A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)
It's been a couple of weeks since the apocalypse and the battle of the Gods, and I have been busy leading the heavenly host.
Many angels agreed to my rule and ascension to the Throne. The only angels against my rule were Michael's loyalists, a group of angels called the powers who wanted to free Michael and secure the Throne.
Castiel returned to heaven after being killed by Lucifer as a Seraph, and that caused extreme controversy within the host. Some supported this new promotion, others still thought he was a traitor, and the rest of the seraphs wondered if he was an official member.
I was too busy to handle the rumors and gossip surrounding Castiel's promotion. All Castiel wanted to do was teach our siblings free will, which was fine by me.
I had an important meeting with Joseph, the leader of Michael's loyalists and the most likely to start a civil war in heaven.
The location of the meeting place was the heaven of an old baker named Betty, this heaven was a popular spot in heaven for me and the seraphs to get away and relax.
Betty was a short old woman who wore her hair in a bun. She had glasses and gold round stud earrings, and her outfit consisted of a button-up shirt with stripes on the elbows, an ascot scarf, and dark pants and shoes.
"Welcome back Isaiel, it's such a blessing to see you again. This place gets lonely without anyone to talk to, and you are my favorite customer." Betty placed a tray of steaming jelly doughnuts on the table.
"My apologies for not visiting Betty, I've only just recently returned to heaven after dealing with some unpleasant business." I grabbed a doughnut and savored the exquisite taste.
"I suppose everything is alright now that you are here. I won't take any more of your time since you have a meeting, but can you tell that angel to step out of the shade? It's scaring my customers." Betty pointed to Joseph standing in the shade of a nearby tree.
The sound of wind and feathers could be heard as Joseph teleported into a seat in front of me, his dark wings sticking out much to his annoyance.
Joseph's vessel was a lean and muscular man. with teakwood skin, honey-gold eyes, and black hair flowing down his shoulders. His dark wings were a shade of blue, black, and purple.
"I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me. I suppose when your regent summons you, it is your duty to answer the call." Joseph scoffed and rolled his eyes, seemingly not impressed.
"How arrogant of you to assume you have control over me, I answer only to Lord Michael the true ruler of heaven, not to traitorous heretics like you and Castiel." Joseph glared as he threw off everything that was on the table, and pulled out his angel blade.
"Traitorus heretics? You make it sound like I've denounced God or heaven when I have done more than any angel during the apocalypse. Joseph said nothing. "And for future reference, I would advise you to watch where you point that blade." Joseph raised his wings in an attempt to intimidate me, before leaving in a huff.
"Castiel and Isaiel, I request to speak with both of you at my location immediately." The deep voice of Raphael boomed in my ears, I was confused about why he wanted to speak with me since he'd gone radio silent after my ascension.
I flew to the paradise that Raphael was currently using. It was the heaven of Ken Lay, an American businessman who was found guilty of ten counts of security fraud. Which led to the bankruptcy of Enron, and me losing a bunch of money and resources during the 200s. The only reason he was in heaven was because of a technicality, the same with Gandhi.
Raphael was sitting in a leather business chair, several angels were standing in attention and gave me a small nod in respect as Castiel walked inside the room.
"Why did you call us Raphael? I thought you were content on staying within your office for the time being." Raphael placed the cup he was drinking on the table, smiling at us both.
"I am planning on calling a full assembly of the Holy Host. The both of you will kneel before me and pledge allegiance to the flag, all right? I grace stiffened as I knew what he was arrogantly implying.
"Sorry to burst your bubble Raph, but we are not in the US. And I don't think our siblings are all too interested in the American flag." My voice was dripping with sarcasm, much to Raphael's annoyance.
"Me, Castiel and Isaiel. Your complete allegiance to me." Raphael leaned forward as my wing slammed into his neck.
"Are you joking? Castiel looked at Raphael in astonishment. "I agree with Castiel. Your suggesting the entire host partake in a blasphemy equivalent to declaring yourself as God, have you lost any ounce of respect for yourself!? I took a step forward as Raphael's guards drew their blades.
"The two of you rebelled. Against God, heaven, and me. Now you will atone, we will free Michael and Lucifer from the cage and get our show on the road." Raphael's response confused me. He showed no interest or loyalty to Michael or the Throne, yet he is trying to solidify his power in heaven.
Raphael and Castiel got into a back-and-forth about the apocalypse until Raphael blasted Cas out of the room. Leaving me alone with Raphael.
"What's the real reason you're doing this Raph? I sat down beside him. And don't feed me the same crap you gave Castiel, everyone knows you couldn't care less about Michael or the apocalypse." Raphael looked at his guards, and they took the hint by flying away.
"I'm tired. In the beginning, it was so simple what to do, but now with everything going on in existence with Father's absence. I see no reason why we should tolerate human life." Raphael looked tired and I could see signs of depression on his face.
"Human life may be chaotic and messy at times, but some of them strive to be better than the person they were yesterday. Don't you remember Sarah? Your lov-----
"Don't you dare say that name!! Raphael roared in anger as he stood up, sparks of electricity were appearing around the room.
"Why? Don't you remember her smile? How she would treat anyone who came for her help with unfathomable love and care? Even Demons were surprised by her generosity--
"BE QUIET!!! THAT WOMAN IS DEAD! THE ANGEL THAT YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW DIED WHEN DEMONS DESTROYED HER SOUL, AND WHEN THE HUMANS THAT SHE CARED FOR BETRAYED HER BY BURNING HER AT THE STAKE BECAUSE OF HER PRACTICES." Raphael spoke in his true voice, his emotions getting out of control and causing his power to destroy parts of Ken Lay's heaven.
Raphael excused himself and flew off, I restored Ken Lay's heaven and sat down in my seat. I was thinking about what had just happened when Vincent's voice broke me out of my thoughts.
"Mind explaining what just happened? I thought Raphael was supposed to be the calm and emotionless one, not the one who exploded like that." Vincent's projection sat in the chair in front of me.
"He wasn't always like that. In the beginning, he was strict but genuinely loved his job, he loved humans and even proposed to one."
(Flashback start)
"I was walking through the outskirts of an old village. The village was home to a prophet that Raphael was in charge of, a renowned healer and seer.
I was approaching the Prophet's house, when I saw Raphael and the prophet sitting in the shade of a tree.
The Prophet's name was Sarah, a pretty young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes, and was wearing a traditional nurse outfit. She had a mischievous smile on her face as I got closer, and gave a passionate kiss to Raphael.
"Am I interrupting something, brother? Raphael started to blush, he kept avoiding my eyes. "N-No, it's not what you think brother, w-why are you here? Raphael me an anxious look. "I'm here on important business. The information is for your ears only, so Sarah if you can give my brother and me a moment." Sarah nodded and went inside the house, but not before giving Raphael another kiss.
"You seem pretty attached to that human, brother? Raphael blushed again and nodded. "Yes, Sarah is quite an amazing woman. S-She makes me feel things that I-I just can't explain, I want her to be my wife and spend the rest of eternity with her." I gave Raphael a knowing look, since I knew what he was experiencing.
"Your something else Brother, saving the girl's virginity one day, taking it the next. Oh such a scoundrel! Raphael tried to sputter up a response, but couldn't due to my relentless teasing.
"E-Enough! Raphael 's face was completely red. "Why a-are -you-h-here -B-Brother? What was so important that you needed to see me and couldn't s-say infront of Sarah? Raphael's feathers were twitching due to his impatience.
"Calm down Raph, your going to start another flood at this rate." I chuckled then my face became serious. "The reason I came was to inform you that Asmodeus, the Prince of hell was spotted around this area." Raphael looked shocked for a moment before fixing his composure.
"Do you think he's going after Sarah? Raphael glanced at the house, Sarah was busy making dinner and humming a tune.
"His reasoning is unknown and unclear, that's why I came to tell you to increase surveillance on Sarah, if Asmodeus or Hell get their hands on her it would be nothing sort of a catastrophe." I knew my brother was getting worried about Sarah's safety, with heaven and hell getting involved more people would find out about their relationship.
"Relax, I have the situation under control. All you need to do is keep an eye on Sarah and act normal. And your an Archangel for Father's sake, have some more confidence in yourself." I patted my brother's shoulder and took off to search for Asmodeus.
(Flashback end)
"Wow, it sounds like the two of you were close and that Raphael really loved that woman. What happened to her? Vincent looked out the window as he missed his wife.
"Michael. My voice filed with disdain as Vincent flinched. "Michael happened, he learned about their relationship and took matters into his own hands. The bastard went into the past and changed it so badly, that Sarah and that entire timeline got erased. I closed my eyes to stop my mind from wandering to that moment.
"It was the first time Raphael fought against Michael, he was so enraged that he started a mini coup and ordered the assassination of several high-ranking members of Michael's loyalists, it was utter chaos and destruction."
"Oh my God, didn't Raphael say that Sarah died from demons and that she was burned alive? Vincent looked at me quizzically as I nodded.
"That's what I'm confused about, Raphael was present during Sarah's tragic end. Yet he couldn't remember how exactly she died. Unless.....I need to go talk with Father."
I got out of the chair and flew to Chuck's house, Father and Death were already there, watching Television and eating snacks."
"Isaiel! Your back! Do you like the surprise that I sent? Chuck smiled enthusiastically as he talked about Castiel's promotion to Seraph.
"It was quite a surprise but expected, and no, I'm not making Castiel a member of the Brotherhood. I have no guarantee of his loyalty and he is too easily influenced by the Winchesters." I began to tell Father about what was going on in heaven and the oncoming Civil War.
"Goddammit!! Why is everyone trying to be me! Fuck, no one says that they'll be the next Jesus Christ or the next incarnation of Death, it's just God told me to do this, or I'm just doing God's will. As if I spend my time whispering in their ears to commit acts that I find repulsive, I have never told those people to do those things. Never!!" My Father began to curse in languages that I never knew were possible.
"You reap what you sow God, you spend all your time giving bacteria the time of day, then suddenly they gain egos bigger than the sun." Desth snorted and continued to feast on his pizza.
"Anyway, I was wondering if the minds of Archangels can be tampered with by rehabilitation." Father stopped his argument with death and looked at me confused.
"No, the minds of you and the Archangels are vastly different than your younger siblings, it would be practically impossible to break the barrier that I have installed in your minds, Why?
"I reason to belive that Raphael's mind was tampered with. I asked him to recall an event and he couldn't any specific details, ever since his coup against Michael failed, he has become less like his happy and loving self. Heck, Naomi tried to hack my brain after you left for good. Is it such a leap to say that she wouldn't try again with Raphael?
"But that doesn't make any sense, Naomi wouldn't have the power required to assess the mind of an Archangel, and if she did get into Raphael's system then why wait all of this time to act? My Father began pacing around the room, I thought back to Raphael's behavior after the coup.
"Maybe Michael helped her with the procedure? But regardless, I need to dig deeper into this conspiracy and shed light on what exactly is going on in heaven." Father and I continued to think about this conspiracy until I had to leave, I needed to brief the seraphs about the civil war and have a very thorough investigation to see if they were compromised.