
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Cómic
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31 Chs

offical start

Lin Fan and Wei Chen walked side by side, their footsteps echoing through the grand halls of Laoshan Temple. Today was a special day, one that held deep significance in the world of cultivation—the day they would pay their respects to the temple's revered ancestors in the sacred Sanqing Hall to announce Wei chen addition to the temple.

As they approached the hall, its imposing wooden doors swung open, revealing a serene and hallowed space. Incense wafted through the air, carrying with it the fragrance of devotion and centuries of tradition. The atmosphere was one of reverence and solemnity.

Lin Fan led the way, his steps measured and respectful. Wei Chen followed closely, his eyes filled with awe at the grandeur of the hall and the rich tapestries that adorned its walls. The walls themselves seemed to breathe with ancient wisdom, as if they held the secrets of countless generations of Taoist.

Before them stood a massive altar, adorned with offerings of fresh fruits, fragrant flowers, and delicate incense. At its center was a towering statue of the temple's most revered ancestor, the venerable Taoist Master Lin.

Lin Fan and Wei Chen approached the altar, their heads slightly bowed. They each held a bundle of incense sticks, the sweet smoke curling upwards in homage. Lin Fan ignited the incense with a flick of his fingers, and the flames danced in the gentle breeze.

In unison, they raised their incense sticks, their voices resonating through the hall as they began to chant the traditional prayers, their words filled with gratitude and respect for the temple's ancestors. Their voices harmonized with the solemn hymns that had echoed through these hallowed halls for centuries.

As the ceremony continued, Lin Fan and Wei Chen felt a deep connection to the temple's rich history and the legacy of those who had walked this path before them. The weight of their responsibilities as cultivators and Taoist companions seemed to grow as they stood in the presence of the revered ancestors.

After the ceremony in the sacred Sanqing Hall, Lin Fan and Wei Chen, emerging from the Sanqing Hall, felt a subtle, cool connection between them. Sensing this unique energy,Lin Fan's qi circulated faster to his forehead, then it split open, revealing the Heavenly Eye. Gazing above his head, he observed his luck increasing and sensed a hint of a foggy connection to Wei Chen's luck.

As they stepped out into the temple courtyard, the world seemed to take on a different hue. The gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze and the distant sound of temple bells created a tranquil ambiance that resonated with their souls.

Wei Chen turned to Lin Fan, his eyes filled with a mixture of awe and gratitude. "Lin Fan, I can't believe we had the honor to perform that ceremony in the Sanqing Hall. It's a memory I will cherish forever."

Lin Fan nodded, his own heart touched by the experience. "It was indeed a remarkable moment, Wei Chen. The temple's ancestors have watched over us for generations, and today, we received their blessings. We must carry their legacy forward with dedication and humility."

Their footsteps echoed through the courtyard as they walked together, deep in conversation about their cultivation goals and the challenges they anticipated on their path. Lin Fan, as the more experienced cultivator, offered guidance and advice to Wei Chen, who listened with rapt attention.

With the blessings of the temple's ancestors and the unwavering support of their newfound friendship and Taoist companionship, Lin Fan and Wei Chen embarked on their journey with renewed vigor and a shared vision of becoming true immortals.

As they strolled through the temple grounds, their bond grew stronger, solidifying their commitment to each other and the path of cultivation they had chosen. The world around them seemed to shimmer with possibility, and the future held the promise of great adventures and profound discoveries.

With each step they took, they were reminded of the timeless wisdom of the temple and the unbroken lineage of cultivators who had come before them. The legacy of Laoshan Temple was now intertwined with their own, and they were determined to make it shine even brighter in the annals of cultivation history.