
Supernatural. Amara's daughter

Amara's very first creation was her daughter Amber. She was treated as an equal to herself and God but God grew envious of Amara's love for Amber. So hidden away from the everyone and everything deep inside the forest, Amara hid her child away from God and the archangels. As the years passed by Amber had become quite a beautiful and strong long woman. She had also learned how to protect her wolf companion, that her mother had given to her since birth. Now Amber fights to protect those around her and those she calls friends.

AmaraWinchester24 · TV
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5 Chs

(In the beginning.)

Chapter one:

Years before humanity was created there was God and his sister, the Darkness, known as Amara. It was said that while God was busy creating his children and humanity, Amara had given birth to a child, a baby girl. Due to Amara being the Darkness, she feared that if her brother had known of this child he would kill her and so Amara hid this child until humanity was created.

After her brother had created humanity and was busy dealing with Lucifer's rebellion in Heaven, Amara had went down to Earth and deep inside the forest, hidden away from everyone and everything. To keep the child safe, in case anything did find her, Amara had given the child a wolf companion with steel blue eyes and gray fur, to protect the child and so later on the child grew, she would learn to protect the wolf in return.

Eons passed by the girl grew older, stronger, and smarter as her beauty increased as well. She leaned to hunt for food as well as well as protect herself and her wolf from monsters that had lurked around the forest. As the two became closer companions, the girl found a house, that she learned to call home, near the edge of the forest she grew up in. All while she was still considered an unknown myth, a legend to others that may have heard of her.

Living in the forest had taught her many things, as well as help her create things to help kill the monster's that had tried to kill her. All the while she kept a journal of all the monsters and demons she had encountered, as well as the weapons used to kill the creatures.

Things she created had helped not only kill things but also see things such as an angels wings or a demons true face.

Due to all this, she had become quite a myth" to hunters who had caught wind of hearing about her and what she does, hunters that decide to seek her out to see if she was real or not. Whilst most chose to believe that the girl was nothing more than a popular lore used to drag people to the forest, the Winchester brothers had heard of this girl and due to the situation they had that involved God and four certain angels, they decided to seek her out.