
Supreme Ocean Lord

In a world where magic is real, people have been using mana for a century. At age 16, each child undergoes an awakening and gains a mana heart, granting them the power of magic. Levi, an orphan who lost his family during a beast tide, is accepted into a prestigious academy despite his background. With his intelligence and hard work, he's determined to excel and show the world his magical abilities. As Levi approaches his awakening, he feels a growing anticipation to unleash his powers and make a name for himself in a world full of magic and wonder.

HaozDancer · Fantasía
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238 Chs

The Duel's Outcome

As soon as the referee signaled the start of the duel, Levi and Jameson immediately sprang into action, each one eyeing the other warily.

Jameson, with his usual arrogance, took the initiative and began to weave a spell in the air. His fingers moved with practiced precision as he conjured a series of fiery orbs that quickly coalesced into a dense ball of flame.

"Take this, Flame Ball Barrage!" Jameson shouted triumphantly as he hurled the blazing sphere toward Levi.

Levi was quick to react, his body moving with graceful fluidity as he avoided the incoming fireballs. His feet danced nimbly on the ground as he dodged and weaved, his movements effortless and precise.

The audience of students watched with rapt attention as the two mages clashed, their eyes darting back and forth between the two opponents as they traded blows.

Levi, feeling confident in his agility and quick reflexes, taunted Jameson with a smirk on his face. "Is that all you've got, Jameson? I expected more from you."

Jameson scowled at Levi's mockery, his eyes narrowing as he prepared his next move. He conjured another barrage of fireballs and sent them hurtling toward Levi with even greater speed and ferocity.

Levi continued to evade the fiery projectiles, his movements graceful and fluid. He could feel the heat from the flames on his skin, but he refused to let it distract him from the task at hand.

As Jameson continued to rain down fire upon him, Levi began to weave his own spell, his fingers moving in intricate patterns as he summoned a powerful blast of water.

"Take this one, Water Ball Impact!" Levi shouted as he released the spell, sending a massive wave of water hurtling toward Jameson.

Jameson's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the massive torrent of water coming his way. He quickly tried to dodge, but the water struck him with tremendous force, sending him tumbling backward several feet.

The audience gasped in awe as they watched the powerful display of magic, some of them even cheering for Levi.

But Jameson was not one to be defeated so easily. He quickly got to his feet, his face contorted with anger as he conjured a new spell.

"You'll regret that, Levi!" Jameson snarled as he launched himself forward, his hands crackling with energy.

Levi didn't flinch, however. He stood his ground, his eyes locked onto Jameson's as he readied himself for the next round of the battle.

As the duel intensified, the audience's excitement grew, and their conversations became louder and more animated. Some were discussing the intricacies of the spells being used, while others were placing bets on who they thought would emerge victorious.

"Did you see that Water Ball Impact? Levi is incredible!" one student exclaimed to his friend.

"I don't know, Jameson is pretty powerful too," his friend replied. "He'll come back with something even stronger, just you wait."

Nearby, a group of girls were cheering for Levi, their faces flushed with excitement. "You got this, Levi!" one of them yelled as she jumped up and down.

But not everyone was impressed with the display of magic. A small group of students sat at the back of the audience, arms crossed and scowls on their faces.

"This is all so juvenile," one of them muttered. "Why can't they just settle their differences like normal people?"

Another student shook his head. "It's not about settling differences, it's about proving who is the most skilled mage. This is a test of their abilities."

As the duel continued, the audience's reactions became even more varied. Some were on the edge of their seats, eyes glued to the action, while others were chatting amongst themselves or checking their phones.

But no matter what they were doing, everyone in the audience was caught up in the excitement of the moment. For a brief time, they were all united in their fascination with the power of magic and the skills of these two mages.

Jameson and Levi continued to trade blows, their spells becoming more and more powerful as the duel progressed. Jameson conjured a massive firestorm, flames engulfing the entire arena, while Levi countered with a deluge of water that extinguished the flames and left the ground slick and slippery.

The two mages were evenly matched, their skills and abilities perfectly balanced against each other. It was clear to the audience that this duel was not going to be decided easily.

As the battle wore on, Jameson began to grow frustrated. He couldn't seem to gain the upper hand against Levi, and the more he tried, the more Levi seemed to counter his moves with ease.

"You really do good, Levi, but can you block this?" Jameson sneered as he began to prepare his next spell. "Flame Arrows!"

Levi smirked in response, his confidence never wavering. "Do you think only you can do that?" he retorted as he too began to weave a new spell. "Water Arrows!"

The two spells collided in midair, a spectacular display of magic that left the audience gasping in awe. Flames and water merged and twisted together, creating a fierce and dangerous vortex that threatened to consume everything in its path.

The two mages continued to pour their energy into the spell, their concentration unbreakable. It was clear that this was the decisive moment of the duel, and whoever emerged victorious would be declared the ultimate champion.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the spell dissipated, leaving behind a trail of smoke and steam. The two mages stood panting, their bodies drenched in sweat, their faces etched with exhaustion.

Levi looked over at Jameson, a grin spreading across his face. "Looks like we're evenly matched, Jameson. Maybe next time you'll have better luck."

Jameson scowled, his pride wounded by his inability to defeat Levi. "Don't count on it, Levi. I'll be back, and next time I won't be so merciful."

With those words, Jameson turned and strode off the field, his head held high despite his defeat. The audience watched him go, some cheering and applauding while others simply looked on in silence.

Levi, for his part, simply smiled and waved to the crowd, basking in the glow of his victory. He knew that this was only the beginning of his journey as a mage, and that there were many more challenges and battles ahead of him.

But for now, he was content to revel in the moment, to savor the thrill of the fight and the power of his magic. And as he looked out at the sea of faces before him, he knew that he had found his true calling in life, and that nothing would ever be the same again.