
1 The Beginning

"Gaia, just you wait, i'll catch up before you even know it!"

Reina flies to try and keep up with Gaia's speed as they race across the omniverse, passively increasing their speed to outmaneuver each other. Gaia who slumbers in the concept of destroying, obliterates all things in his way including stars, planets, and even galaxies.


Gaia screams his way through everything while flying at extreme speeds. Exceeding that of the concept itself, passively increasing, thanks to the Omirid gems he absorbed, his speed would passively increase at exponential rates.

"Damn you Gaia, the fact that the administrators still have you assigned as an observer, is preposterous."

Tutank, who openly badmouths Gaia when he breaks the rules of an observer. Kenji, using his Schwert des Leerenkönigs which automatically erases everything a person has done recently. He does this while being inside the headquarters as he just observes the race every 3rd story has the ability to observe and perceive all of creation.

"It seems that I'm the first one here."

"Think again."

"Wha-Huh? How?"

"This can't be, I remember you being extremely far back, how did you catch up?"

"Well, did you forget my ability to momentarily move across space-time?"

"Damn it!!! If I could only steal that ability. But your retarded Deus von Mëntrodge erases the event of me even trying to do that."

Gaia, enraged, punches so hard, he makes a hole in reality.

"Tch, I'm heading back to headquarters as he instantly disappears."

Reina, who was now laughing continuously after all that happened and kept laughing until she got bored and went back.

When they both got there Gaia just instantly went to bed. He avoided all the guards by ignoring all their resistances to them knowing of his presence. Then he just slept.

While sleeping he subconsciously gives himself the ability to create the ability of anything and everything anytime his will enforces it. As the time goes on, he subsciously gains the ability to exist in every possible reality. Which out of nowhere activates as he is now every possible reality.

5 hours later———————

He is woken up to the sound of ringing.

"DING!!! DING!! DING!!!"

"What the hell is that sound?"

As he wakes up, he sees these texts in front of his eyes.

"Huh?...What the hell is this thing?"


[You have gained the passive skill Erasure]

"Let me focus."

"Legendary Passive Skill 1: Erasure?"

"The ability to absolutely destroy every person or objects purpose in any story."

"Hmm…That sounds overpowered as hell! I like it."

"Wait, there's another one"

"Rare Passive Skill 2: Offense."

"The ability to spontaneously boost your power while decreasing others to an infinitesimal."

"What's up with all these fancy words I don't understand a thing."

"Oh well."