
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Cómic
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31 Chs

Prelude Of The Devil Instructor

As the sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the mountain, Lin Fan woke up from his peaceful slumber. He bathed and then proceeded with his morning prayers, expressing gratitude to the heavens and earth for their blessings on his cultivation journey.

With his heart and mind centered, Lin Fan entered the cultivation chamber. He closed his eyes, focusing his energy and intent on refining his Qi. The serenity of the mountain enveloped him, and he felt at one with the natural flow of energy around him.

Time seemed to lose its meaning as Lin Fan delved deeper into his practice. With each breath, he drew in the vital energy of the world, channeling it into his meridians with precision and control. The energy surged within him, resonating with the rhythm of the universe.

After what felt like an eternity of cultivation, Lin Fan opened his eyes, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He had made significant progress during this session, his Qi becoming more potent and refined. With a smile of satisfaction, he got up and prepared to head back to the temple grounds.

However, as he stepped outside the cultivation chamber, a sudden gust of wind caught his attention. He felt a strong energy approaching, and he instinctively knew that something unusual was happening.

As he peered into the distance, a military helicopter landed at the foot of the mountain, its blades creating a whirlwind of dust and debris. Lin Fan's senses sharpened, and he immediately knew that this unexpected visitor had come for him.

Curiosity piqued, Lin Fan made his way down the mountain to meet the mysterious guest. As he arrived at the foot of the mountain, he saw a man in a sharp military uniform waiting for him with an air of authority.

"Lin Fan," the man spoke, his voice commanding and respectful. "I am Admiral Zhang from the Northern Fleet. I have come with an important letter from the above."

a soldier beside the admiral handed the official letter. Intrigued, Lin Fan accepted the letter and opened it with curiosity. To his surprise, he read that he had been appointed as a military instructor for the Northern Fleet. The letter bore the official seal of the military, confirming the authenticity of the appointment.

"This is quite unexpected," Lin Fan mused to himself. "I wonder how they came to this decision."

With the letter in hand, they took the helicopter to the nearby city where the military headquarters were located. Upon arriving, he was greeted warmly by Admiral Zhang and other high-ranking officials.

"Lin Fan, we are honored to have you as part of our team," Admiral Zhang said with respect. "Your exceptional skills and accomplishments with s.p.e.a.r have not gone unnoticed, and we believe that your expertise will be invaluable in training our soldiers and cultivating their abilities."

Lin Fan felt a mix of surprise and lucky for the appointment. He had never envisioned himself as a military instructor accepting the appointment mean having an official position and tying his luck to the country's luck, but he understood the responsibility that came with the role. He knew that he could make a difference and contribute to the strength and preparedness of the Northern Fleet.

"I am humbled by this appointment," Lin Fan replied, his voice filled with indifference. "I will do my best to fulfill my duties as a military instructor and impart the knowledge and skills I have acquired on my cultivation journey."

"Lin Fan, Let go our soldiers are ready in the secret training ground," Admiral Zhang said as the helicopter carrying Lin Fan approached the training grounds, the soldiers below watched in awe and anticipation. They had heard about the renowned military instructor who possessed incredible cultivation abilities, but they never expected to witness such a breathtaking display firsthand.

As the helicopter hovered at an altitude of 3 kilometers, Lin Fan took a deep breath, centering himself for the daring feat he was about to perform. With his heart pounding with excitement, he prepared to jump.

With a swift movement, Lin Fan leaped from the helicopter, his body hurtling through the air like a shooting star. The soldiers on the ground couldn't believe their eyes as they saw the figure of their new instructor soaring through the sky.

As he descended, Lin Fan's cultivation prowess came into play. He manipulated the flow of Qi within his body, using it to control his descent and slow his fall. His body moved with grace and precision, as if he was defying the laws of gravity itself.

With each passing second, he grew closer to the ground, and the soldiers held their breath in anticipation. The wind rushed past him, but Lin Fan remained calm and composed, his focus unwavering.

At last, with a final surge of Qi, Lin Fan gently landed in front of the speechless soldiers. His feet touched the ground as lightly as a feather, and he stood tall, a smile on his face as he looked around at the astonished faces before him.

The soldiers erupted into applause and cheers, their amazement and admiration evident in their eyes. They had witnessed a feat of cultivation mastery that they could hardly believe was real.

"Welcome to the Northern Fleet, Instructor Lin Fan!" one soldier called out, his voice filled with excitement.

"Thank you," Lin Fan replied with a nod, humbled by the warm reception. "I'm honored to be here and to have the opportunity to train alongside all of you."