

Good evening everyone, my name is Maria, and I'm going to start off today's session topic by sharing a story about a success principle

I hope that after joining SKP, all the doubts of all of you will dissipate and be replaced by a spirit of upward mobility and hope, and that we will lead a better life in the future.

American movie superstar Stallone was exceptionally down and out more than ten years ago, with only $100 left on his body, he couldn't even afford to rent a house and had to sleep on top of a park bench. But he was determined to become an actor, and very confidently applied for a job at a movie studio in New York💪💪

There were 500 movie studios in New York at the time, all of which rejected him because of his questionable looks and slurred speech. He later wrote the screenplay for Rocky, took over the sales of the script, and continued to be ridiculed and mocked, being rejected a total of 1,855 times.👍🏻👍🏻

Finally, one day, he met the president of the movie company who was willing to do the script for Rocky. But the other party asked him not to let him make the movie, and finally, at Stallone's repeated insistence, he agreed

So, can you face 1,855 rejections and still not give up?

Did you succeed? Or did you fail. When you want to give up on your dreams, ask yourself, have you been rejected 1,855 times?

Why do we need to work hard to earn money? It's because we don't want our future to be an uncertainty, to make life better so that we have enough wealth to enjoy it, the world is beautiful so we need to work hard to feel the beauty of the world☺️☺️

When it comes to money, money is not everything, but it gives enough security to be brave when we are in trouble. And also for a better life in the future

I think everyone would like to live in the environment on the left side of the picture

A fisherman was bathing by the sea when a rich man came up to him and said:

Why don't you go fishing?

The fisherman said: why should I fish?

The rich man said: you can make more money by fishing

The fisherman says: What do I earn so much money for?

The rich man says: Your money can buy a bigger boat

The fisherman said, Why should I buy a big boat?

The rich man said, "This way you can earn more money." **

*The fisherman said, What next?*

*The rich man said, You can sunbathe in the sea like I'm doing now.*

*"I'm sunbathing right now!" The fisherman said.

The life of a fisherman, like us, seems uneventful. If a storm comes one day and the fishing gear is gone, will you still be able to relax and enjoy the sunshine? You might say, buy it when it's gone, but how can you buy it if you don't have the money?

To most of us, having a stable job with a steady paycheck every month is satisfying enough, and we don't need to think about saving money, as long as we have enough to spend. But can you guarantee that you and your family will be free from diseases and disasters, free from accidents? We never know which comes first, tomorrow? Or the accident

In fact, our goal is not to decide how much money to make, but to have enough ability to face the unknown risks, have enough confidence and capital to face the "wind and waves"

Currently, there are 4 tiers of cloud computing machines*

*The rent for a M1 Cloud Machine is $10. Daily profit is $1. The computing power is active for 20 days*

*The rent for an M2 cloud machine is $30. Daily profit is $1.2. The computing power is active for 45 days*

*An M3 cloud machine rents for $50. Daily profit is $2. The arithmetic is active for 60 days*

*An M4 cloud machine rents for $80. Earn $4 per day. The math is active for 100 days.

Not every miner can be rented all the time (all miners will automatically go offline if they are sold out), but you can rent 4 different models of miners at the same time to increase your daily profit, so I believe your friends will be willing to join your team when they see your high daily profit again, so our team profit will be further increased

I've also had a couple members ask me. What if the $10 miner expires? Can I renew the lease?

I'll get back to you here. Today, not all miners can be renewed upon expiration, and due to the large number of miners SKP has, each device has a corresponding idle quota❤️

This is because SKP has many new members joining every day. In order to ensure that each new member has miners of all levels available for hire. So we have the same number of miners for hire per member as 1.

Everyone's goal at SKP is to make money. If the $10 miner doesn't have an idle share. You can actually hire other miners for $30 or $50 or even $80. I'm sure you'll understand that when you have a bigger miner in use, then the more profitable your miner will be!🤑🤑

Now let me explain the second part of the function: (Team Profit)

Invite a new member to become a member now and you'll get a $2-$4 cash bonus*

*At the same time, the new member you invite is a Level 1 member. You will get 10% of your first level member's earnings permanently (without affecting others' earnings)

The member your first class member invited is your second class member, you will get 4% of the second class member's income permanently

The member your second class member invited is a third class member, you will permanently get 2% of the income of the third class member

As you can see, some people in the group have become admins. And we are recruiting more good admins who will make more money here. We are a group. I hope every member of this group gives their strength and sincerity. I want to help every member here can make a lot of money. In six months or even a year, I want to see most of the members here owning a car. It is our common desire to change our lives. That's the kind of life we need to work together to create, and each person in charge must help the group members grow and make money as quickly as possible.💪💪

When you regularly share this information with your first level members, your members gain experience, the process of inviting members becomes progressively easier, your team size naturally grows, and you naturally make more and more money

This is why some members have an easy time inviting friends and some have a hard time inviting friends. Knowing the above points, I believe tonight's meeting will help you a lot. And start to form your own team to set up your own group to get your weekly salary and even get a better promotion in SKP!

Many people in the Philippine nation are still in poverty. But we are the only ones who can change that, and we can't depend on anyone, because right now, if you don't try to live the life you want. You will spend a lot of time later living this life that you don't want.

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going, and behind every easy smile there is a gnashing of teeth in the soul. No one will pay for our future, that's life. Our destiny is in our own hands and the choice to be poor or rich is entirely up to us

I assume you attended today's meeting. If you have a great way to make money, you will also tell all your relatives and friends, because all your actions will not only increase the income of your friends, but also change the course of your life from now on.👍🏻👍🏻

I think everyone aspires to a rich man's life, but not everyone can always walk on the rich man's path. There is no miracle of success, only trajectory; success does not depend on conditions, but only on faith

That concludes our business for today. Good night