
How it all started

We all know what happened. I die and meet an all-powerful being.

Unfortunately, my death wasn't anything special or not worthy.

After walking home from work I sat on my couch and choked on some bread. Yep. I'm that good.

Then before I met any special all-powerful being, I sat in a cool for what felt like Eons.

But finally, I got sucked into a white room with an amazingly, beautiful woman. I mean perfectly proportioned.

Goddess: "Can you please stop gaulking at my figure."

I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry for my behavior. It's just, that it feels like you're the first person I've met in.. well, forever. By the way, you definitely won in the looks department." - "I guess thank you." - "You're welcome.. Goddess."

She turned the page in her book. "Okay… James Grod." - "That's me." - "You've been allowed to be reincarnated.

You saved a young boy who will one day create a serum that will allow all humans to be at peak condition at all times." - "I saved someone? How?" - "Oh, yeah. I guess it doesn't look like you did." - "Yeah, I don't mean to be rude or pass up the opportunity, but I didn't save anyone."

She waved her hand and what looked like a holographic image appeared between us.

She explained as it played.

A video of me grabbing a ball that was about to go into the road was shown. Then I handed it to the woman behind me.

Goddess: "You see. The little boy who owned that ball was about to run out into the road to get the ball. In the road, he would've got hit, then died.

Therefore. You saved him, ensuring humanity will see its next advancement." - "Oh. I can see how that works… kinda." - "Yes, so. For your help. Even though it wasn't on purpose. I've been told to give you some wishes. Choose wisely." - "How many can I pick." - "Just start naming them. I'll tell you when enough is enough."

I paced back and forth for a few moments, then I figured out what I wanted.

"Okay. I want to be Ben 10. But when I get the watch. I want to be 13. I just think that's a better age.

Then I want to be in a mix of Ben 10 and MCU. I don't know why. I just do.

Then, I want to have Ditto from the beginning. Plus Super genius-level smarts."

I stood still to see if she'd say anything. When she didn't I continued. "I want to have my Grandma's Anidite DNA within me activated, I want to verify that I need it still after I get the watch.

I also want a steel mind. Nothing can manipulate me.

How about a system linked to the watch."

I went to add something else when she interrupted me. "Unfortunately, that's all I can do for you. If you wish to change something you may do it now. But if not I'll send you on your way."

Time passed again with me thinking if I wanted to change something, but decided it was good. "Nope. I like my choices." - "Okay then. Enjoy."

The next thing I know I opened my eyes in a hospital and I'm unable to completely control my body.


13 years later. 2008

'Ah. Finally. I'm done with school.' I walked out of the high school after finishing my final test.

I won't know for sure if I passed the final test until later. But I do know I passed. I've already done high school. So I had to of passed. That and I'm just that smart.

I heard a honk and a beat-up van was in front of me. I looked in to see Grandpa Max inside waving at me.

I walked inside and threw my bag in a back bed. When I turned around I saw Gwen.

"Why's she her?"

Gwen: "Oh. I don't know. Someone convinced my mom. Something about going camping would be a good experience for me."

"Grandpa. This is a us thing."

Grandpa: "Come on, Ben. It'll be good for both of you. We'll have a great time. Right, Ben."

I sat down at the table and looked over at Gwen. "So.. how was your school year." - "Like every other." - "Yeah. This will be great." 'Why did I choose this again.'


Grandpa: "Chow time guys."

I looked at Grandpa coming out of the RV with a bowl of.. worms. 'So glad I brought my own food.

With a were face Gwen asked. "What is it?" - "Marinated mealworms. Hard to find them fresh in the States. You know, they're considered a delicacy in some countries."

Gwen: "And gross in others."

"Yeah.. thanks, Grandpa."

Grandpa: "I can see you don't like these. I have some smoked sheep's tongue in the fridge."

"How about a hamburger or something to that nature?" - "Nonsense, This summer's gonna be an adventure for your taste buds. I'll grab the tongue."

When he walked inside the RV, I pulled out two wrapped Hamburgers from my pocket.

"Enjoy now. Thank me later."

Gwen: "You're a lifesaver."


Later into the night, I was sitting on the ground on my Gameboy when I decided it should be late enough.

"I'm going to take a walk."

Grandpa: "Come on. I thought we could roast some marshmallows." - "Maybe later. I need to stretch my legs." - "Well, okay then. Be safe."

I smiled. "I'll be careful. Don't you worry."


I walked through the forest for a while, thinking 'Maybe I left too soon.' When I saw something fly in the sky above me.


I watched what looked like a meteor in the sky. I was smiling excited it finally was happening when it changed direction and went straight at me.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot this part. Shoot."

I turned and ran.. I moved just out of the way as it landed. It threw me on my butt, but I didn't care. It's here.

I got up and looked in the hole. Suddenly there was an earthquake and the edge crumbled and I fell in. I got up and looked inside the metal ball and smiled.

"There you are pretty."

I went to grab it. But when I blinked the Prototype Watch changed to the Complete Watch, but black.

I grabbed the watch and looked at it before I slipped the watch on. It immediately shrank to fit my wrist, and then the watch spoked. "Hello. I'm an artificial intelligence made by Benjamin Kurby Tennyson. I'm named Fuse and I run the watch and Situation System." A screen projected from the watch face plate. On it were a few options.

<<Shop. Aliens. Special mode. Ultimates. Fusions. Yet to be Named.>>

I was confused about why only Shop and Aliens are unlocked. So I asked.

Fuse: "You need to physically unlock them by upgrading the watch, or get it through the system. And the shop runs off points, that you have none of right now."

'Huh. Interesting. I'll have to deal with that later.

I crawled out of the hole then sat against a tree.

I touched the button on the bottom and a scroll wheel hovered above the face plate.

'Okay let's see. Heatblast, Wildmutt, Diamondhead, XLR8, Grey Matter, Four Arms, Stinkfly, Ripjaws, Upgrade, Ghostfreak, and Ditto.

Just as I expected.'

I thought about changing into an alien but thought better.

I started to walk back to the RV, to hopefully get away from fighting in the woods. But that choice was taken from me.

A red Drone shot at me, but luckily missed.

I jumped to the side and looked up at it.

"Well. I guess I don't have a choice now." I smiled. "Well. At least I have a test dummy."

I jumped behind a tree to miss another shot aimed at my head and picked <Dimond head.>

Within a second I was taller and made up of Diamonds.

'Feels so weird. But cool!'

A shard formed in my hand. 'With the Completed Watch, I know how this guy works. Nice.' I peeked around the tree. As soon as my eyes locked on him I threw it at the drone, but only nicked it. I rolled around to the other side and made another shard that landed in it this time, and dead center to boot.

"I knew those throwing lessons would come in handy."

I felt something hit my chest so I looked back up to see another one show up.

"Right. There two of you."

Gwen: "Ahhh!!!"

I quickly turned to see Gwen behind me. 'She had to come look for me.'

My hand turned into a blade. 'Okay. Let's try this.' I jumped at the Drone, and I stabbed into the center of it. When we hit the ground my hand turned back to normal and I looked back at Gwen.


Gwen: "Who are you.. and what do you want?"

"Gwen. It's me. Ben." - "Ben?"

'Let's see. Can't I turn back into me by.' I hit the Badge on my chest and I changed back into me. 'Yep.'

"See.. Me." - "You have a lot of explaining to do."



Grandpa: "So it just jumped on your wrist." - "Yeah, and now I can't get it off.. I was walking back to you guys when those drones attacked me." - "Looks like you're Popular." - "Not the good kind."

Gwen: "What was that monster you turned into."

Grandpa: "That wasn't a monster. It was an alien.. I mean. It had to be." 'You look too confident for that to be wrong.'

Gwen: "Whatever it was. It could do some weird things with its hands."

"Yeah. I have 10 other aliens, and I think each one of them has its own powers. Cool right."

Grandpa: "We need to help you learn how to use those aliens, and quick. Exactly if you have people coming after it." - "I can be a hero… I think I'll be.. Ben 10. Yep. I love it.

Man on the radio: "Mayday! Mayday! Somebody help us! We're under attack by some sort of. I know you're not gonna believe me.. but, Robot."

Fuse's voice rang in my head. <<Choice. Help the civilians. Award. Mental Control.< p>

Don't help them and run and get 5 points.">>

"It must be the same ones that attacked me. They have to be after the watch.. we have to help them."

Gwen: "What are you going to do?"

"A little bit of, on-site testing. Grandpa?"

He didn't say anything and went for the door.


When we got close I looked through the aliens I have. 'Let's see… let's try him."

With a flash, I was <XLR8. >

Gwen: "What can he do?"

"I think move fast."

As I finished I took off in a blur.

I was down at the campsite within a blink of an eye and I moved everybody into the woods.

I ran straight at the huge robot. 'Okay. If my memory serves me correctly. If I turn the Badge, I can change aliens.'

I jumped and turned the dial. 'Someone strong.'

When the green vanished I was.. <Stinkfly. > 'I said Strong.'

I flew out of the way of its hand swatting at me. 'Let's try this again.'

*Flash.* "Yes! <Four Arms.>"

I came down from above and hit his head with both sets of arms.

It set the thing off balance so when I landed... I helped it.

<Diamond Head.>

I shot shards at his chest.

It lifted its arm up with an energy bast charging.

I put my hands together and made a dome out of the diamonds. With the laser hit the center of the dome, I adjusted it and redirected it back toward the robot. Destroying it.

"Oh, Yeah! I'm Awesome."

'Okay. Time for an escape.'

I ran towards the woods and as soon as the trees covered me I turned back into myself.

When I was me again. I tested something I meant to earlier. My Anodite powers.

I looked at my hand and a blue shield formed.

'Good. Still works.' I didn't want all that practice to be for nothing.

Fuse: <<Mental control, now unlocked.>>

I ran out of the woods and over to Grandpa and Gwen.

Grandpa: "Ben. You okay?" - "Never better."

Gwen: "How'd you turn into multiple Aliens?"

"That little trick. Just something I tested and happened to work. I think I figured out how to do it mentally now."

Gwen: "Really?" - "Yeah. Want to know how?" - "Sure." - "Because I'm awsome."