
Supernatural. Amara's daughter

Amara's very first creation was her daughter Amber. She was treated as an equal to herself and God but God grew envious of Amara's love for Amber. So hidden away from the everyone and everything deep inside the forest, Amara hid her child away from God and the archangels. As the years passed by Amber had become quite a beautiful and strong long woman. She had also learned how to protect her wolf companion, that her mother had given to her since birth. Now Amber fights to protect those around her and those she calls friends.

AmaraWinchester24 · TV
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5 Chs

(Monsters and Mayhem. )

Chapter five:

All of a sudden Shadow started quietly growling, the hackles on her back rising. Slowly she stood up, looking around. Stalking towards the door, growling ferociously. Shadow who's at the door? Amber stood up, moving her hand to her gun, looking around at everyone. Everyone stay here until I say so, no matter what you hear. Don't come out this door.

Amber opened the door, slamming it just as quick, chasing Shadow as she ran into the dark woods. There was something in the forest, and it was gonna die soon.

All that was heard was gunshots from the forest, Sam tried going towards the door. Sam did you not hear what she said, not to leave this room until she says. Michael said, standing up.

I can't just let her die, we don't know what's there and neither does she. And if she dies then no one will be able to help us with Amara. With that Sam walked out the door, closing it with a slam. Walking out of the forest was Shadow, along with Amber who was leaning against her friend, holding her side.

Sam ran over to her, quickly noticing the blood covering her hand and side. What happened and why are you bleeding? Carefully Sam helped Amber lean against him, walking back to the house.

I'm fine Sam, I've had much worse than this. A small smile formed on her face as she saw Sam's worried face. Finally reaching the door, Amber limped inside. Sam if you wanna be helpful, grab the medkit in the kitchen, it's underneath the sink. Sam quickly grabbed it, returning to the living room, earning multiple glances from everyone else.

Okay what happened and why is she bleeding? Dean asked looking at the girl holding her side.

I'm fine Dean. Amber grabbed the kit from Sam, grabbing a needle, thread, and bandages. It's just a scratch compared to what I've had before.

With that Amber let's go of her side, slowing a gash that ran down her side, starting from the bottom of her ribs down the near her right hip. Grabbing her beer, she poured it on her side, hissing in pain at the feeling. Are you sure your okay, that looks horrible. The man sucking on a lollipop commented. Do you need any help with that? Amber shook her head, grabbing the needle and thread. Trust me, I've had to patch myself up since I was a baby. Nothing I can't handle. She started sewing her side, closing the gash piece by piece until after a few minutes she finished.

What do you mean since you were a baby? The green- eyed angel spoke once more. Well I mean, that I've had to sew gashes and clean cuts on my body since I was an extremely small child. Otherwise, I would have bled out and died by now, and now that it has occurred to me, I don't know any of your names besides Sam and Dean.

The with the lollipop spoke up quickly, Well sugar, I'm the handsome Gabriel, pointing towards the black haired angel with green eyes, That one is my oldest brother Michael, next was the blonde one, That's Lucifer, lastly he pointed to the other raven- haired man in the trenchcoat, And this is my baby brother Castiel, everyone calls him Cas the ass though. After that sentence Castiel threw a glare at Gabriel. Man if looks could kill he would be dead faster than Dean running towards pie.

Okay, now that we got that sorted out let's go back to what we were talking about before the monster showed up and this happened. Amber motioned to the sewn up gash on her side. So what's up with this Amara and why does she want to go after God so badly?