

Two Childhood sweethearts Stella & Sebastian were in love with each other from their childhood but due to some misunderstanding no one confessed to each other and their family forced them to marriage and still they were living as strangers after her graduation Stella started working for his company and they slowly started to understand each other... But destiny decided some thing else for them and they get separated by an accident Read my novel to read further and how they united in the end If you like it after reading just comment in the comment section and yeah throw some stones too THANK YOU...

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Go Back There? For Whom!?

Asher was just there to get his beloved Jane back but it seemed like all his secrets were about to get revealed!

He was a bit embarrassed, but he was not ashamed of his doings!

"But! But then why did the Boss forbid me to give her a bus facility and even did not allow anyone to give her a ride !? I mean you hate Jane and want to make her life difficult.!"

Jake couldn't help but vomit blood as well as Jane!

He had been playing all kinds of tricks behind her back and she didn't even know. 

Asher looked at her and found her glaring at him so he quickly lowered his head.

'Seems like I really am doomed this time!'

He couldn't help but think to himself. 

"Mr. Mike! Have you eaten something bad that your mind is not working or your EQ was generally this low!!"

Jake couldn't believe that Mr Mike, The most successful professor in his area would ve so dumb!

"Well.. I guess I was born with a high IQ and low EQ!"