
Superior Reed Richards

Reed Richards is the smartest man in the Marvel Universe. His achievements include everything from creating a portal to the Negative Zone and time machines to portals to the Celestial Realms, being the father of a God-like Mutant, and recreating the entire Marvel Multiverse after the Battleworld. What happens when a comic book fan with meta-knowledge inhabits such a person? The answer awaits you in this story. Patreon: patreon_arcane

Arcane_Eso · Cómic
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48 Chs

Chapter 17

The scanners couldn't piece together the mosaic correctly, despite having all the necessary data. However, I could complete that very mosaic.

As soon as I understood this... I smirked and began creating the weapons that would help me solve the problem named Esteban de Ablo.

First of all, I needed to create a weapon that could help me reduce Diablo's arsenal. I looked at Esteban's location and realized I still had time to finish the necessary work.

Immersed in my work, I barely noticed how time flew by. My thoughts were entirely focused on making sure every element, every detail of the device, was flawless. This was not just a battle of minds between Esteban de Ablo and me; it was a clash of two worlds: the world of science and the world of magic.

When the prototype was ready, I paused to look at my creation.

The device, glowing with a cold light under the lamps in my lab, was more than just a mechanism. It embodied my quest to understand the unknown and protect the world from those who wished to use their powers for evil.

With a grin on my face, born not only from the anticipation of the upcoming confrontation but also from the satisfaction of a job well done, I began preparing to test the device. With this weapon in hand, I felt ready for any challenges that might arise.

At that moment, another notification sounded, telling me that Esteban had reached the final level of the building's defenses.

"Time to show this ancient alchemist he should have stayed in his grave," I thought before heading off to meet the alchemist.

—= Some Time Later =—

"What exactly are you doing here, Mr. de Ablo?" I asked Esteban, who had breached yet another level of defenses.

At that moment, the scanners were still working. The lenses I wore continued to gather information.

When I posed my question, Esteban seemed puzzled for a moment, but his composure quickly returned. He raised his hands, preparing another spell, but my devices were already a step ahead.


A sound wave, carefully tuned for maximum effect, shattered the silence of the room. The energy concentrated in this sonic blast was specially designed to counter magical forces, and it worked flawlessly. Esteban de Ablo, a mage with centuries of experience and power, was suddenly caught off guard.

The wave hit Esteban, causing him to lose balance momentarily. The air around us vibrated with energy, and even the light in the lab seemed to flicker brighter for a split second. It was a reminder that even ancient magicians were not anatomically different from regular humans.

Esteban's gaze filled with rage. At that moment, his body sparked with electricity. My scanners detected a thin stream of data leaving the devices hidden in Esteban's body, heading straight to Doom's lair. This was information about my research and defense systems. Thanks to enhanced data protection on my primary research, Doom didn't get everything, but what he did obtain was extremely dangerous.

Victor was always a master at the chess game of politics and science, and now he was making his next move.

"Victor," I whispered, realizing where the collected information had gone.

Meanwhile, Esteban, whose body had just experienced the destructive power of my weapon, did the impossible thanks to an impulse from Victor's device. His battered body, covered in bruises and cuts, seemed to find an inexhaustible reserve of energy. Staggering like a puppet barely held together by strings, he slowly got to his feet. His eyes reflected a storm of emotions—rage and barely concealed admiration for his opponent.

"Reed Richards," he said in a heavy but confident voice, as if each word were forged from iron, "you have just made a very dangerous enemy..."

I fully understood Esteban's game, realizing that every word and gesture was calculated to buy him time. Time necessary to focus energy, to use his magic against me once more. But I wasn't going to give him that chance.

"Fine," I replied, as if accepting his unspoken invitation to a duel, where our cunning and reflexes would be the only rules.

As Esteban, thinking he had the advantage, began focusing on his spell, I made a decisive move. With ease born from years of practice and superhuman flexibility, I transformed my arm. The flesh and bones under my skin began to reshape like clay in the hands of a talented sculptor, forming a new, more dangerous shape.

My hand turned into a hammer that struck Esteban's body at incredible speed. The blow was swift and devastating. The hammer cut through the air with a deafening whistle before crashing into my opponent's body.

Caught off guard, Esteban tried to react, but it was too late. The hammer hit him squarely in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and sending him flying several meters back.

The crunch that echoed in the room indicated he would need some time to heal his injuries.

"Haaaah..." I sighed when the scanners confirmed Esteban was unconscious.

Given that this man possessed inhuman powers, handing him over to ordinary authorities would be a poor decision. But could I trust him to Fury?

"Damn it..." I muttered, realizing I would have to talk to Nick Fury.

—= Victor von Doom =—

Sitting on his throne, shrouded in the shadows cast by the massive drapes that shielded him from the harsh sun of Latveria, was the ruler of this powerful nation. In his hands lay secret data brought by his metallic messengers—robots created to carry out his will. These machines, flawless creations of his genius, had delivered the long-awaited information about Richards' defenses.

With each passing minute spent studying the documents, a fire of ambition and determination ignited in the ruler's eyes. Now, armed with all the necessary information, he could devise a plan that would not only bypass all of Richards' layers of defense but also demonstrate his superiority over anyone who dared to oppose him.

The ruler of Latveria rose from his throne, filled with unwavering confidence in his impending triumph.

"It's time to show this world what Doom is capable of," Victor von Doom thought as he headed to his lab.


"Can you ever be left alone?" Sue said with a mix of reproach and hidden concern in her voice, surveying the room where every object seemed to be turned inside out. Her piercing gaze, full of questions, sought explanations.

"Well, this time, it's not my fault," I replied, trying to restore order amidst the chaos left by Diablo. My hands darted between scattered items on the floor, attempting to make some sense of the mess.

Johnny and Ben stood at the doorway, their expressions speaking volumes. The chaos that had erupted on the first floor left them slightly shocked and amazed.

"Looks like we missed all the fun," Johnny Storm said, his voice light and carefree, with a sparkle of adventure in his eyes. He exchanged glances with Ben, waiting for his reaction.

"I think we dodged a bullet," Ben declared with a much more pragmatic tone. His voice was full of irony, and his muscles tensed slightly, readying for another round of cleanup from the latest escapade.

They looked refreshed. It was clear their day off had been more productive than mine.

"What are we going to do with him?" Sue asked, her voice calm but tinged with worry. She looked at Esteban de Ablo, who lay unconscious, like a forgotten marionette. His breathing was barely noticeable, and his face bore a strange calm, a stark contrast to his expression from moments ago.

After her question, Ben and Johnny also turned their gaze to the mage, their faces reflecting a range of emotions.

"A magician, really?" Johnny couldn't help but scoff, raising an eyebrow in disbelief and irony. There was a note of skepticism in his voice, as if he still couldn't believe another being capable of causing so much trouble had entered their lives.

"The world gets crazier by the day..." Ben muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose in a sign of fatigue or perhaps disappointment. His voice carried a weight, as if he felt the burdens of the world on his shoulders. Yet, there was also wisdom in his words, an understanding that each new event, however absurd, was just part of a grander scheme of fate.

Esteban lay motionless on the ground, handcuffed. The tranquilizers injected into his system were so powerful that their effect promised to last hours, if not days. Despite this, Esteban's magical essence remained elusive, a mystery that my technological toys couldn't unravel.

My thoughts were interrupted by a notification sound—sharp and insistent, it cut through the silence like a knife. It was the doorbell, signaling the arrival of guests.

"And here they are," I said, as if it were entirely natural to expect visitors at such a moment. I activated the door opening system, granting access to the building, which was not yet fully prepared to receive guests.

As the doors slid open, agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. entered the spacious hall, led by none other than Nick Fury. Fury walked ahead, embodying determination and resolve. His legendary coat billowed slightly with his steps, and his face bore the weariness of countless battles fought in the name of peace and justice. His single eye reflected deep experience, and his demeanor spoke of his habit of taking control of situations.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents following him were dressed in strict suits, armed and ready for immediate action, equipped with technological gadgets designed to handle the most unconventional tasks. They surveyed the room, quickly assessing the situation and potential threats, prepared to act at any moment.

"Good evening, Director Fury," my words lingered in the air like a thin mist enveloping us. As Fury looked at Esteban, his eyes narrowed momentarily, as if reading between the lines of the fate of the man lying unconscious before us.

"Good evening, Dr. Richards, Dr. Storm, Mr. Storm, and Mr. Grimm," his voice was deep and assured, embodying authority itself.

My companions, however, preferred to remain restrained, merely nodding in greeting, their attention quickly shifting to Natasha, standing beside Fury. She, as always, was the epitome of professionalism, her gaze scanning the room, evaluating the situation.

"You received the video footage," I said, my words filled with anticipation.

I knew it was only because of this footage that S.H.I.E.L.D. had come here.

"Yes," Nick Fury nodded, his face remained impassive, but his eyes showed interest. "And that's precisely why I'm here. Thanks to the footage, we have data on Diablo's abilities... which means we also have a way to neutralize him."

At that moment, the air in the room seemed to thicken, filled with the importance of the actions to come. We stood on the brink of major changes, and every word, every decision could lead to unpredictable consequences.

"I suppose... I won't be allowed to see the layout of the prison?" My question hung in the air, filled with the expectation of an answer that could change a lot.

"No," Fury's brief reply spoke volumes. His head shook slightly in a negative gesture. Despite its apparent simplicity, this gesture carried the weight of responsibility borne by those making decisions that could affect the fates of many.

"Hah, understood," I said. "He's currently pumped with tranquilizers and won't be able to do anything."

Fury nodded and looked at his subordinates, who then began to act.

"In that case, see you soon, Fantastic Four," Fury said before leaving.

"I still don't like him," Johnny declared once S.H.I.E.L.D. was gone.

—= Some Time Later =—

"Are you done?" Sue's voice sounded.

I was in my lab, finishing work on the defense system. After Esteban's breach and the data leak about the defense system, I had to overhaul everything to prevent it from happening again and to be prepared for actions by S.H.I.E.L.D. and Victor von Doom.

I looked at the remaining work. I only needed to finish the very first level of the defense system. I could postpone work on it... since today was the day of our visit to the School for Gifted Youngsters.

"Almost," I replied. "But I can put off work on this part."

Sue was wearing a very attractive dress. The style was quite similar to what she used for business meetings.

"You look stunning," I said honestly.