
Superman in the Marvel

A boy born with the powers of Superman in the Marvel Universe. It is the story of a young man who will rise to the peak. The story will include universes like 'The Incredibles, Marvel, and Ben10. [It is a simple story, made for fun and entertainment and doesn't intend to damage anyone. It's purely fictional. I don't own any content and it belongs to respective. the content I write belong to respected owners and this is simply fiction]

Luciferjl · Cómic
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19 Chs

The changeover

Meanwhile, a whirlwind of unseen forces enveloped Jagnar, lifting him from the confines of the stretcher. He floated in mid-air, a living embodiment of mystery and transformation. The doctors stood frozen, their eyes widened with disbelief, their mouths agape. The phenomenon unfolding before them defied all logical explanations.

As seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hours, the doctors remained motionless, their gazes locked onto the enigma that was Jagnar. Slowly, the room became a sanctuary of observation, and their captors were reduced to mere spectators in the face of this extraordinary occurrence.

The doctors were staring at the unbelievable phenomenon happening in front of them. They were so captivated by it that they didn't notice Jagnar's body.

And the ones in the TV room were also watching intensely.

After the metamorphosis was over, Jagnar was still floating in the air. His mind had now become clear, and the memories of his previous self rushed back in. He saw the memories of the previous owner before he died. He was put through so much torment by the experiments they did on him and children like him. He saw them through his memories, and from those memories, he found out that there was one who was responsible for all these, and Jagnar knew that man, Stryker. Then his thoughts raced back to the X-men he saw in his previous life. And that got him thinking that maybe he had been sent to the world of X-men.

The male doctor regained his senses and laughed out loud.

His thoughts were interrupted by the doctor, who came running into the room, opening the metal door.

"Success. yes! finally! a being that can defy the gods." The doctor yelled in joy.

Even after the explosion of that violent energy, that room was still intact.

Jagnar could hear the doctor and turned towards him. He was able to see the doctor. Jagnar was surprised as he looked down at himself. He was in a hospital gown, naked underneath.

Then he heard the doctor again. "Yes! I created a Superman with no weaknesses. An immortal being equal to gods, Yaas! He will be my greatest creation." The excitement and mad joy were evident in his voice as he hysterically shouted.

His face was glowing with happiness. He had a tab in his hand, as he was busy checking something when he came in.

He approached Jagnar and stood before him.

He clicked on his tab a few times and said, "Now, let's stop with the simple command, what should I say? Well, let's try this." Then he said, taking in a breath of fresh air, "I am your creator, and you shall obey me."

Jagnar, who was calmly watching him and heard his banter, said looking at the doctor with a confused expression, "AH! What the fuck, dude?"

"What are you mumbling?"

"Wh-what? H-how are you talking? wait..."

That doctor opened his eyes in shock, and he tapped on his tab a few more times.

"Why isn't it working?" "What happened to the chip I placed?"

"Damn it!" He had lost it.

"Hey, you! I was the one who saved you, you know that, right?" The doctor yelled, throwing the tab on the floor, seeing that it was showing an error. It seems the implant that was placed in Jagnar's body was not working.

Actually, it was destroyed in the process of transformation. And the doctor didn't expect that, and now he was behaving as he pleased in front of Jagnar, not knowing what had happened about the whole situation.

Basically, he was pissed off and hysterical about the whole situation.

Jagnar, who was calmly watching him, raised his leg. That doctor was shouting at him continuously.

Then Jagnar's kick came in and landed on the chest of the doctor, sending him out of the room. His body crashed into the wall, leaving heavy cracks on the wall. He was squashed, and his whole body became limp, not a single bone was left stiff.

Jagnar, who saw this, was surprised. Then he remembered the words that the doctor said.

Staring at his hands in disbelief, he checked his body. Feeling his newfound strength, he felt the land beneath him with his feet, breathing in.

In a couple of hours, his life had turned upside down. And now he was in a different place and had turned into a supernatural being.

He looked towards the glass, and to his surprise, he could see the doctor on the other side, she was really afraid and shook in fear.

He walked towards the glass, placed his hand on it, and pressed on it.

Cracks started to appear under his palm, and they were spreading at rapid speed, soon covering the whole glass and making it shatter into pieces.

Jagnar, with an aura of awe-inspiring power, closed in on the trembling figure of the female doctor. Her eyes widened in a mix of terror and disbelief as he neared, his presence overwhelming and commanding. The room seemed to shrink in comparison to his imposing form, and the air crackled with anticipation.

His footsteps resonated with purpose as he closed the distance, each step sending shivers down the doctor's spine. The soft glow of the room's fluorescent lights accentuated the dramatic tension hanging in the air. The hum of the machinery and the distant sounds of muffled voices created an eerie backdrop to the encounter.

As he towered over her, his gaze pierced through her defences, demanding truth and clarity. Her trembling hands fidgeted nervously, unable to conceal her unease. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead, reflecting the harsh glare of the overhead lights.

Jagnar's voice, deep and resonant, cut through the silence like thunder. "Tell me everything you know," he commanded, his words reverberating within the confined space. The weight of his words lingered, carrying the weight of his transformed existence.

The doctor, her voice quivering, began to reveal the secrets that had been kept hidden from him. Her words tumbled out in a rush, her explanations interwoven with fear and a tinge of guilt. She revealed the sinister nature of the facility, the twisted experiments conducted on innocent children like him, and the extent of the doctor's unhinged ambitions.

As the doctor spoke, Jagnar listened intently, his eyes fixed on her every expression and nuance. The room seemed to fade away as he delved deeper into the web of deception that had entangled his body's previous owner.

Anger ignited within him, fueled by the injustice and cruelty inflicted upon him and countless others. The fire of determination burned brightly in his eyes, and his newfound strength surged through his veins, reinforcing his resolve. He would not allow himself to be a pawn in their twisted game any longer.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Jagnar turned his attention to the locked door, the sole barrier keeping him confined within the accursed basement. His mind raced, contemplating the possibilities of escape and the freedom that lay beyond those impenetrable walls.

Amidst the silence, Jagnar's physical form underwent a metamorphosis. His once pallid complexion gained colour and was imbued with vitality and strength. Muscles rippled beneath his skin, evidence of a newfound power coursing through his veins. His long hair billowed around him as if stirred by an ethereal wind, a visual testament to the transformative forces at work within him.