
23. Promise No Love Is Like Our Love

Kara POV

Kara watched in disbelief as Mikel came towards them from across the foyer.

"Ugh, that asshole! He gave you such a hard time when broke up with him. Talk about not taking 'no' for an answer." Alex said, sounding disgusted.

You don't know the half of it. Kara thought to herself. Once again she felt thankful that Alex didn't know all that had happened. In particular, she didn't know anything about him physically hurting her. And even though she told Lena what he'd done, she had no idea who he was. All she wanted in that moment was to be far away from him. She was grateful when saw a beautiful women intercept his rush towards them.

"Here are your name tags!" The event staff moved around the table to attach tags to each of the Danvers sisters. That gave them enough time to shake out of their surprise.

"I'm really not interested in this reunion." Kara said angrily.

"Let's get out of here." Alex said and they both turned their backs on Mikel to walk through to the main hall. Just as they walked through Lucy came rushing forward to wrap Kara in a bear hug. Kara was too distracted by the sound of Mikel to really engage with her.

"Kara! Hey, we've got to get you caught up. This is my second drink!"

A small crowd started to form around Kara, a combination of players and supporters. Everyone was on top of the world and ready to celebrate the win. Kara looked back and could no longer see him. She felt relieved, but figured that wouldn't be the last of him. To make matters worse Lena had also disapeared and she was longing to see her, even if they couldn't really spend significant time together at the party.

Tonight of all nights, why did he have to be here? She had heard he had joined the family business when his try for a soccer career didn't last. She imagined he must be very good at the schmoozing. He was nothing if not charming.

To most people. Kara thought grimly.

She decided to put it behind her and try to concentrate on her teammates and the party. She was determined not to let it spoil her night. Just then one of her favorite songs came on. Lucy's smile went wide with recognition. She grabbed Kara's hand and pulled her to the dance floor. The music and excitement eventually got to her and she started dancing and bouncing with her hands to the ceiling.

He's not going to get to me. She resolved. That's all behind me.


Lena POV

Lena was busy checking every detail of the party. Normally she left things in the hands of her staff, but this one felt especially important. First, it was her best chance of getting another big sponsor lined up the Spirit. She'd maxed out the Board's willingness to give and now that she and Kara were exploring a relationship she knew it wouldn't look good for her to use her own money to fix the field and the stadium. Second, and more importantly, this felt like a party she was giving for Kara, and she wanted everything to be perfect.

When she finally came out of the kitchen she scanned the room to see if Kara had arrived. Eventually she spotted her in the middle of the dance floor. Lena's heart lept with the excitement of seeing her, and especially that she looked like she was having a good time. As much as she wanted to head right towards her she knew she needed to play it cool. It was way too soon to let others know about their connection.

Who knows where this will go anyway. Lena reminded herself. She knew she wanted a real and lasting relationship with Kara. She wanted more than fabulous sex. She wanted to spend time with her in every way she could. To get to know her in every way she could. But that didn't mean Kara would want that. Despite all Lena had done to reassure her, she could tell Kara was still very skittish.

Goddamn that alpha who hurt her. She could feel her blood boiling and tried to think of pleasant thoughts. She turned her eyes back to Kara again and felt better just at the sight of her.

Lena began to mingle, especially targeting people coming from some of the high-powered corporations she had invited. She noticed Andrea across the room but decided it best to stay away from her. She remembered Kara getting jealous at seeing them together, and she didn't want a replay of the night of the championship. Instead she headed for Rhea, the CEO of Daxam Industries. There was something about her that always made Lena uneasy, but she was obviously a brilliant and accomplished woman, and Lena respected that she also was running her own company. Lena knew from her own experience what it took.

"Rhea, so wonderful of you to come." Lena said breezily, kissing Rhea's cheek in greeting.

Rhea beamed at her, but Lena could tell it wasn't genuine. They talked about recent products they had in the offing and stock market prices, and eventually Lena made signs of moving on. Before she could go Rhea's eyes went wide and she caught Lena's hand.

"Lena, if you have another minute I'd like to introduce you to my son. He's recently joined the company and is doing amazing things already." Rhea said excitedly. "He's just arrived, let me introduce you."

Lena followed Rhea until she was standing before a handsome man grinning widely at her. Despite the smile, Lena had the same feeling she did with Rhea, something just didn't sit right.

"Lena, this is my son Mikel."

Lena stretched out her hand and was surprised when he took it and turned it to kiss her knuckles.

"Lovely to meet you, Lena."

"Thank you for coming. We're so proud of the team and wanted to celebrate them properly." Normally Lena would continue to schmooze, but she was feeling uneasy and wanted to move on.

"Thanks for inviting us. This is a fantastic party." Mikel said as Lena turned to go.

By the time she turned back to the dance floor Kara was gone. Lena continued making her way around the room to charm her guests. As the night went on she couldn't help but let her eyes roam to find Kara. She longed to make a beeline to her and wrap Kara up in her arms. She knew they had to be careful, but she was struggling to maintain her composure.

At one point she turned and caught Kara looking right at her and Lena froze for a moment like a deer in headlights. She pulled herself together and made an excuse to her guest. She walked towards Kara, who was still watching her, then signaled to Kara with her eyes towards the door of the balcony. Then she walked to it and went through, hoping Kara would follow.

A few moments later Kara also walked through the door and when she could see that no one had followed Kara she said in a low voice,

"Follow me."

She moved quickly across the balcony, which covered most of that side of the building, to the corner of the building where she let herself through another door and back inside the building by scanning her fingerprint.

"Welcome to my office." Lena said with a wide smile as she turned to watch Kara follow through the door. She was surprised to find Kara looking skittish. She took a step closer.

"Kara, are you nervous that someone saw us leave together? We can head back. Sorry, I just...really wanted to see you. Just for a moment."

"No! No, I...really wanted to see you too."

Still, Lena sensed something was wrong, so she scrapped her original plan of wrapping Kara up in a tight hug. Instead she took another tentative step closer, like she was trying to get closer to a wild animal. Something in Kara's eyes worried her.

But as soon as she took that step, Kara moved the rest of the way towards her and in a moment she had her wrapped up tight, just as she'd been longing to do since she first caught sight of her. Kara nuzzled into her neck and inhaled deeply.

Lena detected nervousness in Kara's scent and noticed her breathing was heavy. She moved her fingers up and down Kara's back soothingly.

"Don't worry, no one can see into this office, even if they happen to walk this far down."

"I don't care about that, Lena." Kara said. "You feel so good." Her breathing was starting to slow and she seemed calmer.

"Is everything OK?"

"It is now." Kara nuzzled into Lena's neck again, then pressed her lips against it, just at the edge of kissing her. Lena could tell Kara was scenting her and felt Kara's heartbeat against her own chest.

"God, I missed you." Lena whispered.

"Me too."

"Do you want to sit down for a minute?" Lena asked. Kara nodded into her chest, so Lena took her hand and led her to a large white couch for her to sit. Lena went and got a glass of water, wondering if maybe Kara had too much to drink. When she returned Kara took the glass and set it down on the table, then took Lena's hand and pulled her down next to her on the couch. She was barely seated before Kara gripped her collar and pulled Lena roughly towards her so that their foreheads were touching.

"I just want to be close to you." Kara said quietly.

"I'm right here." Lena tried to reassure her. She wrapped her arms around Kara and held her close. She knew the two of them would be missed and couldn't be gone long. But all she wanted to do was keep her right there until she was sure nothing was wrong. She seemed so different than when they had talked on the phone right after Lena landed.

"Did something happen, Kara?" Lena looked at her with concern. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"No. No, I just..." Kara seemed like she didn't want to talk, and instead tilted her head to give Lena a chaste kiss.

"Is there anything I can do for you? You just seem...not yourself."

"There is something you can do." Kara said, "I want to stop thinking for a few minutes."

She moved her hand into Lena's hair and pulled her forward, kissing her gently, then more deeply. A few moments later she was biting at Lena's lower lip, then delving in with her tongue. Lena didn't resist or push for more. She knew she had to be careful about letting things get out of control as they so often did when the two of them got together. She eased her mouth open to let Kara take what she wanted. At the same time, Lena felt her body and senses were on high alert, trying to understand what was going on with Kara.

Kara moved up and shifted into Lena's lap and Lena pulled her body in tighter. Even as Kara intensified the kiss, Lena could feel Kara relaxing into Lena's body. She could tell Kara was feeling more calm.

Kara eventually stopped to catch her breath. "OK, I know we have to get back."

"Yes. I'm throwing the biggest party in the city tonight for the biggest superstar in the city. I think we might be missed." Lena said with a small smile. She was relieved that Kara seemed to be better. "But we don't have to go until you're ready."

"No, we really should get back. I'm good, I promise." Kara said, sounding reluctant. She stood up off Lena's lap and reached down to pull her up.

"Kara. I want you to know...if you ever need anything, all you have to do is ask." Lena said as she stood. She took Kara's hand and raised it to her lips to kiss it. "I'd do anything for you."

Kara closed her eyes for a moment then opened them to look directly at Lena, her expression intense, like she was looking right through her.

"Thanks, Lena. I really am fine. We better get back." Kara said eventually and turned to go.

"Can I see you tonight?" Lena asked as Kara reached the door.

"Yes." Kara said, pausing with her hand on the door. "If that's what you want."

"More than anything." Lena said. Why was Kara acting this way? Lena wondered what had happened to the confident woman Lena was talking to only hours ago?

Kara pushed the door open and waited for Lena to join.

"You go ahead. It's best if we don't come back at the same time."

"See you out there." Kara said and disappeared.

Lena walked to her desk and called the on-duty head of building security.

"Good evening, Ms. Luthor. What can I do for you?"

"Good evening, Frank. Tell me, was there any strange occurrence during arrivals tonight?"

"Nothing that I noticed."

"Will you please review the recordings from all the building cameras from this evening?"

"Of course, ma'am. Is there anything specific I should be looking for?"

"No. If you see anything out of the ordinary, please call me on my cell."

"Yes ma'am."

"Thank you, Frank." Lena hung up the phone and headed back to the party. Something wasn't right and she was determined to figure out what it was.

Once she returned she spotted Alex and Sam at a table and made her way over.

"Hey, Lena, great party!" Alex smiled widely at her.

"Thanks, Alex." She said, distractedly. "Mind if I sit?"

"Please do."

"Alex, did anything unusual happen before you came or on your way to the party tonight?"

"Not really. Why do you ask?"

"Kara just seems...a bit distracted."

"Hmmm. Well, she did run into an ex on the way in."

"Do you mind if I ask who?"

"Not at all. It's Mikel Daxam. He's with Daxam Industries."

"Did he say something to her?"

"I don't think so. We kind of rushed in to avoid him and I haven't seen them together."

"I guess she's avoiding him because it was a bad break up?"

"Yes. It went on and on. Kara really wanted out, but he was very persistent. While they were together he always seemed so charming and caring towards Kara. But when she tried to break it off he became a real asshole."

"Was it a recent breakup?"

"Not really, it's been quite a while." Alex said. "But she hasn't really been in a serious relationship since."

Lena's eyes went wide with that news. She thought she had her answer to why Kara was acting strangely, remembering what Kara had said about her relationship with an abusive alpha. She felt her blood run cold as she scanned the room. She finally spotted Kara across the room in the middle of a group of people. She tried to stay calm as she felt her alpha raging at the thought that someone in the room had hurt Kara. Someone she had invited.

"Lena. Is everything alright? Your face just went white." Sam asked, looking at her with worry.

Lena didn't respond so Sam touched her arm.

"What?" Lena jumped but kept her eyes on Kara.

"Are you OK?"

At that moment Lena noticed Mikel trying to edge into the group surrounding Kara, with a friendly smile on his face.

"Please excuse me." She said, not bothering to even look at Sam and Alex, and made a beeline across the room.

When she made it to the group she could hear Mikel telling an rambling story about his days as a soccer player. She edged in next to Kara so that their arms were touching. Kara glanced over, surprised to see her. Lena could smell anger and some fear rolling off of Kara. That was all the evidence she needed.

Once Mikel finished his story Lena broke in.

"Mr. Daxam. Might I have a word with you? In private."

"Of course! But please, call me Mike." He said with a charming smile as he stepped away from the group.

"Indeed. Well, I have to admit, one of the reasons I've invited you and your company tonight was to gauge your interest in sponsoring the Spirit. Would you be willing to come to my office to see my proposal?"

"Um, well. Sure. But, could Kara come along? I haven't seen her in ages. And she's probably interested in any proposal to support her team, right?"

Lena looked at Kara to see what she thought about the idea.

"I'd like to come."

"Great!" He said enthusiastically. "Lead the way."

Lena led them both out through the door to the balcony, all the way back to her office and let them in. Lena resisted the urge to take Kara's hand along the way, not wanting to tip anyone off as to their relationship.

After letting them both into her office she closed the door. Kara stood looking at wide-eyed at them both. Lena tried to give her a reassuring look before turning to examine Mikel closely and remained quiet.

Several moments passed before he spoke up, sounding awkward. "So, uh, you wanted to show me something?"



"No. But I did want to speak you. Alone."

"OK, well, here I am!" He said, but was starring at Kara.

Lena took one last look at Kara. The look on her face reassured her that this was the alpha that had hurt her.

"Yes. Mr. Daxam, I wanted to ask, or rather, demand, that you never speak to Kara again." Lena was taking deep breaths, trying to keep herself calm.

"What the...?"

Lena interrupted him. "I don't want you to speak to or come near Kara again. Ever."

"Who the hell do you think you are to tell me to stay away from her?"

"I know what you did. And I don't want you anywhere near her."

"What I did? What did she tell you?" He said, looking over at Kara angrily. "I don't know what she told you, but she's lying!"

"You know what you did!" Kara said angrily.

"Kara, what are you talking about?"

"Don't try to gaslight me, Mikel! You hurt me and you know it. In fact, the doctor said my eye will never fully heal. And here you are, approaching me at my party?"

"I just wanted to congratulate you on the championship! And you know I never meant to hurt you. Sometimes I just needed to...take a strong hand." He turned away from Kara and looked at Lena. "You know how it is sometimes with omegas, right?"

Lena growled involuntarily but tried to maintain her composure. She could feel her blood boiling in her veins.

Mikel took a step back, his eyes wide with surprise. He then turned to Kara, his lips curled into a surly grin.

"Oh, I get it. You're fucking her, aren't you?" He asked Kara angrily and took steps towards her. "Now it all makes sense."

At that Lena couldn't restrain herself any longer. In two strides she had both her hands wrapped his neck, her thumbs pressing down on his windpipe. He reeled back in shock and gripped her hands, trying to get loose. She assaulted him with dominant pheromones and was pleased to feel his grip loosen as he became overwhelmed. She continued to press harder, feeling herself lose control to her alpha. Mikel began to squirm and make strangled sounds.

"Lena! Lena, let him go!" She heard Kara, but it sounded like she was in a tunnel, far away. All she could see was red. Next she felt Kara's arms wrapping around her from behind and gripping her arms. Lena froze but didn't release him.

"Lena, please..." Kara spoke in her ear, keeping her grip. Lena detected pheromones Kara was releasing to calm her.

"He...hurt...you..." Lena stammered.

"I'm fine, Lena. He can't hurt me anymore. Let him go. He's not worth it!" Kara continued to talk her down until Lena released him with a shove backwards. Mikel stumbled back until he hit Lena's desk. He leaned against it and tried to catch his breath.

Lena was also trying to catch her breath. She came down enough to be shocked at her own behavior, but not enough to regret it.

"You're both fucking crazy!" He yelled, rubbing his neck in pain.

Lena finally regained her voice. "You may be right about that. But that doesn't change what is going to happen next."

"What's going to happen? What the hell are you talking about?"

"What I'm talking about is that I'm ceasing all partnerships and agreements between our organizations, just as soon as I am legally able to sever any and all connections."

"Ha! Why should I care? I make my money either way."

"I believe your mother might care. If you knew anything about your company you would know that L-Corp is one of your most important partners. But for us, well, Daxam is just a small fish in our sea." Despite her fury, Lena was able to make her voice sound clear and calm.

"I imagine your mother will want to know why she's losing all connections with L-Corp and the substantial income she makes through those connections. And she will very likely ask me why that's happening. What you do next will help determine what I tell her. It's going to be costly for your company. Who knows, it could eventually even effect your own bottom line. The money that you do seem to care about."

"What I do next?"

"What you are going to do next, or rather, what you will not be doing, is come anywhere near Kara again. Ever. " Lena looked him dead in the eye. "That includes any and all soccer matches where Kara's team is playing. And that includes any events where she or her team is scheduled to make an appearance. All private or public gatherings. And that includes just happening to run into her on the street. What I'm telling you is that if you see her anywhere, it is in your best interest to turn and quickly move in the opposite direction."

"Or what? You can't tell me what to do..."

"If I find out you've spoken to her, or come anywhere near her, the first thing I'll do is inform your mother about what you did to Kara, and let her know it's the reason for the end of the business relationship between Daxam and L-Corp. The next thing I'll do is reach out to my close business partners and push them to dump Daxam as well. Who do you think they're more interested in keeping happy - Daxam Industries, or L-Corp?"

Lena smirked at his wide-eyed realization of what that could mean.

"But it won't end with doing what I can to hurt you professionally. I will make it my personal mission to ruin you. Not Daxam Industries, but you. What do you think that might do to your 'eligible bachelor' reputation if it gets out that you abuse women? Your carefree playboy lifestyle will be over."

"And speaking of, I am also making it my mission to make sure you never hurt another woman again. I'm assigning my best people to this." Lena said, purposely sounding mysterious. "Just keep in mind that they may be watching you at any time. You will never even know it. I recommend, you start treating women correctly, or you will pay dearly."

She could see he was furious, but also that the cold realization was dawning on him. She could see the fight dying in him as he thought through what it could mean if she followed through on her threats.

"You know I have the power to do it. And if you doubt it, you're about to find out for sure."

"You can't prove anything."

"I don't need to prove anything. I can ruin you in the press without an ounce of evidence, and you know it."

Mikel looked one more time at Kara. "Kara please. This is crazy. Tell her I didn't do anything!" He pleaded, taking a step towards Kara.

Lena gave off a low, but vicious growl. Mikel quickly retreated from Kara.

"When we were together, you had me too scared and embarrassed to talk to anyone." Kara spoke up, looking straight at him. "But that's not true anymore. In fact, I relish the chance to expose you for what you are. Now, it's time for you to go, Mikel."

He looked in disbelief from one woman to the other. Lena stepped close to him, looking menacing but keeping her clenched fists at her sides, doing everything she could to control her violent urges. He jerked back at her quick movement.

"OK, OK. I'm leaving."

At that Lena took a step back to give him a clear path to the door. He looked back and forth between the two women, then finally moved towards the door.

"Remember what I said, Mr. Daxam. There won't be any more warnings." Lena said watching him go. "And I don't want to see you, or your mother when I get back to the party. Tell her whatever you want. I want you both gone."

When the door closed behind him, Lena turned to look at Kara and saw her sit down heavily on the couch. Lena moved quickly to kneel in front of her. Lena took her hands and looked imploringly into her eyes. She saw tears streaming down Kara's cheeks and reached to wipe them away.

"I'm so sorry, Kara. I shouldn't have...I should have talked to you first. I just couldn't...when I realized he was here, I couldn't stand it. I couldn't bear the thought that he was here at my invitation, right there, smiling at you like nothing had happened. So close to you. I just...I couldn't stop..."

"How did you know?" Kara asked quietly.

"I just...when we were here in the office earlier, I could tell something wasn't right. Then when Alex told me he was your ex and your most recent serious relationship...and then, well, I could smell your fear and rage when I came over. I promise, I never planned to touch him. When he moved towards you in an aggressive way...I just lost it."

Kara stayed quiet, looking overwhelmed.

"I'm sorry if I scared you. I know you're worried about bad alpha behavior..."

"It's OK, Lena. I understand."

"I'm not really sure you do, Kara. I'm not even sure I understand it myself. For me this isn't about being a badass alpha. This is about you. Only you. I can't explain it, Kara. It's like, no matter what my brain says and understands, my alpha...my alpha wants to protect you at all costs. The thought of someone hurting you...makes me so angry, it gives me physical pain. When I realized Mikel was the person that hurt you, it felt like my blood was boiling in my veins."

"Lena, we haven't even been on a date yet. How can that be?"

"I know. I know it sounds crazy! I'm just trying to explain what happened. I'm so sorry if I scared you with my violent behavior. You have to know I would never hurt you."

Kara closed her eyes and wiped her tears, then looked up to Lena. "Of course I know that, Lena. It's just, I have a lot of thinking to do." Kara said.

Lena's head dropped, not able to look at Kara as she waited for what she would say next. Kara cupped her chin and lifted Lena's face to look her in the eye. "Lena, I have to admit, it was an incredible feeling watching you. I felt very...protected and...proud, I guess. Almost like you were my..."

Lena looked at her hopefully.

"I was going to say...my alpha."

Lena inhaled sharply in surprise.

"And I know it's so wrong to feel that way. It was just something primal that happened, without thinking. It's scares me..."

"It's OK to feel that way, Kara..."

"But we're better than our biology, Lena. We have to be."

"We can be, we can do this together..."

"Wait, please. Let me finish." Kara said gently. "What I learned tonight from my reaction to Mikel, the fear, the anger, it shows that, despite all the therapy and work I've done, I haven't fully processed what happened with him. I think that's why I keep having these insecure feelings. Getting jealous and mistrustful of you when you haven't done anything to deserve that."

"It's OK, Kara. I understand those feelings. All I want is a chance to prove myself."

"The thing is, you shouldn't have to. I just, need some time to work this out. To fully process what happened and take some positive actions. If I jump right into something new...I'll never do it."

"Please, Kara. Please don't say what I think you're going to say." Lena whispered, dropping her head down to rest on top of their joined hands on Kara's lap.

Kara reached out and soothed her fingers through the back of Lena's hair. "No. No, Lena. I'm not saying I don't want a relationship with you. I'm just saying, I need to slow down. There are some things I need to deal with first."

"We can go as slow as you want, Kara. We can do whatever you need." Lena said, her voice pleading.

"But any time we get near each other we end up...fucking like animals..." Kara chuckled mirthlessly. "I just...I'm not sure we can go slow."

"We can, Kara. If that's what you need, we'll figure out a way to go slow." Lena said, looking into Kara's eye "We can do whatever you want. Just, please, give us a chance. Please don't send me away.""

Lena realized she was crying when Kara wiped her tears.

"I couldn't...I mean, I won't. I promised to give us a chance. I want us to have a chance. I know you're worth the risk, Lena. Everything you've done...helping me in my career, protecting me from scandal and horrible exes, taking care of me. Lena, you're my...you're my hero."

Lena smiled wetly through her tears, her heart lurching at Kara's words. "Why do I sense a 'but' coming?"

"Something else I realized tonight, not just that I need to really process what he did, but I also have to confront him."


"I don't mean in person, necessarily. But I need to do what I can to make him understand what he did. Maybe he really thinks what he did was OK, like he claimed tonight. I need to do more. To stop what could happen to someone in his next relationship. If it doesn't work, well, at least I tried. What I've done so far hasn't been enough. Mainly I just tried to get away from him. I have to try to make him understand. Try to stop him from hurting others."

"I want to help you, Kara."

"Try to understand, Lena. This is something I have to do myself. I think it's best that you are not involved. That will only make the situation more volatile."

"I'll do whatever you ask, Kara. I promise I won't take things into my own hands..."

"Just...I need some space...to get this figured out. I really do want to put this behind me." Kara said, looking into Lena's eyes. "So that I can be ready for you."

Lena's eyes went wide and she looked at Kara hopefully. "Really?"

"Yes, Lena. This last week, being so far from you after planning to be together..it's helped me understand that I don't want to be apart from you. I want to get to know you. All of you. I want us to have a chance. More than anything. And I'm going to do the work needed so that I can be in the right place to do that."

Lena was torn between wanting to help and protect Kara, but knowing she had to let her go. She needed to stand on her own.

"I understand, Kara." Lena said.

"Thank you, Lena." Kara kissed Lena briefly and then leaned away and glanced at her watch. "Wow, I guess we better get back."

"Kara, don't worry about going back to the party. It's getting late and you've had a long night. You can leave by my elevator and I'll have my driver take you home."

"I can't do that Lena, it's like you said, this is my party!"

But Lena could tell her heart wasn't in it, that she was exhausted and wanted to go home.

"I'd say you've given enough, Kara. Enough for your teammates, your city, your family. Just...go home."

Lena cupped Kara's cheek, resisting the urge to kiss her good-bye. It would be too easy to let it become more.

"OK. Thanks Lena."

Lena stepped back and pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket. In moments she'd arranged for her driver to meet Kara in her underground garage so that she could exit without being seen.

"I'll let Alex know you've left." Lena said. She took Kara's hand and led her to her private elevator and pushed the button. They stayed quiet waiting for it to arrive.

The doors open and Lena raised Kara's hand to give it a kiss.

"Good-bye, Kara."

"This isn't good-bye, Lena. I promise." At that Kara stepped into the elevator and hit the button to go down.

Lena watched the doors close and resisted the urge to call her back. Resisted the urge to ask when she would see her again. She knew Kara couldn't answer that question. She knew she had to let her go. She knew she had to trust that Kara would come back to her.

It was one of the hardest things she'd had to do. As Kara disappeared behind the doors, Lena knew she was in for a painful time of waiting and wondering. Wondering how Kara was, whether she was safe, when she would see her again. But she knew Kara was worth it. She understood that Kara needed to do this for herself, for others, even to help their chances to be together. Still, it hurt to see her go. Thinking about the long days and nights to come, she whispered to herself:

"Oh. Fuck..."