
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Cómic
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31 Chs

Wei Chen and his grandfather

As the first rays of the morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, Wei Chen stirred from his slumber. Today was a momentous day for him – the day he would embark on a new chapter of his life as a cultivator in the prestigious Laoshan Temple. With excitement and a touch of nervousness, he began preparing for the journey ahead.

Wei Chen got out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom to freshen up. He took a refreshing bath, relishing the feel of the water rejuvenating his body and mind. After drying himself off, he stood in front of the mirror, brushing his teeth diligently, and gazing at his reflection. A sense of determination gleamed in his eyes, knowing that he was about to step into a world of cultivation and self-discovery.

Next, Wei Chen carefully trimmed his nails, ensuring that he was well-groomed for this momentous occasion. He believed that even the smallest details mattered in a cultivator's journey, and he wanted to start on the right foot.

With the morning routine complete, Wei Chen chose his attire for the day with great care. He dressed in traditional cultivator robes, a symbol of the new path he was about to tread. The pristine white fabric draped gracefully over his body, a testament to his elegant demeanor. The fabric seemed to caress every contour, highlighting the symmetry of his form. The clothing he wore exuded an air of sophistication, fitting seamlessly with his dignified presence.

Wei Chen stood tall, his posture a reflection of his confidence. His attire was chosen meticulously, each piece harmonizing with the next to create a visual masterpiece. The fabric flowed gently with his movements, adding an ethereal quality to his every step.

As he stood before the mirror one last time, adjusting his robes with a sense of pride, Wei Chen couldn't help but think about his grandfather. He knew that his grandfather, 8th of qi refining Immortal cultivator, would be proud of his decision to embrace cultivation.

Just as Wei Chen was about to head downstairs to join his grandfather, the elderly cultivator appeared at the door of his room, a warm smile on his face. "Wei Chen, are you ready?" he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Yes, Grandfather," Wei Chen replied, his heart swelling with excitement and gratitude. "I'm ready to begin this new chapter and follow in your footsteps."

His grandfather's eyes twinkled with pride as he placed a reassuring hand on Wei Chen's shoulder. "You have made the choice, my child. the path of cultivation is not easy, but it is one of great rewards and possibilities."

Together, they made their way to the main hall of their home, where the rest of the family had gathered to bid Wei Chen farewell. His parents and siblings looked on with a mix of emotions – pride, excitement, and a hint of sadness at seeing him leave for a new life.

After heartfelt goodbyes, Wei Chen and his grandfather stepped outside, where a carriage awaited to take them to Laoshan Temple. The journey would be a long one, but neither of them minded, as it was a journey that would shape Wei Chen's destiny.

Wei Chen's journey to Laoshan Temple was one filled with both excitement and trepidation. As he and his grandfather traveled in the carriage, he couldn't help but think about the new life that awaited him as a cultivator. The anticipation swelled within him, and he felt a deep sense of responsibility to carry on his family's legacy of cultivation.

The carriage journey was long, allowing Wei Chen ample time to converse with his grandfather. They discussed the intricacies of cultivation, the principles of Tao, and the importance of maintaining a pure heart on the path of enlightenment.

As the carriage approached the grand entrance of Laoshan Temple, a rush of emotions swept over Wei Chen. The imposing gates stood before them, beckoning him to step into a world of ancient traditions and profound knowledge.

Stepping through the gates, he felt an immediate shift in the energy around him. The air seemed charged with a mystical aura, and he knew that this place held immense power and wisdom.

As they made their way deeper into the temple grounds, Wei Chen was in awe of the majestic architecture and serene surroundings. The temple was nestled amidst lush forests and rolling hills, creating a harmonious atmosphere for cultivation and meditation.

Finally, they arrived at the main hall, where Lin Fan was seen guiding some disciples in their cultivation practice. Upon seeing Wei Chen and his grandfather, Lin Fan warmly greeted them.

"Welcome to Laoshan Temple," Lin Fan said with a smile, "I'm glad to see you both here."

Wei Chen's heart swelled with admiration for Lin Fan. He had heard stories about the young cultivator's accomplishments and was eager to learn from someone with such remarkable achievements.

Lin Fan turned to Wei Chen's grandfather and spoke with respect, "It's an honor to meet Wei Chen's grandfather. I've heard so much about your profound knowledge and wisdom."

Wei Chen's grandfather nodded graciously, "The honor is mine, young cultivator. I am grateful for the opportunity to bring Wei Chen to this esteemed place of cultivation."

Lin Fan then turned his attention to Wei Chen affectionally, "As your Taoist companion, I will guide you on this path of cultivation. Together, we will uncover the mysteries of the universe and strive to become true immortals."

Lin Fan's gaze softened as he spoke, his words carrying a sense of warmth and sincerity. He could see the anticipation and determination in Wei Chen's eyes, a reflection of the young man's readiness to embrace this new journey.

Wei Chen nodded, his expression a mixture of love and excitement. "I'm honored to have you as my Taoist companion, Lin Fan. Your guidance means the world to me, and I'm eager to learn and grow under your tutelage."

Wei Chen's grandfather's brows furrowed slightly as he observed the interaction between Lin Fan and his grandson. He had always been supportive of Wei Chen's decisions, but the depth of the connection he saw now was unexpected.