
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Cómic
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31 Chs

Wei Chen visiting

As Lin Fan continued his cultivation in the serene atmosphere of Laoshan Temple, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He had learned that his crush, Wei Chen, would be visiting the temple, and his heart fluttered at the thought of seeing him again.

Days turned into weeks, and anticipation grew as the day of Wei Chen's visit approached. Lin Fan meticulously prepared for his arrival, ensuring that the temple was immaculate and the atmosphere serene. He wanted everything to be perfect for this special occasion.

Finally, the day arrived. Lin Fan eagerly awaited Wei Chen's arrival, his heart pounding with both hope and apprehension. As the familiar figure of Wei Chen approached, his smile lighting up the surroundings, Lin Fan's breath caught in his throat.

They exchanged greetings, their conversation flowing effortlessly as if they had known each other for a lifetime. The air was filled with a blend of friendship, admiration, and the subtle undercurrents of something more.

Together, they explored the temple grounds, sharing stories and experiences. Lin Fan couldn't help but notice the way Wei Chen's eyes sparkled with curiosity and his laughter filled the air, creating a symphony of joy. Each passing moment only deepened Lin Fan's feelings for him.

As they strolled through the peaceful gardens, Lin Fan couldn't resist stealing glances at Wei Chen, marveling at his beauty and charm. Wei Chen's presence seemed to illuminate the surroundings, making the temple feel even more magical.

Lin Fan, his heart pounding with nervous anticipation, finally mustered the courage to reveal his recent breakthrough in cultivation. Taking a deep breath, he turned towards Wei Chen and spoke with a mix of excitement and humility.

Lin Fan, his heart pounding with nervous anticipation, finally mustered the courage to reveal his recent breakthrough in cultivation. Taking a deep breath, he turned towards Wei Chen and spoke with a mix of excitement and humility.

"Wei Chen, there's something I need to tell you. A few days before your visit, something incredible happened. I had a breakthrough in my cultivation," Lin Fan confessed, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

Wei Chen's eyes widened with curiosity, his attention fully captured by Lin Fan's words. "Oh, really? That's amazing! Please, tell me more. I'm eager to hear about your progress."

A smile of both pride and humility graced Lin Fan's face as he continued, "I reached a insignificant milestone in my cultivation. I broke through to the 6th realm of Qi Refining."

Wei Chen's eyes sparkled with admiration and genuine interest. "Lin Fan, that's incredible! Congratulations! Breaking through to the 6th realm is no small feat. You must have put in so much effort and dedication."

Wei Chen leaned in closer, his voice filled with curiosity. "Tell me, Lin Fan, what does this breakthrough mean for you? How has it impacted your cultivation?"

Lin Fan's gaze turned introspective as he spoke, his voice filled with a sense of awe. "This breakthrough has brought about profound changes within me. My Qi has become more refined and powerful, allowing me to tap into higher realms of cultivation. I can sense the energy flowing through my meridians with greater clarity and control with inner vision I can almost control the body withe qi to a very terrifying level ."

Wei Chen's brows furrowed slightly, a mix of admiration and curiosity evident on his face. "That's fascinating. How does it feel to have this newfound power?"

Lin Fan's expression softened, a hint of excitement dancing in his eyes. "It's like unlocking a door to a whole new world. I feel a deeper connection to the qi around me, a heightened awareness of my surroundings. My senses have become sharper, allowing me to perceive subtle nuances and qi that were once hidden from me with one finger I can physically obliterate the western captain America."

Wei Chen's gaze lingered on Lin Fan, a mix of admiration and intrigue shining in his eyes. "Lin Fan, you continue to amaze me with your dedication and growth. Compared to my grandfather your journey in cultivation is truly remarkable, and I'm honored to witness your progress."

Lin Fan's heart swelled with warmth and affection, his voice filled with sincerity. "Wei Chen, your support and presence have been a source of inspiration for me. Knowing that you believe in me pushes me to become even stronger. I'm grateful to have you by my side."

As the day drew to a close, Lin Fan couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and longing. He cherished the time spent with Wei Chen, but he also yearned for more. The bond between them was undeniable, and Lin Fan couldn't ignore the growing connection in his heart.

With the crush's visit to Laoshan Temple coming to an end, Lin Fan bid Wei Chen farewell, his words laced with a tinge of sadness. He watched as Wei Chen's figure disappeared into the distance, a part of him longing for their paths to intertwine once more.

In the quiet solitude of the temple, Lin Fan allowed himself to bask in the lingering warmth of their encounter. He knew that the connection he felt with Wei Chen was something special, and he vowed to cherish it, nurturing it like a delicate flower.

As he resumed his cultivation, his thoughts often wandered to Wei Chen, adding fuel to his determination. With each breakthrough and advancement, he hoped to become a person worthy of Wei Chen's admiration and affection.

The visit had left an indelible mark on Lin Fan's heart, fueling his motivation to reach even greater heights in his cultivation. He knew that by becoming stronger, he could protect those he cared about and create a future where he and Wei Chen could walk hand in hand.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Lin Fan dedicated himself to his cultivation practice, fueled by the memories and emotions inspired by Wei Chen's visit. The temple became a sanctuary for his aspirations and dreams, a place where his feelings for Wei Chen blossomed like the most beautiful flower in the garden of his heart.