
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Cómic
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31 Chs

Wei Chen grandfather

Lin Fan chuckled at Wei Chen's playful remark, a faint blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Well, I hope I can live up to your expectations," he replied with a warm smile. seeing the between the two the s.p.e.a.r team excused themselves. As spear team left, he has been curious about how Wei Chen's grandfather identity to be able to get information of his battle with demons so quickly. He feels that Wei Chen's grandfather identity is not low.

As Lin Fan, Wei Chen sat in the tranquil garden of the temple, he decided to ask Wei Chen about his grandfather. He found Wei Chen sitting on a nearby stone bench, lost in thought. With a warm smile, Lin Fan approached him.

"Hey Wei Chen," Lin Fan greeted, "I've been meaning to ask you about your grandfather. He must be an incredible cultivator, given the way you talk about him."

Wei Chen's eyes lit up with affection as he spoke about his grandfather. "Yes, he is. Grandfather is a profound cultivator with a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. He's been guiding me on my cultivation journey ever since I was young."

Intrigued, Lin Fan sat beside Wei Chen, eager to learn more. "What is his cultivation level? And does he have any legendary accomplishments?"

Wei Chen's face glowed with pride as he began to describe his grandfather. "He is in the 8th realm of qi refining Immortal cultivator, a rare and esteemed level of attainment. Throughout his life, he has faced numerous challenges and overcome formidable opponents. His mastery of the Earth element supernatural spells is unparalleled."

Lin Fan was impressed. Earth element cultivators were renowned for their strength and insight, and it was a level of cultivation that few could reach, that's an unreachable realm in today earth poor qi environment . He listened intently as Wei Chen continued.

"Not only is he a powerful cultivator, but he is also revered for his kindness and compassion," Wei Chen said. "He has helped countless people during the world war, always putting the benefits of the nation before himself. Grandfather is truly an inspiration to me and everyone who knows him."

Lin Fan could see the admiration and love in Wei Chen's eyes as he spoke about his grandfather. It was evident that the elderly cultivator held a special place in Wei Chen's heart.

"He sounds like an incredible person," Lin Fan remarked. "I would be honored to meet him someday."

Wei Chen smiled warmly. "I'm sure he would be happy to meet you too. He often talks about the talented young cultivator from Laoshan Temple who has been making waves with spear organization in Qingdao region."

Lin Fan felt speechless at the thought of such a respected figure evaluation. He knew that Wei Chen's grandfather must be a wise and formidable cultivator, and the idea of impressing him filled him with determination.

Lin Fan decided to share his recent accomplishments with Wei Chen, eager to see his reaction. "Actually, in the past week, I had a significant breakthrough in my cultivation. I reached the peak of the 6th realm of Qi Refining, and I also acquired a new cultivation system by chance."

Wei Chen's eyes widened in astonishment. "That's incredible! Congratulations, Lin Fan! You're progressing at an incredible pace. I knew you were talented, but this is truly remarkable."

Lin Fan couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy at Wei Chen's genuine excitement. "Thank you, Wei Chen. Your support and encouragement mean a lot to me. Your visit here has brought me a renewed sense of purpose and determination."

Wei Chen beamed with happiness, his heart swelling with affection for the young cultivator beside him. "I'm glad to be here, Lin Fan. Your accomplishments are well-deserved, and I have no doubt that you'll continue to achieve great things."

As the day progressed, Lin Fan and Wei Chen shared more laughter, stories, and dreams. Lin Fan felt a sense of comfort and belonging in Wei Chen's presence, as if they were two souls connected by destiny.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the temple, Lin Fan and Wei Chen found themselves sitting together in the tranquil garden, their hearts entwined in an unspoken bond.

Wei Chen gently placed a hand on Lin Fan's, a soft smile on his lips. "Lin Fan, I'm grateful to have you in my life. You've brought so much joy and inspiration to me. I hope we can continue to walk this path together, supporting each other through our cultivation journeys."

Lin Fan's heart skipped a beat at the tenderness in Wei Chen's touch and words. He knew that this moment was something special, and he couldn't help but let his true feelings surface.

"Wei Chen, you're an amazing person," Lin Fan confessed, his voice soft yet filled with sincerity. "Your presence brightens my days, and I can't imagine a future without you by my side."

As the day drew to a close, and the sun set on the horizon, Lin Fan and Wei Chen found themselves alone once again, away from the prying eyes of the others. The atmosphere was filled with a mix of emotions—nervousness, excitement, and a profound connection that could not be denied.

With a shy smile, Wei Chen finally spoke, "Lin Fan, you know that I don't want to leave. I want to stay here with you, but I still have somethings to take care of in the family."

Lin Fan's heart skipped a beat, and he reached for Wei Chen's hand. "Then go. I would be honored to have you here with me next month, after you finish all troublesome stuff in the mundane world."

Their fingers interlocked, sealing their unspoken bond. In that moment, Lin Fan knew that his cultivation journey had been forever changed. With Wei Chen as his Taoist companion, the road is not lonely.Having their feelings confirmed, Lin Fan bid farewell to Wei Chen with a peace of mind. As he watched Wei Chen's figure disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but smile. The bond they shared had deepened into something more, and Lin Fan knew that their paths would inevitably cross again.