
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Cómic
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31 Chs

progress report

Meanwhile Admiral Zhang, a seasoned and respected leader in the Northern Fleet, stood before the high-ranking officials at the military headquarters. He had been tasked with overseeing the special cultivation program led by Taoist Lin Fan, and he was eager to report the progress of the soldiers under Lin Fan's guidance.

"With your permission, esteemed generals, I'd like to present the report on the progress of our soldiers under Taoist Lin's mentorship," Admiral Zhang said ''no need for courtesy xiao Zhang'' said an old general Admiral Zhang began, projecting an air of confidence and pride.

He proceeded to detail the rigorous training regimen that Taoist Lin had designed for the soldiers. The program encompassed physical exercises, martial training, and mental conditioning, all aimed at preparing the soldiers for the cultivation of Qi.

"Our soldiers have made remarkable progress in their physical training," Admiral Zhang said, his voice filled with admiration. "Under Taoist Lin's guidance, they have achieved the peak of human strength, surpassing their previous capabilities by a considerable margin every soldier is like the american captain."

He continued, providing specific data on the soldiers' physical improvements. Their endurance, strength, and agility had increased significantly, making them formidable warriors even without the cultivation of Qi.

"Furthermore, Taoist Lin has emphasized the importance of mental fortitude and discipline," Admiral Zhang reported. "The soldiers have undergone rigorous mental conditioning, learning to maintain focus, control their emotions, and stay resolute in the face of challenges."

As he spoke, he highlighted instances where the soldiers exhibited exceptional mental strength, which had helped them overcome difficult situations during their training.

"The cultivation of Qi has also commenced, and our soldiers have displayed steady progress in this aspect," Admiral Zhang stated, pride evident in his expression. "With Taoist Lin's expert guidance, they have begun channeling and refining their inner energies, connecting with the vast Qi reserves within them."

He elaborated on the soldiers' early experiences with Qi cultivation, emphasizing how each soldier's approach was tailored to their unique attributes and talents. Taoist Lin's adaptability and personalized instruction had proven instrumental in maximizing the soldiers' potential.

Admiral Zhang paused, allowing the significance of the soldiers' progress to sink in. "Gentlemen, I am confident that under Taoist Lin's tutelage, our soldiers will become formidable cultivators capable of protecting our nation from any supernatural threat that may arise."

He concluded his report with a sense of optimism and pride, knowing that the soldiers' journey had just begun and that they had the full support of the military's leadership.

The high-ranking officials listened intently, impressed by the comprehensive report and the promising results of the cultivation program. They recognized the importance of cultivating strong and skilled cultivators within the military's ranks, especially in a world where supernatural threats were becoming increasingly prevalent.

"Admiral Zhang, your report is commendable," one of the generals said, nodding in approval. "It is evident that Taoist Lin's presence and expertise have had a significant impact on our soldiers' progress. We shall continue to support this cultivation program and ensure that our soldiers receive the best guidance in their journey towards becoming true cultivators."

Admiral Zhang stood before the gathered officials, a sense of pride swelling within him as he received their praise. "Thank you, General," he replied with a respectful bow. "Taoist Lin's contributions have indeed been invaluable. Under his tutelage, our soldiers have shown remarkable progress and unwavering determination."

Another high-ranking officer chimed in, "The transformation in our soldiers' abilities is truly remarkable. They have become not only skilled warriors but also cultivators with a deeper understanding of their inner selves."

"Indeed," Admiral Zhang agreed. "Taoist Lin's teachings have not only strengthened their physical prowess but also fostered a sense of discipline and spiritual growth. Our soldiers have embraced the path of cultivation with enthusiasm and dedication."

The room buzzed with admiration and excitement as the officials discussed the impact of the cultivation program on the Northern Fleet. They recognized that Taoist Lin's guidance had transformed the military, creating a force that was not only powerful in combat but also attuned to the subtle energies of the world.

"And what of the other branches of the military?" one of the senior officers asked. "Should they not also benefit from this cultivation program?"

Admiral Zhang nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, I believe that the cultivation program should be expanded to other branches as well," he replied. "The benefits of cultivating Qi and honing one's inner strength are not limited to combat situations. It can enhance the skills of our intelligence agents, engineers, and strategists, making our entire military more formidable."

The officials agreed with Admiral Zhang's assessment, and plans were set in motion to extend the cultivation program to other branches of the military. They recognized that Taoist Lin's teachings were not just relevant to combat but had far-reaching applications across various domains.

As the meeting concluded, Admiral Zhang couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The vision he had for the Northern Fleet, combined with Taoist Lin's guidance, had borne fruit beyond his expectations. The military was evolving into a force that surpassed any conventional army, drawing upon the ancient arts of cultivation to strengthen their ranks.

Back at the training grounds, Taoist Lin continued to push the soldiers to new heights, instilling in them the virtues of perseverance, discipline, and compassion. The soldiers admired and respected their esteemed instructor, knowing that he had become more than just a mentor to them—he was a source of inspiration and guidance in their journey.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the cultivation program flourished, with soldiers from all branches of the military joining the ranks of cultivators. The Northern Fleet became a beacon of strength and wisdom, and the soldiers carried their newfound abilities with pride, knowing they were part of something greater than themselves.

And as Taoist Lin looked upon his disciples, he saw a future that was bright and filled with possibilities. With the soldiers' unwavering determination and his guidance, they stood united, ready to face any challenges that lay ahead. Together, they would protect the nation and forge a destiny that would be etched in the annals of history—a legacy of strength, valor, and the profound art of cultivation.