
Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel)

Author Note: Updating this so readers get a general understanding of this fan fiction. This fan fiction assumes that the main group of the MHA manga started attending U.A in the year 2014, the year the manga started serialization. It also makes the assumption that due to Quirks being around for several generations that science isn't completely up to where we are now as Quirks can do what would otherwise required innovation from science to create. In addition, this MC has his powers converted to Quirks and as such they require time and training to improve. For power scaling, this rendition of Superman will fall in line with All Star Superman and Superman Prime but will require time to reach that level. Without further ado please enjoy the fan fiction!! =======================================I died doing charity work overseas, and was fortunate enough to meet God. Taking pity on me as I had dedicated much of my adult life doing good deeds he let me reincarnate with a single wish. Asking to become Superman in the My Hero Academia world I was determined to both help the people, and have the family life I had always wanted. Note: I am not a professional author nor do I claim to be. This novel is what I would do if I was reincarnate in that world with Superman's powers. I don't own the picture, it is just one I found online. If you own it, and want me to remove it just ask and I will.

ManOfCultureLeon · Cómic
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102 Chs

Chapter 61 - On Top of The World

---Fortress of Solitude---

Submitting our reports to the UN and Nezu, the Pros said they would handle the briefings freeing us to retire for the day. Removing their ruined clothing and armor, the women pulled me into the shower for some intimate time. They weren't quite in the mood for sex, but wanted to be close to me. Having seen death first hand all of them were a bit shaken, especially Kara who had experienced it before with Prime.

"You going to be okay?", I asked as we soaked in the tub.

"If you hadn't shown up when you did...we'd have died...", Raven said with a shiver.

"I know, and I apologize for making you risk your lives like that.", I stated bowing my head, "I should have hurried back to be there."

"It's fine, you were making them pay for their crimes.", Selena said holding my hand, "I am just thankful you came back to save us."

"Agreed.", the others said with soft smiles.

"Of course, I will always come running to save any of you.", I asserted, "No one is going to stop me from protecting my family. I will keep training and improving myself so I can face anything coming for you. Like I have always said, I will lay my life down if it means saving any of you."

"Don't say shit like that!", Rumi said kicking me, "It makes...it makes my body get hot and heavy."

Changing the subject Ivy had a question to ask.

"So being a rabbit increases your libdo?", Ivy asked.

"Yes, it's really frustrating...it's like having an addiction. Clark really helps rein it in though because he really gives it too me good. I really enjoy it when he manhandles me, and takes control. Usually I don't like giving up the lead, but in bed I have learned it can be much more enjoyable.", Rumi admitted.

"Yeah it is.", Nemuri said looking at me, "So you going to tell us what the reward is for coming back alive?"

"Oh yes, please do tell us!!", Starfire said with excitement.

"I have something cooking that I took from the Injustice Fortress of Solitude.", I chuckled with a devilish smile, "Since you all complained about how I sleep with Kara, I decided to let you experience it as well. I stole one of his Super Pills, and currently Kelex is synthesizing pills for all of you."

"Super Pill?", Ochaco asked.

"It allows the user to have Kryptonian powers for 24 hours. You will be as strong, fast, and durable as I am.", Kara stated before realizing what I was planning.

"Wait...so if we have your physiology...", Nemuri stated.

"I don't have to hold back in bed. You can take all the love I can give, but you best be careful because it increases your senses too.", I chuckled still wearing the smile.

"24 hours was it...", Yu asked with a smirk.

"Yep, and you all agreed that you weren't going anywhere till Monday morning.", I said, "After dinner tonight...you all will get to see what I can do when I don't have to worry about your safety."

"You...you are still going to be gentle with me, right?", Sonico asked as I gave her a smile, "...right?"

---R-18, Later that evening---

Taking the women out to a top restaurant in Italy I let them enjoy themselves as I had booked the entire restaurant for just us. They had been giddy as school girls the entire meal as they were all looking forward to the night. When we got back home the women, aside from Kara, took their assigned pill and waited fifteen minutes for their powers to kick in. The pills for the MHA women had to be specially made as their Quirks tweaked their Human DNA enough that the Super Pill wouldn't have worked on them otherwise.

"Hehe! I feel so powerful!", Mina said swinging her arms around.

"Mina...calm down.", Itsuka and Dorothy said calmly, "You can seriously hurt someone right now."

"I will be careful.", she swore.

Having them remove their dresses, I had them leave nothing on as it would only be ripped apart. Looking at me their expectant gaze was all it took for me to pounce. Stimulating their pleasure points in their minds I started kissing them as I ran my hands all over them. Grabbing their butts the women wasted no time expressing their love for me.

Starting with the new women first, I introduced them to what I was capable of as a lover. Hammering them into the bed I gave them no breaks, no reprieves, and no chances to tell me to slow down. All of them had constantly been showing as much skin as possible in front of me so now they had to pay up for that. The MHA women were no different as I took full control of the encounter. Stacking them with others I would drill one into the bed while eating the other out all while they made out together.

From there I fucked them all against the cold walls of the bedroom which was a powerful experience. The heat of our bodies and the cold sensation of the walls drove them crazy, especially when I only let their nipples rub against the walls. Taking it to the air from there I filled the room with the smell and sounds of our mutual love making.

Once the women were thoroughly exhausted, even with the Super Soldier Serum and Super Pill, I took things to a more intimate level focusing on them individually. It was nice that they all somewhat got a long, but I knew they still liked having me themselves. Focusing on Nemuri first we took the one on one sensation slowly and sensually. Running my hands over every nook of her body I gave her dozens of heartfelt compliments all while I slowly moved in her. For her it was like the icing on the cake at his point as her mind was numb from pleasure.

"I love you Nemuri.", I whispered softly as I kissed her neck, "You work very hard as a teacher, and I know it frustrates you that I can't give you affection at school. I'd like to sneak in after hours, and give you that rush you have been wanting."

"No.", she said holding my hands, "I am very happy with this. It's true it is frustrating, but I am happy you treat me no different than the others. Sometimes I do get a bit insecure as one of the older women here. There are a lot of young women you interact with on a daily basis, and sometimes I worry I am not competitive enough to keep up."

"Oh don't you ever say that.", I whispered, "I think of it like fine wine, what you see as age I see as experience. Thanks to Injustice Superman I am closer than ever to stabilizing your youth, and with Eri's assistance I can make you twenty-two permanently."

"You mean that?", she asked.

"Of course, you pick the age and I will make it happen.", I replied holding her hands as I wrapped my arms around her.

"That is good to hear...", she said falling asleep as we finished.

Making her comfy I moved to Selena who still somehow managed to tease me, though a bit less. Kissing each other passionately as I pleasured her, she gave me a playful smile. Asking if I was really okay with kids, I said that whatever happens I would take care of it. Stating that I realized she likely wanted one for a while now, even before we met. Caressing her body, I rubbed her stomach and cheeks softly as I looked into her eyes.

"You do what you want to do.", I said pressing my forehead to hers, "All I ask is loyalty, honesty, and your sole affection. I trust you completely and won't stop you from doing what you want."

"I know.", she retorted with a smile, "You are the only man that I have ever loved this much. I will be honest, when we first met I thought you were a pain in the ass. After living here, and seeing how you treat the other girls you won me over completely. It's nice that you pamper me at home, but in the streets you let me fight for myself."

"You like testing your limits without any interference from me. Rumi is exactly like that, she doesn't want me stepping in to save her for no reason. All of you are quite capable of fighting for yourselves, you don't need me to be there all the time. The only times I will interfere is when you are going to literally die.", I stated with a smile.

"That is exactly why I have no issue being your wife, and mother to your children.", she said softly, "I know that you can help me give the children a stable home, something I never had. My heart knows this is where I belong for the rest of eternity."

"I happy to have you along for the journey Selena.", I said kissing her as I finished filing her.

Ivy was next, and was more emotional than I expected. Wrapping her arms around me it felt like she was trying to burrow into my skin. Telling me that she loved me several times as I moved, she asked me rub her stomach as we talked.

"You know...this is the first time a man has made me fall so deeply in love with them?", she asked, "I know I am not a virgin, but I wish I had been. When we met I thought you'd be like every typical wealthy man I had met in our world. The type of guy that keeps beautiful women around till he is bored then replaces them. Several times I did try to seduce you, but not once did you do more than look."

"It's kind of hard not too.", I chuckled.

"Haha so I hear.", she replied with a smile, "I want you to know...I am happy to be your future wife. This experience has shown me that you really are the man I am meant to be with. Before meeting you I would never have thought to settle down, and have a family. All of the men I knew treated me like a trophy to show off to their friends. It really hurts when the only thing you are seen as is a prize...thank you for treating me like a person. Might not mean much to you, but to me...it's comforting."

Kissing her neck over and over till we finished, she gave me a content smile as we parted. Following her was Blackfire who had changed a little since seeing her sister almost die. She was showing a little bit of emotion for her sister, but still liked to argue with her. Even during sex it was a competition to see who could make me climax first, and who pleased me the most. I was pretty sure that aspect of their relationship wouldn't change...though it was nice to see she wasn't trying to kill her anymore.

"You have more than proven...you are my soulmate.", she said laying under me, "This evening you have made me feel like a Queen, and have claimed me like a King. Our children will surely be powerful fighters that will make our family line the strongest in the world!"

"Haha, is that how you feel?", I asked.

"...no...", she admitted, "I...I am happy to be loved by you. If you had appeared earlier in my life, I...I may never have sold out my people. In hindsight, my anger was unjustified as neither Starfire nor I had any control over me being born weaker. It was just...hard living in her shadow all my life as the older child. No one ever treated me more than just a stepping stone to my sister. Having experienced your love...I realized this what I was looking for from outside my family. You are truly a gift in my life, and I want cherish you forever."

"Haha that is supposed to be my line.", I replied with smile, "Now I don't have any compliments to top that. All I can say is that I am happy you decided to settle down with me, and that I look forward to millennia spent together with you."

Kissing me deeply as wrung her last shot out, she held me for a bit afterwards before letting me go. Starfire started off by thanking me for giving her sister a place to be loved. Stating that while she did miss Dick, she was happy to be here. Had she never come she would have never realized how much harm she caused her sister. It never occurred to her that people were using her sister to meet her. Having a relationship with her sister now was something that she never imagined before meeting me. Now that both Blackfire and her were courting me she was having so much happiness she didn't know what to do with it.

"I know I haven't known you as long as my sister, but I look forward to many adventures with you and all my sisters!", Starfire said with a beaming smile, "We shall kick many more butts together, and raise many beautiful squishy offspring!"

"Haha!", I laughed hugging her, "Don't ever change that goofy personality of yours. It certainly brightens my day no matter how ugly it may be."

"Of course!", she replied holding me, "One day not only will I be taking your seed, but also your last name!"

"He is marrying me first.", Blackfire proclaimed, "Specifically before you, it's only right as your older sister."

"I suggest we compete for that!", Starfire said giving her sister a smile.

"...I suppose.", Blackfire sighed.

"Hehe!", Starfire laughed, "Perhaps Poke the Gorlax with a stick?"

"No, you are a dirty cheater at that game!", Blackfire protested.

"I am not!", Starfire pouted.

Finishing with Starfire the two started arguing softly as to not disturb the others. Raven slid me in as she looked over at Starfire with a sigh. She was still getting used to the idea of having siblings, even if only in marriage. Silently enjoying being joined together she held my hands for the duration of our time together.

"Thank you for saving me from my father.", she whispered, "Every day I spend in your presence the more I want to one day be free of this curse. This burden I carry weighs heavily on my shoulder as so many avoid me because I carry my father's blood."

"You aren't your father, you aren't a monster like him. I won't ever let you become a monster like that, I will always be here to stop you from crossing that line.", I said.

"That is why I want to be with you.", she whispered, "Not only do I love you, but I can relax around you because you can stop my father. He is afraid of you, and since being around you he has left me alone. It...it has been absolute bliss not having his evil words bombarding me daily. The nightmares of my destroyed home haven't returned since I met you."

Pressing my forehead to hers I felt her father's presence back away from me. With the power I had now her father would be crushed under my heel should he ever try to harm her. I would rip him out of the prison, and tear him apart. One day I would see that she is completely rid of him for good for the safety of her and our future children. Finishing our union with a kiss as she sucked down the last couple of drops I had for her before drifting off to sleep.

Maxima pulled me over to her where she lifted her hips to swallow me whole without the use of her hands. Referring to me as her King she said that I had certainly shown her that I had the makings of a King in the bedroom. Asking her how she would proceed from here she gave me an honest look.

"I sincerely wish to marry you, and have many children with you.", she stated, "Not for the bloodline...but because I genuinely love you. I never faced an enemy I couldn't defeat till today...Doomsday was overwhelming powerful, and I realized how fragile life really is. The interactions I have had with the women here, I sincerely feel like they are my sisters. Watching them be trounced by that animal...for once in my life I felt despair till you came in to end him. It is an indescribable feeling when all hope is gone, and then a gallant Hero comes in to save you and the people you care about."

"I am truly sorry I didn't come sooner.", I replied.

"I don't blame you, in the end you came to save us which is all that matters.", she laughed with a real smile, "I love you dear Clark, I would give up everything I own to be with you forever."

"You don't have to give up anything.", I chuckled kissing her, "Just say I do."

Kissing her as I filled her with my warmth again, she kissed my chest possessively. Working her way to my lips she told me she hoped to bring a child to the world soon to share this love she felt in her chest.

Fury didn't have any heartfelt words for me, simply saying she didn't have the words to express her love. Instead she remained silent our bodies tangled together as our bodies tangled together in a mess of limbs that eventually led to our mutual climax that completely filled her. Holding her tightly she leaned her head against me, I assumed this was unusual for an Amazon so I took it as a compliment. Having her fill of bonding time she handed me to Sonico with a smile.

"It's your turn for a one on one.", Fury said.

"I know.", Sonico stated.

Sliding into Sonico again I got my face close to hers which made her blush. Locking her legs behind me I gave rubbed her face gently as I looked into her eyes.

"Was it worth the wait?", I asked.

"...yes...", she said drawing circles on my chest with her finger, "This feels so good and so right because this is where I belong. There is no doubt now that I am meant to be here with you."

"That is good to hear that you have no regret.", I stated.

"It's been a rough few weeks...only two people out of everyone I have apologized to actually forgave me.", she sniffled, "Everyone else has just laughed or spit in my face. Just two days ago...I had three people tell me they wished I was dead. The sight of me made them want to vomit, and that I would never be worth anything more than a pair of breasts."

"Who told you that?", Kara asked.

"Yeah, we are going to kick their butt!", Mina and Toga stated.

"Yes, we shall teach them the error of their ways!", Maxima said, "No one says that to my sister!!"

Voicing similar support all the women said they would help her. Choking up Sonico buried her face in my chest.

"Thank you...all of you!", she cried, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have the confidence to leave my home let alone my room. Clark, thank you for giving me this family!"

"Of course.", I said brushing her hair.

Working my way through the rest of the women all of them reiterated what they said to me several months ago when we first slept together. Listening to them again I thanked them for putting up with my crazy antics, and all the weird shit that happened around us. Saying they enjoyed the excitement it brought them I reiterated how much I loved them to which they told me they knew.

The woman I was with was Kara whom I asked how she thought the experience went. Looking over at the women who were passed out now she said she thought it went well. Stating that I could probably stand to take a bit easier next time, she said it would have been more enjoyable if I was slightly less aggressive. Stating that I had to prove a point to the others she only sighed with a smirk on her face.

"Well they enjoyed it so that's all that matters.", Kara said.

"That is very true.", I replied.

---R-18 End, Monday Morning---

As expected when the women woke up the next morning sitting up was impossible. Their legs were shaky, and try walk made them wince with pain. Helping them into a warm bath I had them soak in the water to work out their sore muscles. Getting breakfast made for them they stumbled out of the bathroom in their robes, they took a seat around our table while I served them breakfast.

"You all going to be able to do anything today?", I asked with a smile.

"Yes...", Rumi said staring at me with a smirk, "Now I understand why Kara was very happy after your rough housing."

"Yes, had we been on Earth, Japan would have collapsed.", I snickered.

"Wait...you are joking right?", Sonico asked.

"You didn't notice because all of you were high as a cloud.", I chuckled, "We shifted the orbit of Jupiter by a few degrees."

"Shit...", Mina said, "Do we still have our powers?"

"No, they wore off in the night.", I replied.

"Bummer! I was hoping to beat the boys up at school.", she sighed.

"Are you even in a position to move around?", I asked.

"...maybe...", she giggled.

"Uh, just take today off.", I laughed, "I will have Kelex take care of you till I return from giving my report."

"How long do you think you will be?", Selena asked.

"An hour or two.", I answered, "I am not expecting any issues as the Pros should have given an explanation of most of what happened already. Should I grab some chocolates for all of you while I am out?"

"I think you know the answer to that.", Ivy laughed.

"Alright, well then you all eat up and I will see you in a bit.", I said.

"What will you tell Nezu?", Nemuri asked.

"The injuries you sustained from the fight were more severe than originally suspected. You are currently recovering along with everyone else.", I replied, "That's what I will officially say anyways...I have a feeling Aizawa will have told him thanks to Maxima's outburst in front of the Pros."

"Haha...sorry.", Maxima laughed, "Still though I don't understand why we must hide our relationship."

"I will explain it to her, you go on ahead.", Nemuri said to me.

---U.A High School---

Arriving at the High School, I was surprised to see that there were no students on campus today. Assuming that the staff may have asked for today off, I went straight to Nezu's office. Knocking on the door before entering I found Nezu talking with All Might and a familiar looking man. It took only a second to recognize him as the man I healed from the Soviet Lab where Nova was made.

"You!", I shouted.

"Haha, you remember me?", he asked, "Sorry about the smoke and mirrors act, but I was in no condition to explain things at the time we met."

Changing his appearance in front of me I was confused for a moment.

"I burned your body, how the hell are you still alive!?", I gasped.

"He isn't from your world.", Spectre said manifesting next to me, "So you survived our last battle...Lucifer."

"I did...", he said glaring at Spectre, "I don't appreciate being burned by Eldritch Flames and stabbed by the Spear of Destiny! Do you realize how seriously you injured me!? Even worse was the fact you incinerated my nightclub!"

"I was under the influence of the fifth dimension Imp-"

"Oh I am aware, I noticed that his body is at the Bottom of Hell along with two others.", Lucifer replied, "I have to give you some flak for trying to kill me. You got a worst punishment than me...having to be bound to a host to use any of your powers is ridiculous. I couldn't imagine living in the body of teenager with a harem like his."

"What are you trying to say...", I growled.

"I am simply saying with that many curvy women you must be making a lot of love, unless your impotent.", he said with a smirk.

"Do you know him?", Nezu asked me, "He came here looking for you."

Since Nezu couldn't see the Spectre at the moment he didn't hear the explanation from Spectre. When I went to tell him about who he was, Lucifer stopped me from saying a word. Excusing us from the office Lucifer put his arm around my shoulder, and guided me out of the office. Taking me to the teacher's lounge he began with thanking me for saving him.

"I arrived in your world a long time ago. With the Spectre after me I traveled back in your world's time, manipulated your world to make a history for myself. Fortunately the Imp never followed me here so I managed to hide out here, but due to the Spear of Destiny's properties I was unable to heal my wounds naturally.", Lucifer stated, "I lived down there waiting for things to blow over in my world before returning though you interrupted that. I allowed you to catch me, and use your tech to repair my body enough that I could heal from there."

"So between Spectre and the Spear of Destiny that is how you were injured?", I asked.

"Yes, the Imp went for me as he knew of my relationship with certain mages on my Earth.", he said with a smirk, "Taking me out was a logical thing, but unfortunately only The Presence can kill me permanently. That didn't stop him from trying though..."

"Well I took care of Spectre, Superman, and Wonder Woman...you can go home now.", I stated.

"Now why would I do that? Over here I am practically God, and can do whatever I so wish.", Lucifer said leaning back in his seat, "I can build myself a nice empire here, and do as I please."

"This isn't your world to tamper with...", I growled.

"Then you can send home all women you are bedding from my world, and we can call it a day.", he rebutted.

"Don't involve them in this...", I said getting angry.

"They are in your little base on Jupiter, aren't they?", he asked.

Knowing what he was capable of I took that as a threat. Grabbing him by the collar I glared at him full of anger.

"Don't you dare threaten them...I don't care if you are an Archangel, no one threatens my girlfriends.", I growled.

Vanishing from my grasp, he returned to his chair with a sigh.

"You get so angry when anyone brings them up. If you are going to stand a chance against Prime you better learn to control that temper.", Lucifer said, "Prime won't have someone he loves for you to target...unless you find his world before you fight him. Although, you already know there isn't a world left for him to go back too."

"I can handle him with assistance from other universes.", I replied.

"Oh is that right?", Lucifer stated.

"With a White Lantern Ring, Speed Force, and my Quirks I can-"

"See and this is why you aren't ready yet.", Lucifer sighed, "You do remember what Nova told you during your scuffle, yes?"

"You mean about meeting Reverse Flash?", I asked.

"Yes, and what happened to him when he was exposed to another universe?", he pressed me.

"His Quirk stopped being a Quirk...", I said looking at my hands.

"Precisely my point.", he said, "You haven't even noticed that you are now technically Quirkless. Your body is Kryptonian now, congrats!"

"No...I am human.", I stated.

"Kid, Nova is just like Captain Atom whom you have on ice at your base.", Lucifer stated, "Unlike Captain Atom, Nova's power doesn't require the alien suit to store massive amounts of energy. He could absorb and release as much as he wanted at will...till you crippled his power."

"That doesn't explain how I went from one race to another!?", I retorted.

"If you don't believe me go try it out on your tech at the Fortress.", he chuckled, "God gave you powers to make you identical to a Kryptonian, so stepping into our universe made you one completely."

"Spectre...is what he saying true?", I asked.

"Yes, though it isn't as simple as stepping into our universes.", Spectre stated, "The person has to be exposed to a massive amount of energy and step into one of our universes..."

"You...mean like a Supernova?", I inquired.

"Correct.", they replied, "And since you are effective a giant walking powerhouse of energy, you changed the moment you stepped into our world."

The thought of being an actual Kryptonian was fascinating, but then the realization hit home.

"Wait...the Presence made it so my powers don't transfer to my kids...", I said.

"Well that only applies if they are Quirk based.", Lucifer said, "You aren't Quirk based so that restriction is no longer in place."

Taking a seat I looked down at the table. The thought that my children could have my power now scared me. If this got out there was a high chance my children might be hunted down while they were too young to defend themselves. They wouldn't have the luxury of having an adults mind to control their powers...assuming them they had any. There was only a chance they would have my powers, only children with Kara would guarantee they would have our powers.

"It's alright, very few people on this rock are stupid enough to try and take you on.", Lucifer chuckled, "Your many future children are safe...assuming you beat Prime and his supporter."

"Why are you here?", I asked.

"Well...unfortunately I am unable to fight Prime as my father forbid it.", Lucifer stated, "Being a divine being means I am limited on how much I can mess with things. That said I am quite fond of being among you mortals so that is why I am here. I am here to help you master the power within that ring."

"You aren't a Spectrum User though...", I stated.

"This is going to be a long few months...", he sighed, "Clark, that ring is only a conduit to direct the power of the Life Entity. All the rings are exactly that, a conduit to direct the power of the various Spectrum Entities. You are aware that there have been several occasions that Entities have taken on a host that can tap directly into their power without a ring, yes?"

"Yes...", I replied.

"Well your going to have to do that as well, unless you think you can handle Prime and Nekron?", he asked with a smile, "I think we both know you don't have the capacity to do it currently. Since you refuse to become as powerful as you can get, you need my assistance."

"If I become Living Energy, I won't be able to stay with my family!", I snapped.

"Well which is more important to you?", he asked, "Your loved ones or several million universes?"

"That...", I said unable to answer.

"So then, you willing to accept my help?", he asked again.

"Your not giving me much of a choice...", I said with an irritated look.

"Come now, it's mutual beneficial for you and me. I get to not watch everything go to shit, and you get to protect your girlfriends and future children. This should be a no brainer for you.", he laughed.

"I don't like cutting a deal with the Devil himself.", I stated.

"I came to you not the other way around.", he pointed out, "I am not fond of the idea either, but if I want to keep my lifestyle you are me only option."

Sighing I shook my head before looking him in the eyes.

"If I accept once I beat them, you leave my world.", I compromised.

"Deal!", he said reaching out his hand.

Shaking it I felt annoyed that I had to stoop this low to get assistance.