
Supernatural. Amara's daughter

Amara's very first creation was her daughter Amber. She was treated as an equal to herself and God but God grew envious of Amara's love for Amber. So hidden away from the everyone and everything deep inside the forest, Amara hid her child away from God and the archangels. As the years passed by Amber had become quite a beautiful and strong long woman. She had also learned how to protect her wolf companion, that her mother had given to her since birth. Now Amber fights to protect those around her and those she calls friends.

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5 Chs

(The Meeting. )

Chapter two:

After many gruesome hours of driving, the two brothers finally reach a dirt path that leads down to the entrance of the thick forest. The first thing spotted was the wooden house protruding from the trees, near it was a run- down shed with rust and vines covering almost the entire thing.

As the two boys exit the Impala, the four angels soon appear. Hidden by the shadows was the girl, watching as the six men talk, observing them, figuring out in her mind that the men are not threats. Stepping out of the shadows she notices something quite different between the men, four of the men had wings.

The first she saw was short compared to the other's, he was sucking on a lollipop. This man had six wings, all feathers were golden and shimmering as if sunlight was fading through them. The next man had raven hair and was wearing a trenchcoat, he had only two wings, the feathers were a deep shade of blue, near raven black. The third man had black hair as well, he looked like as if he was a natural leader, he had six wings as well , all of them were as white as snow. Finally the last person, he was blonde and adorned a smirk on his face, his wings were the most beautiful, the feathers raging from deep reds at the top, spreading down to pale, light reds near the ends of the feathers.

The color that made them different though, what was different about his wings was that they weren't perfect, the feathers were torn and spots bone could be soon, that's what made them beautiful it showed his scars and what he had been through.

Slowly walking to the boy's, still observing the broken wings, I presume you boys are the Winchester's and the other four of you are angels. Looking over the two boys, the shorter one had dirty blonde hair with green eyes while the taller one had slightly long brown hair, resembling a moose slightly.

The taller one nods, I'm Sam, pointing to the guy next to him, This is my brother Dean. How did you know the other four are angels? From the inquiry, Dean moved his hand towards his jacket, cautious of her.

I'm not a threat Dean, nor am I a monster. My names Amber and the reason I knew the other four are angels is that I can see their wings. The girl said, putting her hands up to show that she's not a threat, a snap of a fallen branch turned everyone's heads towards the wooded edge, where a wolf slowly came out limping on their right front paw. She looks at her best friend, quickly walking towards it. Shadow what happened to you? The wolf lies down, putting her paw out.

Quickly the girl holds the paw, making her hands glow a light blue, almost white, healing the appendage. There we go all fixed. The men, mainly Dean, looked at her in astonishment.

How the hell did you do that? Dean puts his hand near his gun, skeptical of the girl.

I guess you want to know my story huh? C'mon let's go inside and I'll tell you all you want to know about me. Soon enough the four angels two hunters, and magical girl along with the wolf are inside, sitting on chairs and couches. One of them, still standing wearily.