

Chen Xu's computer was lost, so he came up with an idea. He took a thick piece of paper and wrote the following paragraph with black ink that wouldn't fade easily: "My descendants, I am your ancestor Chen Xu. The time now is September 1, 2006, Beijing time, 12:07 PM. Today, your ancestor encountered the most miserable event of his life... On the first day of my university, my laptop worth eight thousand yuan was stolen. If you are my descendants, please help your ancestor with something. If the legendary time machine has appeared in your era, then please send a laptop to the time period I am in now. The address is Room 207, Building 14, HeXie University, XX Province, XX City." One minute later, a computer from the future descended from the sky...

DaoistELiy3V · Fantasía
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a month

This month's life can be described as "painful and happy".

Almost every morning at eight o'clock, the animals gather in the computer room of the student activity room. This is even more punctual than class! Then I worked until 11:30, and the takeout ordered by Chen Xu over the phone was delivered. I rested until 2:30 in the afternoon... because everyone had to take a nap at this time. If they didn't take a nap, they would have to take a nap throughout the afternoon and evening. The brain simply cannot handle high-intensity work.

At this time, we have to praise our Chen Xu's little brains. The "RPG Game Modifier Master" he gave Gao Xiaojie included a small piece of music called a lullaby. This lullaby is also the result of future technology. What you hear after clicking on it is a very soothing music, but this music contains information that can affect the subconscious mind of the human brain and accelerate sleep.

Although it cannot achieve Xiao Min's effect of directly putting people into deep sleep through radio waves, it can still make these animals fall asleep in a short period of time, and then be woken up by the alarm clock at 2:30. And this group of people slept very, very comfortably!

Therefore, many animals want to copy this music and put it into MP3, so that they can fall asleep quickly at night, but they find that they cannot copy this music no matter what, so they have no choice but to do nothing.

With lullabies, a nap can make the animals energetic. The work meal ordered by Chen Xu was also generous in portion, with meat and vegetables, good taste and generous portion. Basically, the total cost of a meal for each person was fifteen yuan, and this money was shared between Chen Xu and Zhan Jing. , calculated in one month, dozens of families spent a total of tens of thousands of dollars on food.

Chen Xu and Zhan Jing thought it didn't matter when they saw such money, but Gao Xiaojie felt that he owed too many people. But at this time Liu Sha said that it would be okay to eat better. It was only tens of thousands of yuan. I kept the invoices. When our game started, we would go directly to the school for reimbursement. I would definitely reimburse it. Damn it, you don't know that the nutrition subsidies for the athletes preparing for the Universiade cost hundreds of dollars a day. We can create a sensation and earn enough face for the school, so reimbursement is trivial.

In this month, Chen Xu also experienced this struggle with everyone, and he felt very good.

Chen Xu can be regarded as a relatively ordinary person. Except for his experience of getting a supercomputer this time, his first half of life was similar to that of many ordinary people. I had no worries about food and clothing since I was a child, and then went to elementary school, junior high school, and high school. Although I had some hobbies on weekdays, what I worked hardest on was probably when faced with the cramming education, I was alone in the sea of questions and worked hard on the questions.

Children who grow up in such a living environment are criticized by many elders as the beat generation, thinking that they have never struggled or endured hardship. You can even ask contemporary college students, at least half of them do not have a definite goal. , and I have never worked hard for a non-learning goal that I hope for.

This month, a group of people almost ate and drank together. No one went home during the National Day holiday. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone got together for a night off and had a dinner together to share mooncakes...

It only took twenty days for this game to be successfully produced.

In order to keep improving, in the next ten days, everyone repeatedly cleared all the plots of the game, talked to all NPCs, tried all the martial arts moves, found all the bugs and fixed them...

But in the morning of October 28th, I saw that "RPG Game Production Master" suddenly disappeared from all computers, as if it had never appeared before. Looking at the 2.45G game installation file, everyone was confused. Unable to help but cheer, Chen Xu and Wu Yuan even brought a large bottle of champagne from the supermarket and opened it, as well as more than a dozen boxes of beer brought from the computer room. While everyone was cheering, they were also grateful to the SMMH master and his help. .

But these people don't know that the SMMH master they admire, Chen Xu, is also grateful to them in his heart at this time.

Because this is the first time in Chen Xu's life that he has enjoyed the happiness of success after struggle. This happiness has nothing to do with money or boring study. It is so interesting, so memorable, so hard, but you can feel so sweet after the hard work.

Presumably, the students who participated in this work will never forget this month in their lives.

On October 31, 2006, the China Digital Entertainment Industry Summit Forum was held at the International Convention and Exhibition Center in this city. There were more than 50 large and medium-sized game and entertainment companies at home and abroad who participated in this forum, including Shanda, The9 , NetEase and other heavyweight companies.

The purpose of this summit forum is to promote game products, expand game peripherals, and cosplay performances, attracting a large number of players and businesses.

Yinfeng International Entertainment Co., Ltd. is one of them.

It should be said that before this, Yinfeng Entertainment was just an inconspicuous medium-sized company among the thousands of game companies in China, but just before they received an injection of capital and technical support, they immediately became a big name. stand up.

The "Shushan Swordsman Legend" game developed in cooperation with Single Machine Network this time is the work that Yinfeng Entertainment is preparing to become a signature product. The board of directors of Yinfeng Entertainment unanimously believes that if you want to make a product popular, you cannot rely solely on domestic piracy. Nowadays, domestic piracy is so rampant that it will be a question of how many people will buy the game CD after it is printed. Yinfeng happens to have sales channels in Europe and the United States, so it plans to make "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" into an international classic RPG game that is acceptable to both Chinese and Western cultures, similar to "The Elder Scrolls".

Although this idea and desire is beautiful, the gap between reality and desire is often very large, often to an unimaginable extent...

For similar questions, look at Chen Kaige's "The Promise", and later Feng Xiaogang's "The Night Banquet", Lao Mouzi's "The City Is Full of Golden Armor" and "Ambush from Flying Daggers".

One blockbuster after another, the scenes are dazzling and grand, the cast is even more terrifying, and the money invested is simply astonishing. One or two pretentious directors and screenwriters insist on leading the fashion trend and lamely merging Eastern and Western cultures together. I wonder what the story in the film is about? Of course, if movie fans can't understand it, that's a problem with the fans' own level of appreciation…

The same is true for "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman". It was originally a purely oriental fairy tale production by Master Huanzhu Louzhu, but it had to add lame Western vampires and werewolves and Eastern European-style magical colors. As a result, the entire plot was shattered into pieces!

It's not that no one has noticed this. Many editors on the single-player network grew up playing games. They really don't know what to say when faced with this kind of plot. But the problem is that Yinfeng's senior management thinks this script is very good and more in line with Western tastes, so the editors can't say anything at all.

Why do the oriental-colored games made in China cater to Westerners' tastes? The plot of "The Banquet" is completely an Eastern version of Hamlet, but a certain great director himself did not understand the cultural differences between the East and the West. The so-called country in ancient times in the West was, at best, just a small city or territory, where life-and-death fights over a woman would happen. But in ancient China, how could such disputes in the palaces of small countries happen?

Movies and games, after all, are just telling stories, but the methods of telling stories are different.

Lin Guopeng is the plenipotentiary representative of Yinfeng Entertainment attending the summit forum this time. He is the general manager of the public relations department of the company. In order to succeed in participating in the forum this time, Lin Guopeng was very busy. Prior to this, "The Legend of Shushan Swordsmen" had been promoted through various means, including various media and game magazines. The suppression of Gao Xiaojie's "The Legend of Jin Yong" also came from him.

Of course, Lin Guopeng had never imagined what kind of trouble this "Jin Yong Heroes" would bring to him. In his opinion, it was just a propaganda method. What background could a rubbish working group have? If you suppress it, you suppress it.

Lin Guopeng's public relations effect is indeed good. The gunman articles in major media in the past month have made many players express their expectations for the game, and the screenshots of the game posted online have made stand-alone gamers even more excited. Crazy... After all, the graphics of this game are really good, and when today's players play games, the first thing they look at is the graphics.

For this summit forum, Lin Guopeng also made a lot of arrangements.

The first is to invite some players to the site for trial play, and also specially invite a group of beautiful and handsome models to perform cosplay performances of the characters in the game, and prepare special and valuable souvenirs to give to the players.

These things require money to be poured into them. Just for such a summit forum, Lin Guopeng mobilized more than three million funds to invest in it, and rented the largest booth alone. It is bound to make this event a great event, increase the hype, and become an instant hit!

Lin Guopeng's ideas are all good. This kind of marketing method is really worthy of Shi Yuzhu's true biography. If nothing unexpected happens, the sales volume of "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" should be very impressive, just like the box office of "The Promise" , but as for word of mouth, that is not within Lin Guopeng's consideration.

But what Lin Guopeng didn't expect was that he had suppressed the rubbish works of a rubbish production team, but it had brought him endless trouble...

Opposite the huge booth of Yinfeng Entertainment, a group of guys dressed like beggars are working hard...