
Parting of the Red Sea and ungrateful Israelites

Disclaimer: please don't take offense to this, this is just how I see the Israelites' journey to the promised land was like and how they acted.

When dawn came on the start of a new day it was emotional, for the Israelites it was the day they were free from Egypt.

For the Egyptians, it was a day of great sadness and mourning as many firstborns were all slaughtered, ironic since this was the very city that slaughtered innocent babies 40 years prior.

The Israelites were walking in the wilderness for many days and nights I was the angel who guided them. A pillar of fire and light at night and a cloud at day.

They followed me until they were at the Red Sea, where they camped and discussed crossing the vast sea and their freedom.

Meanwhile, in Egypt Pharaoh after grieving for his children, his crazed anger for the Israelites increased. Why did he let his property and his slaves leave?

"Ready the chariots! Pursue the Hebrews. Bring all of them back or kill them all. Pharaoh said his eyes crazed

When the Israelites saw the Egyptian army they became afraid and cursed Moses for bringing them here.

"It was better to live as a slave than die in this God-forsaken place." Said one Israelite

When the Egyptians saw the Israelites and remembered the humiliation in Egypt, they wanted to kill and leave no survivors.

I immediately appeared to the Egyptian army as the firey Pilar and blocked their way and I also used my powers to part the sea.

The Israelites started to move across the sea floor and were astounded by the sight of the sea animals.

When the Israelites were nearly across I let the Egyptians pass and when the last Israelite passed the sea I let the waters fall.

When the Egyptian's bodies washed up at land the Israelites, continued following me to the promised land.

When I stopped at wells of water, the Israelites camped and ate all the food they had brought from Egypt, and when they couldn't get more they complained to Moses.

"We could have stayed in Egypt and lived better than this. As slaves, we had enough to eat. But here there is nothing." One ungrateful Israelite complained.

Yeah, did you bring us out here to die of hunger? Said another.

I felt completely disgusted at the attitudes of the Israelites, they said it was better to be slaves. Every night and day, they cried begging God to save them from Egypt.

When Moses came to me for advice on the problem I told him that every night I would rain bread from heaven.

When the Israelites woke up to the bread of the ground they began to praise God.

But I knew that it was false and that all it would take is one Inconvenience to them and they go back to complaining and cursing at my Father's name.

And it didn't take long as several days later when they ran out of water, they complained even more, even in prayer.

"So, he gave us bread, but now he will kill us with thirst. Some God we serve." said one Israelite.

"My little girl will die if we don't have water soon." We're Moses and our God? Said another.

"We should have stayed in Egypt. In another day our animals will be dead, and after that, the children will begin to die." Said the Israelites.

I was angry, not at how they were complaining to Moses. No, it was how fickle their loyalty was to God.

It was God who saved them from Egypt, and it was God's idea for the plagues. But they didn't care about anything just their selfishness and pleasure.

And it wasn't just me who felt this way about the Israelites, many angels wanted to smite the Israelites for their insolence.

Other's wanted to not give the Israelites water, and just let them suffer and die.

Finally, I grew so tired and annoyed at the constant complaining. so I made Moses bring the Israelites to a rock filled with water and made Moses strike it making it flow.

I then told Moses to remind the Israelites of all that was done for them, the wonderful miracles and their freedom.

I told him that Father wanted to talk with him about his commandments for his people. And that you must follow me to Mountain.

We went to the top of the mountain, where he was in his true form, all of his holy glory present.

"Moses, I am the God that brought you out of the land of Egypt."

"When you leave this mountain place fences. For if any other one of the people touches this Mountain they will die." Stated Father

I will give you ten commandments which you must tell to the people. Father ordered.

[Have no other Gods before me.] 










When Father was done, he sent Moses to tell the people about the word and explain it to him and Father turned to me. "How are you doing son, tell me about heaven and your daily routine. he says to me like a doting parent who hasn't seen their kid in a long time.

"Father I am fine, I am enjoying humanity and the new things of life. As for heaven, Michael is leading the host and misses you greatly, Raphael is cold and only interacts with the healers, and Gabriel well he left heaven and is causing chaos on Earth." I said with a smile happy to see Father again.

"So, Father tell me where you always be able to manifest like that to humans? Because I got to ask why a bush Father? A burning bush is sure to inspire humans and not run away in terror. I said jokingly 

"Well son, I could ask you the same thing remember Joseph and the dreams, tell me who was it that sent those prophetic dreams to him Pharoah, the Baker, and the cupbearer. he said with a knowing smile on his face.

I froze when I remembered Joseph, not my finest moments but that was a story for another time. suddenly, I felt a rush of voices coming from Angel radio the angels, were so loud and angry. I hadn't seen them this angry since the Nephilim scandal.

The only words I could pick up were Pagan worshipers... Unholy humans..... Israelites.  I immediately flew down the Mountain and what was happening shocked and greatly angered me. 

The Israelites, God's special people, the descendants of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob were dancing around a golden statue of a Bull. They were praying, sacrificing, and even had the nerve to put the Ten Commandments on it and declared that this thing was God, his true face, and the one who brought them out of Egypt. 

I grabbed the Commandments and smashed them in Rage. "you hypocrites, you have broken the commandments not a moment after they were given to you! I screamed in rage lighting flashed in the sky as if heaven agreed with me. 

"DID HE NOT SAY TO HAVE NO OTHER GODS BUT HIM? CAN A STATUE, A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SOMETHING YOU CREATED, BE YOUR CREATOR? I said destroying the statue with my bare hands. And burned it with holy fire.

Then I turned to the people who had been dancing and praising this idol and I shone my eyes.

And every one of them was erased from existence letting it be known on Earth and In Heaven that the line had been set and anyone who followed in that footsteps would face the consequences.