
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Cómic
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31 Chs

bottomless pit and a little merit

As the first rays of sunlight gently streamed through the window, Lin Fan stirred from his slumber. He rose from his bed with a sense of purpose, ready to embrace the new day and continue his cultivation journey.

Walking with determined steps, he made his way to the bathing area, filling the basin with warm water. The soothing sensation of the water against his skin invigorated him, washing away the remnants of sleep and preparing him for the sacred ritual that lay ahead.

After cleansing his body, Lin Fan donned his robes, an embodiment of his dedication and reverence. With each step, he approached the shrine where his chosen deities resided, including the main god Nezha and the venerable Patriarch Sanqing.

Kneeling before the shrine, Lin Fan bowed his head in deep respect, his heart filled with devotion. He lit incense, its fragrant tendrils curling into the air as a symbol of his reverence. With folded hands and closed eyes, he offered prayers, expressing his gratitude for the second life and chance of cultivating.

Rising from his prayers, Lin Fan moved to the main cultivation chamber. Taking a seat in the center of the room, he closed his eyes and allowed his mind to settle, preparing to embark on the profound cultivation practice that awaited him.

As he delved into the depths of his cultivation, sucking the surrounding qi into the body, channeling his energy and refining his Qi, Lin Fan's thoughts wandered to the nature of his innate Taoist body. The sigh that escaped his lips echoed with a mixture of awe and frustration.

"My innate Taoist body is like a bottomless pit," he whispered softly, the words resonating in the quiet chamber. "Each breakthrough seems to be a Herculean task, requiring immense effort and unwavering determination."

As Lin Fan prepared to practice his talisman technique, he realized with a sinking feeling that he had run out of the necessary materials. A sense of frustration tinged his thoughts, threatening to derail his cultivation progress.

However, like a flickering light in the darkness, a memory surfaced in Lin Fan's mind. He remembered a small shop nestled in the village at the foot of Laoshan Mountain. It was the very place where the original Lin Fan had procured his talisman materials.

As Lin Fan ventured further into the village, the stillness weighed heavily upon him. Determined to uncover the cause of the unrest, he sought out the village head, hoping to gather more information.

Approaching the village head, Lin Fan bowed respectfully, his voice filled with concern. "Is there a problem troubling the village?" he inquired, his gaze earnest and compassionate.

The village head, a middle-aged man with worry etched upon his face, met Lin Fan's gaze with a mixture of relief and desperation. "Taoist chief," he began, "it's like this—the Zhao family has been plagued by unclean things. I implore you, Taoist chief, to exorcise the evil spirit that torments them."

Lin Fan nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. The village head's plea had triggered a mission notification from his trusted system, urging him to purify the Qi-refining 2nd realm ghost. The reward, stated as five merit points, served as an additional incentive to confront the supernatural threat.

With a resolute expression, Lin Fan accepted the mission, fully committed to restoring peace to the village and helping the Zhao family find solace.

Assured by Lin Fan's readiness to assist, the village head led him to the Zhao family residence. The air grew heavier as they approached, foreboding signs of the otherworldly presence that lingered within.

As they stepped inside the dwelling, the atmosphere grew thick with a chilling energy. Lin Fan's senses sharpened, and his spiritual awareness intensified, allowing him to discern the ghost's presence and malevolent intent.

Summoning his cultivation skills, Lin Fan prepared himself for the imminent confrontation. He called forth his Qi, gathering its strength within him like a coiled serpent ready to strike.

With a swift motion, Lin Fan open his sky eyes and all illusions disappeared, and the ghost materialized before him, a twisted visage of suffering and resentment.

Undeterred, Lin Fan channeled his cultivated energy, directing it towards the evil spirit. A brilliant surge of golden light erupted from his palms, engulfing the ghost in its purifying radiance.

The room trembled as a tip of corrosion from his unsuppressed cultivation escape, each wisp of qi tearing through the veil of darkness that shrouded the ghost, its twisted form dissipating into nothingness.

Silence settled upon the room, broken only by the soft gasps of awe and relief from the onlookers. The Zhao family, freed from the ghost's torment, expressed their profound gratitude to Lin Fan, their eyes brimming with tears of relief.

As Lin Fan basked in the tranquility that descended upon the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. The mission had been accomplished, the malevolent presence vanquished, and the village bestowed with newfound peace.

The system notification chimed, signaling the successful completion of the mission and the allocation of five merit points. Though the reward held its own significance, Lin Fan found greater satisfaction in witnessing the restored smiles and renewed hope of the Zhao family and the entire village.

Lin Fan's heroic act did not go unnoticed. The village elders, recognizing his courage and selflessness, commended him for his valiant efforts. They spoke of the merit that Lin Fan had earned through his righteous actions, acknowledging the positive impact he had made on their community.

Heartened by their appreciation, Lin Fan accepted their gratitude with humility, knowing that his mission was not solely about personal gain but about bringing peace and relief to those in need. He had not only vanquished the malevolent spirits but had also garnered merit through his righteous actions.

The news of Lin Fan's triumph and his earned merit spread throughout the village like wildfire, igniting hope and rejuvenation within the hearts of its inhabitants. His valiant deeds had restored faith in the power of righteousness and reaffirmed the existence of benevolent forces in the world.

The tinkling sound of a bell greeted him as he entered the small establishment. Shelves lined with various talisman materials and mystical artifacts adorned the walls, promising a wealth of possibilities.

The shopkeeper, an elderly man with wise eyes, looked up from his task, his gaze meeting Lin Fan's with a knowing smile. he gestured for him to peruse the wares. Eagerly, Lin Fan scanned the shelves, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the talisman materials he sought. With a sense of gratitude, he gathered the necessary components, ensuring that he had it all.

As Lin Fan ascended Laoshan Mountain once more, his steps were lighter, his spirit rejuvenated. With the replenished materials in his possession, he was ready to delve deeper into the realm of talisman arts, infusing each symbol he crafted with his cultivated energy and unwavering intent.