
Super Red Dragon

“He said… I wasn't the real hero… He was wrong. I just forgot for a little while… We all forgot…don't let them forgot again…”. The last words of Conner. But, what if he has a new chance? New life? Even in another universe? Let's watch how Conner (ex-Super Boy) will live and fight as Kazuki Hyoudou (Sekiryuutei).

Julian_Clyne · Cómic
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20 Chs

A Voice

Kilometers from the Tokyo Tower. During the conversation between the four strangers, at the Hyoudou family residence. Kazuki is already in his bed sleeping, however, he is not having a peaceful and calm sleep. Similar to years ago when he recalled his past life tonight he is having a strange dream, it was not a dream in which he was a character, but about a great war. Three different groups, the power levels of their troops are equivalent, making it stop for a moment. However, something new happens, two existences of huge power appear, and a terrible battle begins on the battlefield of the three groups, losses begin to appear in the three armies as a side effect of the battle of both existences. Kazuki watches everything and can't distinguish what they are, just realize that one looked white like the Arctic snow and the other looked red as erupted magma. For a reason that he cannot explain, he feels a closeness to red existence, as if red existence called him. At that time, the three armies decided to come together and stop the two existences, giving an end to the chaos caused by them. Kazuki feels his heart accelerate even in a dream, and then he hears a distant but powerful voice.

{Voice}: Boy !!! Time is coming, a little more, and you will be ready !!! Just wait and you will know real power…

In front of Kazuki's eyes, the battlefield, the three groups and the two existences disappear in a red explosion. Kazuki wakes up, the silence of the room is the same as when he slept, but his brain is more awake than anyone in the residence.

{Kazuki}: What was that dream?!? It's not part of my memories… And that voice… Will I be ready soon? Ready for what?

Even if he wanted to sleep, Kazuki couldn't sleep tonight. The dream and words of that voice did not leave his mind until dawn.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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