
New Toys

Shards of Elements was the Soultrait that Michael had created by combining more than ten 1-Star Soultraits. Upgrading Shards of Elements to 3-Star and integrating dozens of 1-Star Soultraits to further reinforce the Shards of Elements' perks had been enough to stimulate an evolution.

Shards of Elements evolved into Spheres of Elements upon reaching 4-Star.

Spheres of Elements possessed various great perks. One of them was that the Soultrait constructed tens of Elemental Spheres inside the Pillar of Light, therefore resulting in an expansion of his energy storage. 

Expanding Michael's energy storage was only a byproduct of the creation of the Elemental Spheres. It was not one of the main effects, though it was a pretty amazing perk that had been granted from the 1-Star Energy Pocket Soultrait.