It wasn't until night that Fen Chang got back to the palace. The guards looked at the sight of the prince followed by hundreds of dirty and clearly orphaned children.
The first thing Fen Chang did was have the maids take the children and clean them up. He would then leave them in the extra accommodation he had built for them.
While that was going on Fen Chang seeing that he has already missed dinner decides to blow some steam before deciding on his next step.
After the orphans had cleaned up, they were shown where their rooms were. They are given a hearty dinner before being told to rest, as early the next morning they will be brought out for training.
So, while the orphans rested. Fen Chang was deciding on some plans. He was sat at a desk that had some papers on it, and a bed covered with beautiful women behind him.
He had already dealt with the Lu family elder and spoken to Meng Yating. He also introduced Xuan Huo to his little sister, who was excited she now had someone to play with. They quickly became friends.
Right now, he was thinking about his harem and how it will advance in the future. 'I should make rankings for the harem. Lets go with 7 ranks. Slave, Maid, Personal Maid, Girlfriend, Concubine, fiancé, Wife. If they are beautiful, they will start as maids. If they are less beautiful and have less talent then slaves. They must earn the rights to advance levels through acts like showing determination or talent. The ranks of Concubine, fiancé and wife require me to have some feelings to them. If they are a wife then I most love them with all my heart. Fiancé means I have started developing feelings. Concubine means they are potential people I might love.'
Once he was done going through the details and making a few changes he was satisfied with the rankings. He made all his current harem members the maid rank except Yan Yin. Spending a month with her had allowed him to start having feelings, though only basic such as seeing her as more than a beautiful maid and more a beautiful person with personality included.
So, Yan Yin was instantly put in the concubine category. When she heard her rank, tears streamed down from her face as she hugged Fen Chang. He had already had a session with her, so he had no plans to go another round as she wouldn't be able to take it. She instead offered to use her head as he did some more work, to which he agreed.
He then spends another hour thinking about how to train his new army. He plans for all of the fighters to do both QI cultivation and body cultivation. He creates a routine for them to train their body's and then cultivate. While also giving them time to learn weapons and gain more proficiency while young.
With him now finished with what needed to be taken care of that night, Fen Chang went to cultivate along with the rest of his maids.
The next morning Fen Chang woke up early so he could go and start the training for his new army.
He makes his way to the court yard, and is greeted by 250 children lined up neatly. Some are filled with uncertainty of what's going to happen, some are filled with a neutral smile like nothing will affect them. While the rest have eyes filled with unwavering loyalty as if they do not care what is going to happen but will follow no matter what.
Looking at the children in front of him, Fen Chang is happy he now finally starts his personal army.
The first thing he does is separate them into talents. 12 alchemy, 9 refiner, 3 inscription, 1 rune, 134 cultivation talent, 67 low/normal cultivation talent, 27 girls with no talent but good looks.
'I unfortunately didn't manage to get many profession talents. I really need those right now as I need more resources, but I guess it fine for now. I can get more in future. The 67 low talent children will have to stick to body cultivating and they will go through hell, but at least all of them are ones that are loyal and are willing to go through the pain so they don't go back to their previous life of hell.'
Fen Chang then sends the groups off for different things. He had the profession talents sent to a building so they can study on the theory of their profession while also learning recipes and remembering materials. He sends the 27 girls with no talent off with his maids so they can learn how to clean up and do the best job as a maid.
The 67 low talent are sent off to do extreme workouts, weapon training, tempering the body by hitting it and then to cultivate in the internal world. The 134 talented in cultivation told to stay.
"You lot are the talented children I expect you all to put your lives on the line to train. Lots of you have friends and family that are in the less talented group and only joined because I gave them a chance as well. Well, I gave them a chance, they must work extremely hard to keep it. As must you, I accepted your families and friends because I wanted your talent. So, you must show me that it wasn't the wrong decision. Those who didn't have anyone, I still saved you and unless you want to go back to your previous life, I expect you to work just as hard."
When he was done with the speech, he saw many of the children's eyes tear up and fill with unwavering determination.
Although Fen Chang was happy that they are all fired up to work hard he does not forget that he should be treating it like military camp.
"I can't hear you! Are you going to work hard or be sent back to your hell!"
"We will work hard. We don't want to go back to the hell!"
They all shouted somewhat out of sync. Fen Chang splits up the group further based on their talent level and mental strength.
He places the puppets separately, the ones with high mental strength and ones that didn't betray their comrades in the commander's group and the rest depending on their weapon of choice.
With groups set he tells them their schedule. They have study's in morning about battle tactics, survival and other useful information. After that is weapon training till lunch. After lunch they have intensive physical training and team work training till late evening. Then they have 1-hour free time before they have to cultivate all night, ready for the next morning. They would be given pills to help them not sleep. It would also help train their mental strength by not sleeping for long periods of time and be a useful survival trait. Though obviously once in a while they would be given time to sleep so they don't break.
Depending on which group they're in they would get different amounts of focus on certain things. The ones with the most potential will be taught extra things relating to their talent or be given extra resources.
Fen Chang had already spoken to his father to find him crippled war veterans, he then enslaved and healed them. Due to the vast amount of experience as soldiers, they made the best teachers for weapons and making them not fall into bad habits. He also got a bunch of other various teachers for other subjects.
Once he was finished explaining their training routine, Fen Chang did his own training before breakfast.
He has been training his body every day since he arrived. He trained both in the morning before breakfast and in the evening after dinner. He does various strength training using rocks and custom weights.
After getting tired he goes to the custom waterfall he had installed and sits under it to temper his body. He also has a servant whip and beat him to increase his pain resistance and further train his body strength.
'Once I get to QI gathering realm and I can start body cultivation I should increase my training. I should also create those heavy weights that I can keep on me at all times. Maybe even a gravity room as there are some inscriptions that can create a weighted room.'
During breakfast, Fen Zung spoke to Fen Chang about what happened at the auction house and with him taking all these orphans into the palace.
After describing the events that took place in the auction, which where close to the truth but not the full truth. His father just left it alone after warning him to be careful.
At then end of breakfast as Fen Chang was about to leave, his father said some interesting news. "Son, your elder brothers and sister will be returning at the end of winter. Once they got word of your recovery, they wanted to instantly come back but they got some business which will last till the end of winter to deal with first. After which they will come."
'Hmm. brothers and sister? Ah right, they are highly talented and father told the previous me that they left to adventure, they probably went to the main land.'
"Father are my siblings coming from the mainland?"
"Yes, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you figured it out, but yes they are coming from the main land. Last I saw them they where above stage 4, but that was a year ago. They are probably higher now."
With this interesting news, Fen Chang leaves and goes to start on the fires needed for the winter.
The next day Fen Chang does his normal morning routine. Afterwards he decides to continue with his businesses. His restaurant is quickly becoming famous for not only its food and drink but also the secret force behind it.
Fen Chang is going to co-ordinate with Meng Yating and start expanding the business. His next goal is herbs and making use of his inner worlds, faster grow time.
Previously when he was stage 0 level 1 his inner world was only the size of a football field. Now that he is at level 7 it has grown to the size of 7 football fields. The size of the world adds from its original size with each level, then every stage it doubles before adding again every level.
He already has loads of low-level herbs on stock pile. For now, he plans to sell those, as it will take more time for him to grow the higher-level ones.
He leaves the details to Meng Yating, and also has her come up with the building design with influences from his past world.
While Men Yating was doing that, Fen Chang takes the day to practice his own weapon skills. He is mostly focusing on swords and bows as those are the two, he will use most often. Though he always leaves room every day to practice with his favourite weapon, the weapon he has the highest talent for. The SCYTHE.
Fen Chang loves the long reach on the handle, and the large angled blade that can slice though lots of targets. He also likes that the pole of the scythe can be used as a guard like with a spear and the large head of the scythe can be used like a shield.
Fen Chang spends a few hours on each the bow and sword, before getting lost in practicing with his scythe. His movements fluid as he swings it horizontally before converting into spin attack, then a sudden horizontal slash, that curves away just as its about to reach the bottom. Each attack adding momentum to the next, he looks like a death god dancing.
Fen Chang decided that for other weapons he would use the databases notes and skills, but for the scythe he wants to create his own unique style.
So, with the moon rising and Fen Chang covered in sweat he goes for dinner. Then spends the next 2 months working with Meng Yating creating more businesses and continuously growing he resources and personal force.
I havnt really got anything to talk about this time. Umm, yeh main weapon scythe. I personally love the scythe, its such a cool weapon. He will use sword and bow tho, since bow for range and sword for convenience along with lots of other weapons.
Another time skip as well. 2 months this time. When it comes back, a lot will have happened. Personal force growing, buisness stuff, cultivation and harem. Might do a r-18 a few chapters in the time skip. Depends.
Also, may or may not be a chapter tomoz. I have some University work to do. I am also finding it quite hard to write rn, its tough, hopefully i can keep going though. i will try my best