

Princess Sony continued shout for a long time even after Kent left the training grounds. All the spectators were staring at her like they were seeing a mad-woman who lost her mind. 

Snoy finally turned towards king Ragnar who stood in a distance from her. She walked hurriedly towards him. "I heard, it was your daughter who brought him here. So, tell your daughter to forget about him. He is mine from now onwards. Only mine." Sony said loudly and left the training grounds with an angry muttering. Her chest heaved up and down as she walked away like an enraged bull.

King Ragnar held his forehead as he felt a headache from the behavior of Sony. He doesn't understand what happened suddenly and why she acted like that without any proper reason. 

Sony came here just to talk with him and to irritate him by talking about the Lin family. But all of the sudden she changed her focus towards Kent. Like she really fell for him with one look.