A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)
Disclaimer: I do not mean to disrespect anyone of the Egyptian faith, this is how I think the plagues played out in supernatural.
When we entered the city Aaron was already waiting for us at the Entrance, he kept shouting "CALL ALL THE ELDERS TOGETHER! THE TIME FOR DELIVERANCE HAS COME!
The Israelites, were all confused and curious about what was going on. "Who are they? One Israelite asked.
"That is Aaron, the Levite. The other one looks like us, but he is no slave." Answered another.
We went to the Israelite center and Moses declared: "Come near, all you elders of Israel."
"Moses was born Eighty- years- ago during the time of the great slaughter when Pharaoh began killing all the male slaves babies. Said Aaron narrating.
"His Mother hid him in a basket in the river. By the will of God, Pharaoh daughter found Moses and he was raised as an Egyptian." Continued Aaron
"Now, Moses will show you the signs that he will use to convince Pharaoh to let all of go."
Moses dropped the staff and a snake was created scaring the people, and Moses picked it up by its tail reverting it back to a staff.
Then we left to go to the arrogant Pharaoh, and make him meet our demands to free the Israelite slaves. I told Aaron as I switched with Moses to say only what I told him.
"This place hasn't change since I left here." Marveled Moses.
We entered the Throne room of the Pharoah and Aaron spoke first.
"The God of Israel has spoken to Moses. He declares that you are to let the people go three day's journey into the wilderness to worship and offer scrafices."
"The God of Israel? Said Pharaoh laughing "I don't know your God. "
"He must be some unimportant low-class God." Who is this God that I a God, should obey him? How foolish. Said Pharaoh eating grapes.
My Grace burned in anger, it produced so much light and power you would think that I was Amun-Ra, with the amount of wrath that the sun would never be able to produce.
I am not going to let MY slaves take a three-day trip into the wilderness. I have heard how you have stirring up my slaves and making them stop working. Said Pharaoh
So, as a result I am giving them ten times their workload, for this Insult of wasting my time to hear the demands of a God I don't know. Said Pharaoh with a evil glint in his eyes.
"Is that your final decision Pharaoh, to sever all ties for diplomacy, then let me warn you Child that the Lord's God wrath is not to be trifle with."
"For the Lord's wrath shall wax hot, and he will kill you with the sword; and your wives shall be widows and your children fatherless." I said to every God
And then me and Aaron left the palace of the Pharoah, and went back to the people who sneered at us.
"Throwing mud, calling both me and Pharaoh decivers and not speakers of God. "What should we do Isaiel? They no longer believe." Said Moses.
"It is alright Moses, I expected this I had hoped that one of the Egyptian gods would make him see reason. But it seems that most of them stand with them."
"No, matter Aaron will do the talking, you will just listen to what Father tells you to do and myself and heaven will handle the rest." I said ready to go back to Pharaoh one last chance before he dooms his people.
Both Aaron and myself returned to Pharaoh Throne room and when we got there almost the entire Patheon was assembled.
"Hah! What are you doing back here? Said Pharaoh and Horus.
I turned to the Egyptian gods and I told them about the agreement that we established was broken by them, and that Father, God of the Israelites demanded that they let his people go. Or witness the end of their Patheon.
"Here is a sign that Jehovah has spoken." Said Aaron, as Moses dropped his staff and it became a serpent.
However, both Horus and Pharaoh were not convinced and sent out Wadjet, goddess of snakes to prove their power this little trick.
Just then the snake lunged at Wadjet, and with the power of Father, brutally killed and devoured the snake goddess and every one of her children in front of the Pharoah, Horus, the humans, and the rest of the gods.
I don't know how you did that, but I'm not going to pay for the show with a million slaves. Get out of my sight! Roared Pharaoh/Horus.
I said one final word of warning to everyone here. "When you look back at this day, remember you had a chance." I said ominously.
I brought Moses and Aaron to a safe spot and instructed, garrison solders to protect them and then I left Moses and went to heaven.
There had been massive changes to heaven, since Father left, such as a formation of a council consisting of Michael: leader of the host.
Raphael: Michael second-in command and the representative of the healers.
Naomi: founder of the Intelligence division, who were the one's who gain information for the other divisions and deal with Rouges.
Zachariah: supervisor to all the garrisons, and responsible to assign tasks to the Garrison captains.
And me, due to my status and position for being proxy to Father.
I made myself above the rule of the council, becoming completely independent serving God's will.
I made the rules that all must follow and I am the only one who can Pardon any Excommunicated/fallen angel affiliated with heaven.
I called the council and Anna's garrison to the war room. And I showed them what had happened with the Pharaoh and the pagans.
Everyone's reaction were full of rage and righteous fury. I had no doubt some of them were planning on proposing smiting Egypt completely regardless of the Israelites.
"What do you suggest we do Isaiel? Said Michael looking at me with cold eyes.
"I suggest that we show Pharaoh and the pagans, great plagues that will prove the superiority and difference between God and them. I said
"I agree, the arrogance of these false gods is astounding we must act and send an example to all the other Patheons. Said Raphael
The rest of the members of the council agreed, so I turned to Anna and said:
By, order of the council I Isaiel proxy for God instruct you and your garrison to supervise the plagues on Egypt.
And your first order is to slay the God of the Nile Hapi. Is that understood? I questioned
"Yes sir" said the Garrison and they all left to prepare for the death of the God if the Nile. I went back to Moses and possess him again.
We went to the Nile and their was Pharaoh and Horus enjoying bathing in the Nile. When I approached them and said: "Because you have refused to let the Israelites go, and to demonstrate the power of the one true God."
"We will kill your God Hapi, and his blood will make all the water's in Egypt turn to his blood." I said as Aaron uses the staff and with its power and the garrison killing Hapi, water turned into blood.
Horus face was shocked at the death of Hapi, however the Pharaoh was still not convinced and ordered his magicians to do the same.
"See? My magicians can do that too. I will not be persuaded by your magic tricks." Said the Pharaoh
In response, to that I used the staff and I pointed it at Heqet, goddess of frogs and made her reproduce so many frogs, that she burst and frogs spilled invading Egypt.
I teleported Moses and Aaron out of there and we wait for Pharaoh to give his response.
After seven days, Pharaoh called us to his palace. "Take away the frogs. If you will do so I will let your people do the sacrifice. Pharaoh said
"You name the time you want the frogs to die and it will be so." I said fully knowing that Pharaoh was lying
"Tomorrow morning at dawn." Pharaoh stated I notified the garrison about the time to kill the frogs then left Pharaoh place.
Tomorrow when the frogs died, he refused to free the slaves so we took extreme measures.
We summoned swams of locusts and flies to eat all the vegetation of the Egyptians but to the Israelites were safe from this.
Soon, after the complete lack of vegetation in Egypt. Pharaoh called us and said:
"go then, and sacrifice to your God. But do not leave the land of Egypt."
"Me must go at least three day's journey. Protested Aaron
"I said you can go, but you cannot go very far. Now talk to your God and ask him to take away the flies and locusts. Said Pharaoh
Pharaoh again refused to let the Israelite slaves go, so in response I killed their sacred bulls and Godess Hator, laying their bodies on the streets of Egypt. As the Garrison killed the livestock of the Egyptians.
At this point all the animals and humans were begging Pharaoh to put an end to this and were beginning to lose faith in their God's.
I woke up Moses and Aaron early and told them to go to Pharaoh and warn him about the next plague, a hailstorm of fire being led by Uriel, destroying Egypt and wiping out thousands of people.
But, Pharaoh and the gods disregard the warnings and that evening. Uriel laid waste to anything and anyone outside with countless hailstorms.
Horus was fighting with Raphael in the sky their battle would not last long but it would make the sky's quake and shudder in fear.
I went to the sun God's boat and I saw him Ra, he looked at me and he knew, no words were spoken as both of us clashed our weapons and fought with light.
I absorbed every attacked and redirect it or attacked with much more ferocity, then we were throwing punches as the more we fought the less powerful Ra Became.
He was the chief God in the Patheon but he was getting older, due to the countless battles and the energy he wasted as a God.
We knew that if the chief God of a Patheon were to die, the very pantheon would have completely lose its power. Growing weaker and weaker till all the gods are dead.
Ra collapsed on the floor while in his true divine form, barely had the strength to lift his head. I walked over to him sword at hand I asked what were his final words.
"I apologize on the behalf of Egypt, that we were wrong that it was my fault that I gave my Throne to a child and now my kingdom is suffering. Said Ra sadness in his words
He looks at me and says in another life we could have been friends. I agree smiling at such ironic words.
He looks saddened and said "My death will cause war like unlike anything imagined, we will lose power and be split by infighting. I accept this death." He said closing his eyes as I stabbed him watching the light go out.
I returned to Egypt the plague only finished to hear the request of Pharaoh, to come to his palace.
"Get out of My sight. I will never see your face again. For in that day you will die. Said Pharaoh angrily
I said nothing and left the palace and left Moses body and instructed him what to do to warn everyone about the last plague.
Before my anglic siblings started their slaughter I pour lamb's blood on the doors of those who forget and those were righteous in both the Israelites and Egyptians.
And went back to heaven as I knew that the Israelites would be free the next morning with much sorrow and joy.