
Super power 2

Perhaps all these dangerous ideas came from that innocent girl which led to a radical change in humanity

khadija_el · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Mom, I'm half a body, don't you see me

Mom laughed, joking with me, I don't have time for him, come have breakfast..

Mom, I'm not kidding, I lost half my body. look, I'm walking in the air without legs

The mother laughed again, didn't I tell you that you were going crazy early

She fell silent and is in shock how my mother watches me with my whole body and I see myself with half

This is really crazy. maybe mom's right.

She finished her breakfast after changing the subject of losing her half because she made sure that convincing her mother of what had happened to her was a waste of time..

I decided to go out into the street to see how people watch her, she went out and the shock was greater than the sight of her body, strange creatures of various shapes, including those who walk with half a body, and those who are cut off all the limbs, only the head remained, and she tried to stop one of them, but to no avail when she

Did I inform the police and how did I convince them and I couldn't even convince my mom at home

I myself can no longer believe anything that is happening around me

She felt like she was in an endless nightmare..

She sat on the floor and kept thinking about what she was going to do everything changed in a day and a night she let out a scream that echoed loudly and increased her fear..

She came home absent-minded

Hello Dad Hello Mom How Are you

These were the words that Aline shared with her parents, and then she went into her room thinking and thinking maybe she would find an explanation for the situation she was living. https://www.patreon.com/posts/chapter-9-86105635



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