
Supreme Immortal (Reverend Insanity FF)

Man Tian is reincarnated into reverend insanity with a peerless body. Reverend Insanity fanfiction. No romance, no harems, no heroine, no face slapping, evil protagonist

Heartless_Qi_ · Derivados de obras
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24 Chs

Chapter 16 Old Immortal Kong Jue

I am going through the inheritances as fang yuan did step for step.


Man Tian worked hard to swim towards a jade light.

This lump of jade light was harder to get closer to compared to the red light from before.

It was flying slowly, continuously twisting and turning, as Man Tian chased after it for a while before managing to grab it.

It was also as large as a bowl, and Man Tian's consciousness carefully entered it.

An unspeakable force of vibration spread from the jade green light into Man Tian's body.

this is Old Immortal Kong Jue's item! How peculiar.

The mystical vibration spread from within the jade light, all the way into Man Tian's aperture...

Man Tian's second aperture started vibrating.

In his one hundred percent filled aperture sea, waves were crashing violently.

Swish swish swish…

The huge waves crashed on the surrounding aperture walls, the rank five peak stage crystal clear walls were starting to develop cracks from the pressure of the waves.

Man Tian was slightly shocked!

This true inheritance's test was very peculiar, it was hard to defend against, it actually directly affected the Gu Master's aperture.

Man Tian tried letting go of it but this lump of jade light gave off an extremely strong suction force, keeping Man Tian's hands tightly attached to it.

Man Tian could not get free from it, and the vibrations in his aperture were getting stronger.

"I got it!" In the moment of crisis, Man Tian had an inspiration, from the novel, as he quickly moved the primeval essence in his second aperture into his first aperture.

The vibration moved into the second aperture through the primeval essence.

The second aperture also started vibrating uncontrollably, but this way, the two apertures were enduring this together, and the first aperture's crisis was soothed to a great extent.

As the jade light became dim and the vibrations vanished, it seemed that Man Tian had passed the test.

With two apertures enduring the test together, although the aperture walls were slightly cracked, but they did not break.

it's him, old immortal Kong Jue, Refinement path supreme grandmaster… even throughout human history, since ancient times, there had only been three. Future generations called them the 'Three Olds'. They were the remote antiquity era's Old Eccentric Tian Nan, olden antiquity era's Old Immortal Kong Jue, and medieval antiquity era's refinement path supreme grandmaster Long Hair Ancestor.

Among them, Old Eccentric Tian Nan had a weird personality, he tried to refine the sky and ended up losing his life. Old Immortal Kong Jue had the deepest research in apertures, he created the <Immortal Aperture Strategy>, and helped the ten extreme physiques to become immortals and form super grade blessed lands. Before him, there had never been any cases where a person of the ten extreme physiques rose to become an immortal. As for Long Hair Ancestor, he had the longest lifespan and refined the most Immortal Gu. Later on long hair ancestor's earth spirit is going to be continuously tricked and scammed by Fang Yuan. Eighty-Eight True Yang Building was refined by him. In fact, there were rumors that he could refine lifespan Gu, causing Giant Sun immortal venerable to attack Lang Ya blessed land, although there were no results from that.

Three old beings, three supreme refinement grandmasters, each of them was a legend.

They were the three peaks of refinement path in human history, even rank nine venerables could not mask their glory and reputation.

Old Immortal Kong Jue's inheritance tests the fated person's aperture.

Man Tian's consciousness went in again.

This inheritance was known as the 'immortal ascension vital information', it recorded Old Immortal Kong Jue's understanding of the immortal ascension process of all the different paths of Gu Masters, all the difficulties they might face and how to deal with those difficulties, it listed the most crucial points for rising to immortal.

Man Tian assessed in his heart: "Although this is not a Gu recipe or an Immortal Gu, it has a huge value in terms of theoretical guidance. If Gu Masters get it, it will not only help themselves but even allow them to understand other paths, it is truly an important treasure."

This immortal ascension vital information dates back to long ago, it might not be useful for the currently trending paths. After all, these years of development have caused the rise of many new paths, it is no longer as dull and simple as back in the olden antiquity era.

The essence of this inheritance is not the immortal ascension vital information itself, but Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's notes when he read through it. His assessment is like the summary of the most important points, it gets right to the point and is truly worth more than a thousand gold.

Old Immortal Kong Jue was a refinement path supreme grandmaster on par with Long Hair Ancestor. Although that might be a stretch considering the later generations of supreme grandmasters need to know everything that their predecessors knew, everything heaven knew and on top of that they had to innovate.

Supreme grandmasters are those that could innovate application and methods beyond the limits of the world and obtain the mysteries and secrets of their path that did not even exist in the current world. They can be said to be one step ahead of heaven and earth. Because of that Long Hair Ancestor is considered the greatest of the Three Olds, because to reach refinment path supreme grandmaster attainment level he had to invent something not even his two predecessor could.

His research, along with the Immortal Venerable's notes, truly has immense value.

When a Gu Master reads it, it will greatly increase the chances of them successfully rising to immortal. In addition, using the perspective of an Immortal Venerable, they can develop in the right direction, their Gu Immortal journey would be guided and they could avoid many pitfalls along the way.

Although this was of not much use to Man Tian considering he had surpassed old immortal Kong Jue in refinement path attainment. This was not boasting on Man Tian's part considering the knowledge and understanding of refinement path of old immortal Kong Jue had dropped significantly by the time of Long hair ancestor.

This is the reason why venerables always keep a specialty path hidden and if their path is quite famous they can keep the core secrets so they can keep being a supreme grandmaster or at least a quasi supreme grandmaster and with their hidden secrets swiftly return to venerable status. This can be seen in star constellation, giant sun and limitless demon venerable.

But nonetheless he still took a copy using a theft and space path killer move specially developed for Eighty-Eight True Yang Building.

Man Tian swam in the darkness for a while, discovering the third light lump.

This light lump was shining with a grey light, its speed was even faster than the first two light lumps, it was like a shooting star. As it flew in the space, there was a frost colored tail trailing behind it.

After Man Tian found the true inheritance light lump, the first step was for his consciousness to enter the lump, and that would trigger the test of the inheritance.

Man Tian used wisdom path gu worms to create a will and then he injected his will into the will into the inheritance.

This way, he would be able to avoid intimate contact with the true inheritance, it was a opportunist method.

Wisdom path has thought, will, and emotion. The so called mind is made up of heart sense and divine sense. When your mind enters, your thoughts are exploring and interacting. Thoughts are like water droplets, they are the easiest to create, and also the most fragile. Because the numbers are huge, the droplets will merged into a river and enter to do the investigation. During this process, the Gu Master's mind has to continue creating them without any pauses. As for will, they are superior to thoughts, like an ice cube. They have greater defense but are harder to create. They can however, move independently, and recalled when needed.

Man Tian took out the wisdom path Gu worms that he had bought.

He had the land spirit of Kong Jue blessed land and could connect to treasure yellow heaven at any time. Standing on the foundation of a rank eight Gu Immortal, it was extremely easy for him to purchase mortal Gu.

Right now, the nine wisdom path Gu worms in his hands could produce wills, but they were all different.

Special will Gu could produce special wills, it could only be activated under special circumstances.

Intentional will Gu could create intentional wills, when such a will is produced, it would be like carvings on a steel board, extremely difficult to get rid of compared to other wills.

Play will Gu, creates playful wills. It is the will that is most capable of creating 'emotions'.

There are also keep will Gu, new will Gu, fire intent Gu, water intent gu and others…

Just because he was practicing heaven path Man Tian did not dare neglect wisdom path considering Fang Yuan, northern plains gu immortals and Bo Qing(spectral soul's clone.) all suffered from wisdom path to the point Fang Yuan made killer moves to avoid wisdom path calculations and Bo Qing made rank eight wisdom sword gu.

But most importantly star constellation will be revived in around a hundred years but one should not look down on her just because Fang Yuan and limitless toyed with her and dragged her through the mud to the point she just looked pathetic.

One has to note how she planned against three demon venerable's two million years away from her.

It was the rank five big soul worm. It was mentioned in the novel as Fang Yuan used its rank two counterpart.

It had no solid body, it was palm sized and looked like a butterfly, flickering like light and shadow. If someone grabbed it, they would not be able to catch its hollow body.

Man Tian patted it lightly, sending his special will into the big soul worm's body. Next, he used the big soul worm and made it fly to the closest lump of green white true inheritance light lump.

The big soul worm's speed was much faster than most gu masters moving without any help.

In just a short moment, it entered the true inheritance light lump and a while later, the big soul worm with a tattered body flew back while wavering.

Man Tian retrieved his will and looked.

This third true inheritance was also an ordinary true inheritance, but to some Gu Masters, or even Gu Immortals, it had much greater value than the first two true inheritances!