
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime y Cómics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 172×Moves Made Time Before


*Baki World*



It has been a little over a year since Haile had left this world to return back to DxD, not much had changed really but one thing is certain, time passed much differently for a select few of people.

One of them being Kureha who after Haile left threw himself head first and fully into trying to perfect that perfect body, he wanted to become strong, stronger than anything else on the planet, hopefully to one day reach a level where he can confident say...

.'My darling Haile is my equal, the day will come when I have him all for myself, just wait and see'.

Kureha was outside his house practice his speed, he skillfully drew his left hand to his hip taking a deep breath before releasing it like a spring.



A hug gust of air pressure was created blowing the dust in the wind, Kureha smirked smugly as he looked at his smoking fist."A new level reach hahaha."He said casually staring at his fist.

."Mmm, but still nowhere near his level, I need to be stronger."Kureha said determined, he squat again, his legs bulging with muscle and his entire body tightening up.


*Japan City*


Into the city in a penthouse one of one of the riches place in Japan, a certain someone or something was hunched over the balcony rails smoking a cigarette with a calm expression.

.""Heh, bastard gone into hiding, after all that big talk, he still owes me a fight, when I see him next, our battle will be over quickly"".

This was Yujiro, the mythical demon Orge, recognized as the strongest creature to walk on earth, riding the rains and storms he is a God amongst mortal men, an entity untouchable by the wind.

Yujiro looked to the sky and grin as his hair levitated, veins appeared on his face as his shirt ripped and his demon back was revealed, more chiseled than ever, it seems even the great demon went into training.

.""Hahahahahahhahahaha I'LL DEVOUR YOU WHOLE HAILE HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!""...



*5th District*

In a nice clean and maintained Japanese house two familiar faces could be seen, Kozue and Baki who was renting from Kozue's lovely mother.

Baki was currently in training doing handstands and push-ups, he had a serious and focused expression on his face as he did them.

Kozue sat on the steps of her door looking at him go at it, but for some reason one could see that she was a but unfocused and deeply troubled by something.

.'*Sigh* He just upped and disappeared on me, just like that, what did he plan to accomplish, playing with my heart like so.'Kozue thought to herself as she looked to the clouds in the sky.'I just wish he'd come back and see me just once, I want to know how he really feels.'

Baki who was exercising glanced over to Kozue.'What is up with her lately, did I do something wrong, she seems so distant, could be her monthly complications, I'll give her a bit of time to herself.'He thought to him not really going to deep into it.

Kozue sighed.'What do I say to Baki now.'....


*Baki World*



*Avianna Tribe*

In the Avianna tribe, now the one true ruler of the forest Queen Valerie was doing very well, the tribe was flourishing, with the manpower they have now Valerie went into overdrive to prepare for the grand return of their God.

She had cleaned up a huge part of the forest, dug out more holes to create a deeper underground river water system to fulfill the supply of more people.

She also began a few months ago to expand and create more and new complex infrastructure for them to live in, now without the threat of the other's they no longer had to hide.

They began training and mastering skills they believe would be useful to their God, from cutting wood to sewing clothing, they had well and truly evolved.

The warriors now wear female tight fitted body armor with their signature decorations, if the past 1000 of them were to fight their current current selves, the past them would be slaughtered like helpless lambs, particularly in Queen Valerie's case.

Queen Valerie was sitting on a throne in a stone royal palace she had built, she was looking at the warriors kneeling before her with pride, she glanced next to her gazing upon the statue of her great God.

."Three more years till the return of the most High God, upon his return we have to make him proud, Now In The Name Of God, His Will Be Done!"".

.""His Will Be Done!!!"".


*Dxd World*


*Lucifer Territory*

*Odin Small Palace*

.""Who are you, state your names and purpose this instant"".

Rossweisse said seriously as she drew her sword standing infront of the all father Odin, Odin was pulling his beard casually as he observed this figure before him.

It was not just him in the room, Sirzechs plus the rest of the Satan minus Serafall, Azazel was there and Grafia, they were in the middle of a small meeting for a minor project when two random girls appeared before them from a magic circle.

."Nice to meet you all, my name is Asia Argento and this is Lavine, sorry to barge in but we're in need of some directions kindly if you please".

The two were Asia and her basically vice leader Lavine, Asia was still on the hunt to find traces of Haile, she took the words of her sisters to heart and went to find some important people.

These people before her seemed pretty strong, so they must be important people in the underworld.

."Asia Argento eh, I've never heard of that name before, a young beauty I see, two of them, so what is your purpose for visiting father Odin."Odin said with a grandfatherly smile as he pulled on his long beard like santa clause.

."Odin?."Asia said as she placed her hand on her chin cutely in thought, it rang a bell, white hair, look like old pervert, name Odin, it finally came to her."Ohh, you are that pervert from the Norse Mythology!."

Odin grin happily."Haha I'm glad the youngster haven't forgotten the great legacy of the all father Odin hahahah."He said laughing joyful raising his nose to the sky in pride.

.""Your majesty I don't think that was a compliment, please have some pride in Valhalla"".

Rossweisse said palming her face in disbelief, this is really who she has to serve, why couldn't the king be someone cooler, someone like Haile. maybe.'O-of course not suggesting that Haile shoul-should be my king bu-but *Blush*.'

."Hahaha, pervert from the Norse, oldman she captured your legends and character all in a single sentence, unbelievable."Azazel chuckled at it, he gazed at both Asia and Lavine with a analytical gaze, she feels oddly familiar.

Sirzechs remained calm as he just sat back and observed everything for now, if she makes a move he will intervene, he doesn't have a good feeling about her, she seems off somewhat.

Rossweisse wasn't so patient, she pointed her sword at Asia."Speak, what is your reason for intruding the private residence of a Norse God, speak now or forever hold your piece."She said, she was not about playing games with a possible enemy.


.""That will be the first and last time you will ever hear those words, eternal single lady"".

.""Pfft *cough* *cough*"".Sirzech



.""Haha good one"".Ajuka



Odin dropped that bomb on Rossweisse unprovoked, it hit her like a train, Rossweisse fell to her knees with tears in her eyes."*Sniffle*Why are you *sniffle* so mean to me Aaaaaaa I'll never be married Aaaaa!!!.""She started crying out as a dark cloud poured rain on her.

Luckily for her Asia and Lavine were both confused, they looked to each other before shrugging, probably missed the build up of the joke.

.""Aaaaaaaa I quit and I'm-I'm RUNNING AWAY Aaaaaaaa!!!"".

Rossweisse said as she was too embarrassed to stay there, she got up and ran away leaving her sword behind on the floor.

."Alright alright, *Ahem* let's get back to business, girls sorry about that unsightly behavior, now again, you are here for what reasons?."Azazel asked as he lap his feet casually looking at them mainly through one eye.

Asia looked at all of them."I need to find a person named Haile, do you know where I can find him?."She ask with a smile on her face, she clasped her hands interlocking her fingers.

As soon as that name dropped everyone's eyes constricted without exception, the place quickly got quite and dark, the playful atmosphere disappearing entirely.

Lavine felt a tingle in her spine at the sudden change, she quickly hid behind Asia peeking out from behind her neck, was not prepared for all this really.

."Haile, alright, tell me why you want to see him, I'll think about it if you maybe have reason enough."Odin said still remaining calm but a chill could be seen in his eye, one unassuming for his personality.

Asia nodded."I am the leader of the High God Council, a faction of the Khaos Brigade, I will only ask once more, where is Haile, tell me now or I will destroy all three of your factions, Gods/Devils/Fallen."She said not back down even an inch.

At this everyone got serious, Sirzechs more so, this just got complicated."The terrorists organization Khaos Brigade, what do you all want with Haile."He said getting up from his seat, that was not an entity that could be underestimated.

Odin being the exception everyone else rose out their seats, shit was about to go down, they could feel it, in Falbium's case he could really feel the bowel movement.

."Getting serious now huh, if that is a game you want to play, I am very happy to oblige, being in a hurry my fun was cut short a little while ago, but seeing as you are my last piece on this journey, I'll play."Asia said as she put her hand by her waist and the other horizontal infront of her from chin to stomach, she glowed with a green aura.


A woody sound echoed in the room as Odin hit his staff to the ground, his body shadowed as only his glowing left monocule could be seen."Arrogance girl, a pervert I may be but a king and God I am also."He said with a serious expression trying to put pressure on her so she'd back down and this situation be over with.

But this is Asia we're taking about, a girl that's a little bit crazy, Asia smiled as she took a step forward, the ground cracked under her feet.

."Hoh..?."Odin raised an eyebrow.'She's not backing down interesting, I wonder where does she come in with Haile, why do I feel it's not as bad as it looks, I know that brat, no woman can hate him, it's impossible.'

Sirzechs stood up."I'm Lord Odin but I must intervene, as the devil king and as we are in the underworld I take responsibility for any threat to our guest, so excuse me."He said, he then looked to Asia his eyes glowing red, he held out his hand without hesitation.

He created a dark red ball of destruction energy on his palm, with a calm expression he shot it to Asia as it warp space itself.



Lavine shout as she saw this, her face turned white, quickly she rushed infront of Asia who touched her shoulder holding her in place, Asia rolled her eyes.



Sirzechs frowned."...Why did you not move?."He asked calmly as he had his hand clenched tightly, he lowered his hand slowly.

Directly infront of Asia on the ground was a decayed spot that seemed to have been hit by the destruction ball, Sirzechs at the last minute change the trajectory and aimed it at the ground while simultaneously isolating its power from hurting anyone.

."Heh, I knew you weren't going to hit me, you don't have the balls to do that, my organization's name alone is a deterrence, plus I felt zero intent from you, I've gotten quite good differentiating it."Asia said calmly as she mocked him while also telling the pure truth.

Sirzech's frown deepened at that."You really think I wouldn't dare to hurt you, I will kindly ask you to leave."He said giving her a chance.

Grafia standing on guard remained silent, but in her mind many different thoughts were in circulation, one where she go see Haile sooner than she thought.

."I did say that I will only ask one time, that time is over so I guess we fight now huh."Asia said as she summoned her holy sword she got from her teacher Arthur Pendragon.

.""No way!"".

Upon seeing the Holy Sword at which she drew Ajuka stood up, Azazel also got serious as the smirk dropped from his face, Grafia clenched her fist.

."How did you get that, Excalibur Ruler, how are you even wielding that sword."Azazel said with a dead serious tone, he summoned his treasured baby, this was not the time to play games.

Asia grin now."Why don't you force it out of me."She said as she dashed off, she headed straight for Odin first, she accessed that he was the biggest threat to her so she should get rid of him first, she slashed at him.

.""No you don't"".


Azazel appeared in her way blocking her with his jewel, his 12 fallen wings appeared as the jewel shun with bright dark purple energy which was a barrier it created.

.""Balance Breaker:Down fall Dragon Spear"".


Azazel appeared don in his dragon armor a false balance breaker, colors of gold and purple covered him as in his hand was a yellow trident, he didn't waste anytime.


Azazel moved at full speed almost disappearing from reality as he got to Asia, he held her and flew to the ceiling above breaking through it leaving a giant hole.

Lavine quickly ran behind them as she too jumped into the sky's flying through the hole in the roof to follow after her leader and give aid wherever possible.

Ajuka, Sirzechs, Falbium and Grafia followed them as well, they knew it was not over yet, Azazel only took to the sky's to give space and to not cause destruction to their territory.

."*Sigh*they gone and put a hole in my roof, guess I need a new palace."Odin murmured casually as he finally got up from his seat to go watch the fun, he walked out the front door like a normal person should.

Outside in the sky Azazel was still going up till eventually Asia pushed herself away from him, she backflipped in the air with excellent acrobatics, she dropped her sword and stood on it's hilt allowing her to levitate.

."Hmm, you can't fly, no wings, no flying magic, no magic circle platform, Mm interesting indeed."Azazel said from his armor, he point his trident at her prepared for an intense battle.

Asia eyes held mocking for a moment before desolving it, she smirked."What difference will it make, I'll still kick your ass back to the God who abandoned his people."She said as she jumped straight at him leaving her sword behind as she spun through the air like a spear.


Asia kicked at Azazel's head which he blocked with ease using his free arm, seeing that she had no leverage to move freely he swung down on her with his trident not afraid to end it with one hit, he leant his lesson, he even payed an arm for it.


As it got close to Asia she touched it with her finger covered with heal aura changing her body's trajectory in mid air then she kicked his arm hopping back to her sword smoothly all in one swift motion.

This entire interaction happened in less than two seconds.

."Haa Damn, you're good, I don't know anyone your apparent age with skills like this, you are clearly a human, what is the world coming to."Azazel said shaking his head with a smile."Alright, let's see how you handle this then."

*Shh*! *Shh*!

*Shh*! *Shh*!

Behind Azazel with a casual wave of his hand he summoned dozens of large light spears each being more than four meters in length, he snap as they shot off all at once.





Asia covered and protected her body with her healing aura as she bore right through the light spears with her bare hands, she wanted to demonstrate her true power, back then with her sisters she was just playing around with them, but now she truly had to create deterrence.

Azazel dash towards her, she was way too dangerous to relieve any pressure from her, they were exchanging blows for blows, Azazel as a spear master fully utilized his trident as he pin pointed her possible weaknesses.

Lavine was flying up but she didn't know how to join the battle, she might get yelled at for intervening, plus the power she brought with her is not enough to join this battle, she would need more to join.

Sirzechs and the others who came looked at Asia and Azazel fighting, Ajuka whistled with praises."She is good, her power is great also but the most impressive thing about her is her fight skills, as of right now I can see no flaws."He said really impressed by her.

."Yeah but Azazel is no slouch either, he has had his fair share of battles, though I worry, should I allow him to fight under my watch."Sirzechs said calmly as he accessed the scene with careful and delicate vision.

In the sky's Asia was in complete focus, she dodged a stab coming for her head with minimal effort and movement, but it was not without fault, she had to fully focus for it to work, which can sometimes but very rarely as she master it, lead to being ambushed.

Even Azazel was in total concentration as they exchanged moves so fast it became a blur in the sky almost disappearing entirely, the first one to slip up will lose.

Asia in this state smirked, she twisted her feet and looked surprised as she fell off her sword, Azazel's eyes flashed seeing this.'Quickly!.'He move forward stabing at her neck now she couldn't move.

.""To slow Haha"".

Asia grin as she quickly destroyed her shoes, using her toes she grabbed onto her sword blade move her body out the way and backhanded Azazel in the chest with full force.




Fortunately for Asia and unfortunately for Azazel he was the first to crack as Asia got that one knocking him off his momentum which will be hard to recuperate in the moment.

Lavine's eyes lit up.'A chance.'She quickly move flying up to Azazel, she stretched forward her hand.""Dark Alchemy:Separation""."A beam of black light was released from her hand.



Azazel was held in place as his body turn ethereal and suddenly he was standing outside his Down Fall Dragon Armor, Azazel himself was shocked at this.

Asia was calm as could be, she tighten her hold of the blade of the Holy Sword with her toes and flipped using momentum to throw it at Azazel, it turned into a stream of golden light ready to Pierce Azazel's heart.


~~~~(Teaser){Chapter 173}

*Dxd World*


*Lucifer Territory*


The holy light reflected in Azazel's eyes who was caught completely off guard by the suddenness of being aborted from his balance breaker armor, all he could do was brace for impact.



Suddenly a large dome of destruction appeared infront of Azazel who took the chance to instantly move away heading right for his artificial sacred gear.


The Holy Sword battled furiously against the power of destruction trying to penetrate it but seemingly failing as the energy it's building up is being taking down faster than it could supply it.

Excalibur Ruler is not really even a sword made for fighting, it's a sword for a Ruler meant for control, but it could be boring to use.

Asia looked down at Sirzechs with a frown."Do not interfere, stop or I will have you dead."She said angry at him, she almost had him too, she could have won that.

."Why do you want me to stop, your partner intervene, seeing as Azazel didn't ask I was willing to stay on the sidelines but she interfere first so I also had no choice but to join in."Sirzechs said calmly with glowing red eyes and his hand held a ball of destruction energy.

Asia glanced at Lavine who was now flustered and tried to hide, Lavine took a step back in mid air."I-i was just trying to help leader, please forgive meee."She said as she descended from the sky to get out the way.

Asia took a breath."You've spoiled my mood."She said with a cute pout, she raised her hand in the air, a twirling green swirl of energy gathered forming above her like a tornado.

It quickly because a giant ball that was massive like an asteroid, the area of damage it could cause will be immeasurable.

.""Let's see how you'll destroy this, have a taste"".

.""Ball Of Healing"".
