
Forbidden Love

Kyle was very surprised. The person who came into the room was a beautiful woman somewhere in her late twenties. He had never seen her before!

He wasn't the only person surprised. The young woman was shocked, the boy was still alive. He didn't even seem slightly affected by the poison.

She realized she was in trouble and opened the door fleeing into the hallway. Kyle quickly pursued her but when he exited; he didn't even see a trace of her.

Focusing his energy into his senses they were increased exponentially. He sniffed the air, "Interesting, I wonder what this means." Kyle pondered for a few moments before returning inside.

It was time to apply all of his training from his time in his detective classes. The Detective class was a required course from seventh grade until graduation.

Students were taught everything a detective would need to do. This included dusting for fingerprints, deductive reasoning, how to create psych profiles on suspects, and much more.

After straitening the room, he went back to examining the logs. It wasn't until around dinner time, that he finished the logs and placed them back into a bag of holding Sir Rollins delivered them in.

Leaving the Tavern, he traveled around the village. His heightened senses allowed him to see pretty good at night.

This was a positive because it allowed him to search for clues at night. He was able to use his time in the most efficient way.

In his hand, Kyle was holding a list of names and addresses. These were all suspects and he needed to determine who was a friend or foe. He questioned several people and made notes next to the names.

Sir Rollins found Kyle walking through the village and invited him into his home to talk with him. When he entered he saw Lady Rollins sitting in a comfortable chair not wearing her typical armor.

Instead. she was wearing a light red and cream-colored dress. There was a bow gently tied around her waist. Her hair was filled with lots of curls. He had to admit, she looked really beautiful.

"Lady Rollins," Kyle smiled.

"Please, call me Sif, aren't we life and death friends?" she said with a charming laugh. Kyle went to an adjacent couch and out down on the end nearest her chair.

"Thank you, Sif," he said with a smile.

"How is the investigation going?" Sir Rollins asked.

"Well, there's nothing I wish to speak on right now. I'm still running down some leads. I should have a suspect soon," he said.

"Can you share anything about the investigation?" Sif asked.

"I would but the matter is complicated. I would rather say nothing than to point you in the wrong direction." Kyle leaned back into the sofa.

Sir Rollins disappeared to the kitchen to get some tea, he told them.

Refreshments were brought out by a servant, but Kyle didn't even glance at them.

"Please, won't you have something to eat?" Sif asked.

"Thank you, but I had something earlier that didn't agree with me." He said adding extra layers of mystery to the conversation.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I made these myself," she said while batting her eyes.

"Huh?" Kyle was stunned for a moment. {Is she flirting with me?} he wondered to himself.

"I'm fifteen," he said out of the blue. Sif looked a little startled.

"You're what?" she asked confused.

"I'm only fifteen years old, do you date guys my age?" he asked perplexed. He normally wouldn't say something like that but he was really curious.

Was he about to experience every young male's dream, the older woman likes the young man. Is this the situation he found himself in right now? He was really hopeful.

Visions of forbidden love flashed through his mind. Scenes of Sif crying because her brother couldn't understand why she would be interested in a boy.

"He's not a boy, he's a man and no one will ever understand the real me like him!" she would shout back in defiance before rushing to her room and slamming the door.

Then he saw her falling onto her pillow and crying her poor heart out.

Then, Kyle would arrive and tell Sir Rollins he was being too narrow-minded! How could he stand in the way of true love?

"Haven't you ever loved someone? How can you stand in the way of your sister's happiness?" he would question him.

Kyle had left the building and was now on a magical tour of Fantasy Land in his mind.

"G-Hawk...G-Hawk," Sif kept saying.

Kyle finally heard Sif and came out of his fantasy. He looked at her and forgot for a moment where he was.


"There you are, I thought we lost you." Sif giggled a little after realizing Kyle was in his own world.

"No, I'm here, where are you? I mean, what did you say?"

He was being too funny, just what was he thinking about she wondered.

"I was telling you that I'm sixteen," she said to him.

"You don't want forbidden love?" He was still struggling to reattach himself to reality. His vision just now was just too real.

Sir Rollins was in the kitchen sipping some tea when he heard, "You don't want forbidden love?" He spits out his tea in surprise. "Exactly what are those two talking about?"

He rushed out of the kitchen and came in and saw Kyle looking confused and Sif looking shocked. Both of them turned their heads at the same time and saw Sir Rollins with tea spilled down his shirt looking angry and shocked.

"Just what are you talking about, forbidden love?! What's going on here. Sis, did he make a move on you? Boy, I don't care how strong you are, you better not lay a hand on my sister or you'll deal with me!" He yelled.

"But she was flirting with me," he said as if that justified his question about forbidden love.

Sir Rollins looked at his sister unsure whether he should be mad at Kyle or her. What kind of flirting was she doing, he wondered.

Sif could see the strange questioning expression in her brother's eyes. He completely forgot about Kyle and was now looking at her like she betrayed their good name.

"Stop looking at me like that? I don't know what he's talking about, when did I flirt with you?" she turned back to look at Kyle with an angry, yet adorable face.

"You did the eye thing," he said.

"The eye thing?" Both Sif and her brother asked at the same time.

"You know the eye flutter flirty thing girls do," he clarified.

"Sif!" Sir Rollins said in disappointment.

"Wha...I didn't do an eye thing...he's crazy!" She was turning bright red, especially the way both her brother and Kyle were looking at her.

"You can't just flutter your eyes and say you didn't do anything," Sir Rollins said.

"See, you were definitely flirting," Kyle added. Sif was getting more and more embarrassed by the pair. She finally took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Let's say I did an eye thing, what does that have to do with forbidden love?" She asked Kyle.

"Your brother didn't want us to be together because you're the older woman, and I'm only fifteen. He's like:

"He's just a boy, what are you doing?"

and you're like "he's not a boy, he's a man and the only one who truly understands me!"

and he's mad because it's forbidden love but you're like

"Love is love bro, love is love!"

Then I'm over here and I'm like

"Dude, what we have is special. Don't you want your sister to be happy?" Kyle finished blurting out his fantasy.

What happened next completely floored Sif. She heard a strange half sob come from the direction of her brother. With tears in his eyes he screamed out with passion:

"I do, I do want my sister to be happy. Sis, don't worry. If you really love him; I'll stand by you even if you are the older woman!

I'll stand up for you with our parents! Don't worry you can count on me. Brother-in-law, don't worry love IS love.

I've always believed this." Sir Rollins somehow jumped onto the weird fantasy coster Kyle was on.

He just jumped on halfway through the ride and now it was as if he took Kyle's fantasy as fact. It turned out Sir Rollins was a true romantic who loved tales of star-struck lovers.

Sif was completely stunned and confused. How did things turn out like this?

Sif was too stunned for words by this pair. It was clear a virus had made its way into her software and all systems were crashing. It almost looked like steam was coming out of her ears.

Kyle and Sir Rollins were looking at her as if they were waiting for her to admit to her love and thank her loving brother for his understanding and support.

"You two are CRAZY!" she yelled at them. "Where are you two right now? I was just asking him if he wanted some snacks and all this love stuff comes out? This...this...drama...this fantasy!"

Sif stormed out of the room heading to her bedroom in complete anger. She suddenly turned around and went up to Kyle and pointed her finger in his face.

She leaned over to the still sitting Kyle and yelled, "Listen, you! I was flirting with you, but I take it back!" She stormed out once more, but his time they heard a door slam.

Sir Rollins and Kyle looked at each other. "Don't worry brother-in-law, I still support you. My sister isn't good at admitting her emotions. She's probably just embarrassed."

"Yeah," Kyle agreed with him.

It wasn't clear if it was Sir Rollins' words or Kyle agreeing with him that caused the sound of a roaring beast and the exploding sound of a door bursting open, but a seething Sif came into the room clenching her fists.

She pointed at Kyle and then her brother, "You two, get out of my house!" She yelled at them. They were both confused.

"But Sif this is my house..." Sir Rollins began. They didn't know where it came from, but a sword appeared in Sif's hands and she started to charge at them.

"Get out!" She screamed.

Sir Rollins and Kyle quickly jumped toward the door and made their escape. Sif went to the door and watched them as they ran. Her shoulders were heaving up and down.

After running for a little they both stopped and looked back at the house.

"Women," Sir Rollins said.

"Yeah," Kyle agreed.

Sorry for no release yesterday. I was out of commission. I'll try and get a few chapters ahead to make sure this doesn't happen again.

I hope you enjoyed today's romcom.

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