and busty like Freya but delicate and slender.

"Golden ring, this is our mark of bond, curse the wearer if they betray, curse the wearer if they are evil, and bless them with powers if they are loyal!"

After Arne activated «Draupnir», three golden rings appeared on his hand. The first golden ring has a dragon carved on it while the other two are normal with runes on top of it.

The ring with the dragon is the symbol of supremacy and ownership. Arne can use Freya and Hel's authorities through this ring.

He wore the ring on his left hand's ring finger because of Great Sage's suggestion.

After that, he walked towards Freya and Hel and wore the ring on the same finger as him although they are not very willing based on their expression. But, they can't do anything because they don't have the stamina and strength to fight again.

After the rings were worn, the golden rings shone and Arne could feel something was connecting him to Freya and Hel. He gained their powers and felt that he could use them immediately.

Same as Arne, Freya and Hel also felt the connection but they couldn't do anything.

They could use Arne's authorities if Arne allows them but he is not.

"I will save you two. Don't resist."

"My golden realm, my castle. Create a space for me to dwell!"

Behind Arne, a golden gate appeared and when he opened it, he was taken aback by how wonderful and how big the castle was.

A golden castle with many golden walls surrounding it in a circle. Everything inside was made out of pure gold. This is the place where the Aesir Gods lived. This is «Asgard».

"Come, my steed, the best of all horses, the eight-legged horse, Sleipnir!"

After Arne finished his chant, a white horse with eight legs appeared while pulling a golden red chariot. This is «Sleipnir», son of Loki and the mount of Odin.

Arne got onto the chariot while carrying Freya and Hel on his shoulders before laying them down on the chariot.



Sleipnir pulled the golden chariot and flew towards the golden castle.

- - - - -

After they arrived, Sleipnir disappeared and Arne brought Freya and Hel to the healing chamber and put them inside the capsule.

This healing chamber has a rune for healing everywhere inside the room so that it will boost the healing and regenerating of someone as long as they were inside the capsule.

Arne laid onto one of the capsules and took a nap while his body was being healed. Fighting with Surtur is exhausting on both mental and magic power and also hurts him a little.

- - - - -

"You've come back!"

Arne opened his eyes and was greeted by Pandora who was smiling.


"How about calling me mom, Arne-chan?"

"No… and why did you call me like that? I don't think you're Japanese."

Arne felt weird after hearing Pandora call him like that. From the information he has, using that suffix is for the people in Japanese to call someone close to you.

"Don't bother, don't bother! Look, what do you feel after killing 15 Heretic Gods?"

Pandora diverted the conversation as if she didn't want to talk about that.

"It's okay, I guess. I don't feel like killing the other 13 Heretic Gods except for Surtur. He is the only one I fought after all."

"And that's the problem! Usually, you must be the one to fight and kill the Heretic God to get their authorities. In your case, they are already on the brink of death before you kill them. I usually didn't allow that and took it as invalid. Buttttt because you're my favorite, I will let that slip away."

"Thank you."

That's the only thing Arne could say. Arne knows that as long as Pandora isn't satisfied with how Campione killed the Heretic God, they won't get their authorities. While saying that, Arne hugged Pandora because that's how to appease or make a girl happy from the information he got about relationships from the authority of Freya, the God of Beauty and War. And Sex...

Pandora was surprised for a moment before she hugged Arne back with a smile and stroked his head. Arne felt very warm right now. The warmth and feeling he has not felt before.

"Look, you got so many authorities. More than the total of authorities your siblings have."

Pandora said while taking out the «Circle of Usurpation» and many balls of light floating above it.

"Really? How many siblings do I have?"

Arne was very curious right now. He heard that he got siblings before and Pandora has mentioned it but he didn't really care before.

"Well, you have a total of six siblings now. Three brothers and three sisters. You should have more than that but…"

Pandora's face turned sad as she remembered how a single Heretic God killed all of her children every time he woke up.

"Is there something wrong?"

Seeing Pandora's face, Arne felt something inside him that made him want to hug Pandora again.

"It's fine. Actually, you have more siblings but they were killed by a Heretic God."

"A single Heretic God killed all of them?"

"Yes. He is the strongest steel and also called King of the End because every time he wakes up, he will kill all Campione of that era.

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(A/N: If you like my story, comment, vote, review, and add it to your library 😁. You can also give me some story ideas that weren't in canon.)